The steps below assume you have reviewed feedback as noted in the Reviewing Feedback job aid. To correct narratives marked ‘Needs Correction,’ please do the following.
- From the ‘View Feedback’ page, scroll to review the feedback provided.
- Select the direct link from the feedback to open the narrative that requires correction.
- Select the ‘Edit’ button.
- Scroll to the content field under ‘Enter Narrative (*required).’ Select inside the content field to edit the narrative.
- When edits are complete, edit the status accordingly.
- While still in edit mode, navigate below the narrative.
- Choose the option 'Update the status to ‘Correction Complete.’'
- Select the ‘Save’ button.
- If you are in view mode, navigate below the narrative, and select the '+' to expand the Change the Status of this Narrative box.
- Choose the option 'Update the status to ‘Correction Complete.’'
- Select 'Make this Change.'
- While still in edit mode, navigate below the narrative.
⚠️ Only navigate using left and right arrows after selecting the ‘Save’ button.
- To correct additional narratives, if applicable, select the section name at the top of the page, then select ‘View Feedback,’ and repeat the process.
- You can also use Next and Previous navigation links.
After all narratives have been corrected, you can return the section for federal review by following steps in the Completing a Corrected Section job aid.