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You Must Identify the Program Areas for Which the State Has Technical Skill Assessments, the Estimated Percentage of Cte Students Who Take Technical Skill Assessments, and the State’s Plan for Increasing the Coverage of Programs and Students Reported in Future Program Years.PY 2016
Measuring Secondary and Postsecondary Technical Skill Attainment
o It is the state’s expectation that consortia with state–approved programs of study in the five career pathways included in the project pilot discussed above will assess CTE students using the state approved assessments beginning in the 2010–2011 year. As assessments are approved for additional career pathways, those assessments will be included in accountability reporting beginning with each effective year.
o Consortia with state approved programs of study are to select at least one assessment from the state app...
You Must Identify the Program Areas for Which the State Has Technical Skill Assessments, the Estimated Percentage of Cte Students Who Take Technical Skill Assessments, and the State’s Plan for Increasing the Coverage of Programs and Students Reported in Future Program Years.PY 2016
Secondary Workforce Development Program Assessment Secondary programs will use a state developed system of career technical testing called the Ohio Career Technical Competency Assessment (OCTCA). Beginning in FY08 OCTCA includes third party, state developed tests and selected state and industry assessments that are aligned to ODE’s Career Field Technical Content Standards. All OCTCA state and industry assessments meet tests of validity, reliability and usability. A listing of current assessments for secondary and adult programs can be found on Perkins Act Attachment 3.
The Ohio Departme...
You Must Identify the Program Areas for Which the State Has Technical Skill Assessments, the Estimated Percentage of Cte Students Who Take Technical Skill Assessments, and the State’s Plan for Increasing the Coverage of Programs and Students Reported in Future Program Years.PY 2016
Technical Skill Attainment is defined as an industry recognized certificate or credential earned through an approved CTE program of study which holds value at the professional level, postsecondary level, or in an associate or baccalaureate degree program. All CTE programs of study are required to identify and support the implementation of TSA measures for all concentrator students. Measures for TSA are identified based on employer demand and associated value at the postsecondary level. Measuresareidentified at the state or local level and are included in the CTE program of study approval pr...
You Must Identify the Program Areas for Which the State Has Technical Skill Assessments, the Estimated Percentage of Cte Students Who Take Technical Skill Assessments, and the State’s Plan for Increasing the Coverage of Programs and Students Reported in Future Program Years.PY 2016
The definitions are included on the form provided in Part C.
Data for the required core indicators are provided in Part C. The baseline data that is required of states submitting a transition plan are provided. The state is using the AMOs for those indicators measuring academic performance and graduation rate. All other indicators evidence a performance level developed as described above. These are located on the form provided in Part C. BCTE is in the process of aligning approved program areas to an industry based third party national assessment. Barring unforeseen circumstances, it...
New Hampshire
The State Must Conduct Public Hearings in the State, After Appropriate and Sufficient Notice, for the Purpose of Affording All Segments of the Public and Interested Organizations and Groups (including Charter School Authorizers and Organizers Consistent with State Law, Employers, Labor Organizations, Parents, Students, and Community Organizations), an Opportunity to Present Their Views and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Plan. (section 122(a)(3)) PY 2016
It should be noted that the New Hampshire’s Perkins (CDB) State Plan submitted herein is a completed state plan, originally submitted in 2008 in response to the requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act of 2006 (Public Law 109 270 ). Therefore, goals set forth within said plan have been accomplished and New Hampshire has moved beyond the goals within. As the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 is pending reauthorization, this plan carries throughout the life of the current legislation. Advanced goals and initiatives have been identifi...
The State Must Conduct Public Hearings in the State, After Appropriate and Sufficient Notice, for the Purpose of Affording All Segments of the Public and Interested Organizations and Groups (including Charter School Authorizers and Organizers Consistent with State Law, Employers, Labor Organizations, Parents, Students, and Community Organizations), an Opportunity to Present Their Views and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Plan. (section 122(a)(3)) PY 2016
Public Hearings were held on January 29, February 5, February 12, and February 21, 2008. See Appendix A for complete listings.
The State Must Conduct Public Hearings in the State, After Appropriate and Sufficient Notice, for the Purpose of Affording All Segments of the Public and Interested Organizations and Groups (including Charter School Authorizers and Organizers Consistent with State Law, Employers, Labor Organizations, Parents, Students, and Community Organizations), an Opportunity to Present Their Views and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Plan. (section 122(a)(3)) PY 2016
Perkins IV requires Career and Technical Education (CTE) to have a renewed and strengthened focus on collaborative partnerships and the development and implementation of programs of academidc and technical preparation spanning secondary and postsecondary education. To promote this heightened expectation of collaboration between secondary and postsecondary CTE, the following guiding principles became instrumental in moving CTE forward in Minnesota under the Perkins IV Transition Plan:
1. CTE and academic education must be integrated in a more comprehensive way.
2. College and work readiness ...
The State Must Conduct Public Hearings in the State, After Appropriate and Sufficient Notice, for the Purpose of Affording All Segments of the Public and Interested Organizations and Groups (including Charter School Authorizers and Organizers Consistent with State Law, Employers, Labor Organizations, Parents, Students, and Community Organizations), an Opportunity to Present Their Views and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Plan. (section 122(a)(3)) PY 2016
In the past few years, Ohio has enacted its most meaningful overhaul of career technical education in more than a generation, changing not only the perception of career tech but reforming it to align the prep skills being taught with the skills that are in demand in today’s economy. Students now also have access to career technical education starting as early as seventh grade. Moreover, Ohio is backing up this renewed commitment with record funding for career tech and new accountability measures.
Today, more than 120,000 students are involved in career technical education programs. Thes...
The State Must Conduct Public Hearings in the State, After Appropriate and Sufficient Notice, for the Purpose of Affording All Segments of the Public and Interested Organizations and Groups (including Charter School Authorizers and Organizers Consistent with State Law, Employers, Labor Organizations, Parents, Students, and Community Organizations), an Opportunity to Present Their Views and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Plan. (section 122(a)(3)) PY 2016
Public meetings were held December 17, 2016 and January 17, 2016 at the John G. Townsend Building Cabinet Room. The proposed State plan was posted on the State Board of Education (SBE) and the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) websites and notice of the public meeting was published in accordance with state public meeting laws and requirements.
The State Must Conduct Public Hearings in the State, After Appropriate and Sufficient Notice, for the Purpose of Affording All Segments of the Public and Interested Organizations and Groups (including Charter School Authorizers and Organizers Consistent with State Law, Employers, Labor Organizations, Parents, Students, and Community Organizations), an Opportunity to Present Their Views and Make Recommendations Regarding the State Plan. (section 122(a)(3)) PY 2016
The Pennsylvania Department of Education scheduled three hearings within the state. The notice of Perkins IV public hearings were sent to all stakeholders through various media. Stakeholders received a notice of the hearings by e–mail. The state has a distribution list that reaches every local education agency and is the predominate means for making announcements statewide (PennLink). An announcement was prepared and distributed through the Pennlink system to all school districts and career and technical centers. Additionally, the hearing notice was sent to all Perkins recipients. In o...
New Hampshire
You Must Describe How Your Agency Will Allocate Funds it Receives Through the Allotment Made Under Section 111, Including Any Funds That You Choose to Consolidate Under Section 202(a), Will Be Allocated Among Career and Technical Education at the Secondary Level, or Career and Technical Education at the Postsecondary and Adult Level, or Both, Including the Rationale for Such Allocation. (section 122(c)(6)(a); Section 202(c))PY 2016
New Hampshire will keep Title I and Title II funds separate throughout the first two years of the five year planning period. Secondary allocations will be granted to regional CTE centers on the basis of allocations made to the individual districts within the region. Allocations are granted to centers rather than individual districts because New Hampshire has a regional delivery system. Postsecondary funds will be allocated to two recipients: the Community College System of New Hampshire and the Thompson School at the University of New Hampshire. The allocation to the Thompson School will n...
You Must Describe How Your Agency Will Allocate Funds it Receives Through the Allotment Made Under Section 111, Including Any Funds That You Choose to Consolidate Under Section 202(a), Will Be Allocated Among Career and Technical Education at the Secondary Level, or Career and Technical Education at the Postsecondary and Adult Level, or Both, Including the Rationale for Such Allocation. (section 122(c)(6)(a); Section 202(c))PY 2016
In keeping with past practice, discussion with participating agencies and public comment, the Department of Education will continue to allocate the basic grant as follows: 10 percent for state leadership, 5 percent for state administration and 85 percent to local school divisions and community colleges . The 85 percent of the basic grant allocated to local school divisions and community colleges will then be split with 85 percent allocated to secondary programs in local education agencies and 15 percent allocated to postsecondary programs at community colleges.
Written comments submitted eit...
You Must Describe How Your Agency Will Allocate Funds it Receives Through the Allotment Made Under Section 111, Including Any Funds That You Choose to Consolidate Under Section 202(a), Will Be Allocated Among Career and Technical Education at the Secondary Level, or Career and Technical Education at the Postsecondary and Adult Level, or Both, Including the Rationale for Such Allocation. (section 122(c)(6)(a); Section 202(c))PY 2016
Minnesota Rule 3505.1700 specified that an annual agreement between the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education and the Chancellor of the Minnesota State colleges and Universities will specify the distribution of federal career and technical education funds between secondary and postsecondary entities. Minnesota agreed to a split of 42% for secondary allocation and 58% for postsecondary. The factors that were considered in this decision were the following:
Full-year equivalent student counts
Population with disabilities
Economically disadvantaged
Limited English proficiency
You Must Describe How Your Agency Will Allocate Funds it Receives Through the Allotment Made Under Section 111, Including Any Funds That You Choose to Consolidate Under Section 202(a), Will Be Allocated Among Career and Technical Education at the Secondary Level, or Career and Technical Education at the Postsecondary and Adult Level, or Both, Including the Rationale for Such Allocation. (section 122(c)(6)(a); Section 202(c))PY 2016
Of the total state Title I Perkins Act Grant, Ohio will use 5 percent for administration activities, 1 percent for services at correctional institutions and 9 percent for leadership activities. A minimum of $75,000 of leadership monies will be earmarked for the attainment of non traditional participation and completion in career technical education (CTE) programs at both secondary and postsecondary levels. The remaining 85 percent will be distributed through subsidy between secondary career technical planning districts (CTPD) and postsecondary two year college campuses and Ohio Technical Cente...
You Must Describe How Your Agency Will Allocate Funds it Receives Through the Allotment Made Under Section 111, Including Any Funds That You Choose to Consolidate Under Section 202(a), Will Be Allocated Among Career and Technical Education at the Secondary Level, or Career and Technical Education at the Postsecondary and Adult Level, or Both, Including the Rationale for Such Allocation. (section 122(c)(6)(a); Section 202(c))PY 2016
The DOE will comply with the applicable requirements of Titles I, II, and III of the Act. Additionally all fiscal procedures for the DOE, LEAs, and contractors will adhere to applicable state and federal regulations. The DOE will ensure recipients of funding are informed of the governing laws and regulations, which also include EDGAR 34 CFR parts 74, 74, 76, 77,79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 97, 98, and 99, OMB Circular A 87 Revised, and OMB Circular A 21.
Delaware s accounting framework is structured based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) using appropriations and funds to tr...
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