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PY 2024
The Guam Workforce Development Board (GWDB) is the Governor's agent for the development and oversight, implementation and modification of the four (4) year state plan. In addition, the GWDB is tasked to review statewide policies, programs and recommendations on actions that must be taken to align workforce development programs to support a streamlined workforce development system. The GWDB reports to the Governor of Guam and ensures that policy recommendations are aligned and consistent with the Governor's vision for Guam. The Guam Workforce Development Board (GWDB) currently has five …
PY 2024
The Guam Workforce Development Board (GWDB) is the Governor's agent for the development and oversight, implementation and modification of the four (4) year state plan. In addition, the GWDB is tasked to review statewide policies, programs and recommendations on actions that must be taken to align workforce development programs to support a streamlined workforce development system. The GWDB reports to the Governor of Guam and ensures that policy recommendations are aligned and consistent with the Governor's vision for Guam. The Guam Workforce Development Board (GWDB) currently has five …
PY 2024
As of August 2024 the Arizona State Rehabilitation Council has 13 members with three vacancies. The Governor's Offices assigned all new members a starting term date to begin when the previous member's term ended. State staff and SRC members continue to conduct outreach to garner representation from the Parent Information and Training Center and the State Workforce Board. Representation from that State Educational Agency is pending Governor's Office review and reappointment. The members of the SRC meet quarterly as required. … If the SRC is not meeting the composition requirements in …
PY 2024
Council Representative Current Term Number/Vacant Beginning Date of Term Mo./Yr. Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) 2 8/2024 Parent Training and Information Center vacant Client Assistance Program 1 8/2024 Qualified Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Counselor (Ex Officio) 1 8/2024 Disability Group Representative 2 8/2024 Disability Group Representative 1 8/2024 Disability Group Representative 1 8/2024 Disability Group Representative 1 8/2024 Disability Group Representative 1 8/2024 Business, Industry, and Labor 1 8/2024 Business, Industry, and Labor 1 6/2022 Business, Industry, and …
American Samoa
PY 2024
In alignment with Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), American Samoa is committed to ensuring that its programs and services maintain equality across all demographics, including race, age, sex, and particularly within the disabled community. The Approved and Signed Memorandum between the WIOA Agency and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, effective June 3, 2024, emphasizes the mutual standards and goals of both agencies. The following principles must be upheld: 1. Integration of Individuals with Disabilities: Develop and implement best practices aimed at …
PY 2024
MVR will implement an order of selection on December 9, 2024. This action will result in 4,736 unserved individuals. MVR counselors refer individuals waiting for services to appropriate federal and state programs, including other components of the statewide workforce development system to assist with employment, training, housing, food and clothing needs. The needs assessment identified underserved individuals with disabilities as minority populations of Hispanics and African-Americans, individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). …
PY 2024
The federal appropriation capacity for MVR was reduced by $15.5 million for the SFY25 state budget appropriation. This appropriation line in the Missouri state budget contains the ability to spend any federal funding sources that include the VR Federal Grant funds and funds received from Social Security Administration (SSA) Program income. MVR does transfer program income funds to the State Independent Living Services Program. This transfer of funds does not have an impact on the MVR program’s need to manage federal spending through an order of selection. All non-federal funds passed in the …
PY 2024
The state plan goals and priorities for the distribution of funds from section 603 of the Rehabilitation Act for the provision of supported employment services are: Goal 1: Maintain high quality supported employment services. Target: Increase or maintain the number of annual CRP summits. Baseline data: PY 2021: four CRP summits PY 2022: four CRP summits Strategies: 1. Identify and share best case practices around providing supported employment services. 2. Continue to provide training through annual CRP Summits. Goal 2: Implement collaborative programs to promote braiding of …
PY 2024
According to the 2021 American Community Survey, 897,969 Missourians have reported that they have some type of disability. The rate of disability in the state is 14.8 percent. Individuals within this population could be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services in the next five years. MVR estimates that a yearly average of 28,745 individuals will be served in PY 2028, including individuals with the most significant disabilities. This estimate is the sum of the unique count of individuals who would have an open case and an application date within PY 2028. The estimate for PY 2028 also …
PY 2024
Signatory information Enter Signatory information in this column Name of Signatory Chris Clause, Ph.D. Title of Signatory Assistant Commissioner Date Signed December 4, 2024 …
PY 2024
Yes. MVR elects to serve eligible individuals, regardless of the established order of selection, who require specific services or equipment to maintain employment. Eligible individuals who are at immediate risk of losing employment and require specific services or equipment to maintain employment are not subject to the order of selection for only those specific services or equipment to maintain …
PY 2024
MVR's goal for serving eligible individuals in each priority category is to remove them from the waiting list and place them into services as funds become available. MVR will use the following procedures to manage waiting lists and assist eligible individuals assigned to closed priority categories with information and referral: 1) An eligible individual will be placed in the appropriate priority category and receive written notification of the assigned priority category. The eligible individual’s date of application will be used to determine the order of services within a priority category. …
PY 2024
The order (priority categories) to be followed in selecting eligible individuals to be provided VR services ensuring that individuals with the most significant disabilities are selected for services before all other individuals with disabilities is based upon the eligible individual’s placement in one of the following priority categories: Priority Category I: An individual with the most significant disability as defined below. Priority Category II: An individual with a significant disability as defined below. Priority Category III: An individual with a disability as defined below. …
PY 2024
Through the Supported Employment program in FFY 2025, the estimated number of individuals who are eligible for services, the estimated number of eligible individuals who are expected to receive services, the estimated costs of services using Title VI funds, and the estimated number of individuals who will not receive services are listed below. These estimates are included in the total estimates in (f)(1)(A) above. MVR projects that the number of eligible individuals expected to receive services under the Supported Employment program is 6,745. This estimate is derived from the number of …
PY 2024
Through the MVR program in FFY 2025, the estimated number of individuals who are eligible for services, the estimated number of individuals expected to receive services, the estimated costs of services using Title I funds, and estimated number of eligible individuals who will not receive services are listed below. The estimated total number of individuals eligible for services and who will receive services under the VR Program is 23,165. MVR estimates that 4,736 individuals will not receive services due to the implementation of an order of selection. Priority Category (if applicable) No. of …
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