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Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
Funding of Adult Education and Literacy Activities
In accordance with Section 231 under Title II Adult Education and Literacy Act of WIOA, the Division of Career and Adult Education (DCAE) will award three–year grants, or longer as determined by the Commissioner of Education, to eligible providers for the provision of adult education services through a competitive process for 2017-2018. The grants awarded will be for years 2017-2018 (competition), 2018-2019 (continuation), and 2019-2020 (continuation). The competitive process is based within each county with a designated allocation. The 13 ...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
Adult Education in Arizona:
Arizona state law establishes adult education as a division within the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), and ADE serves as the administrative entity for Title II, Adult Education (A.R.S. 15–232, 15–233, 15–234).
The 2010 Arizona Profile of Adult Learning, prepared by the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, includes the following demographic data based on U.S. Census 2010 and American Community Survey information for adults in Arizona aged 18 to 64:
• 786,679 adults have no college education, are working but living in families ...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
Adult Education and Literacy Activities
Scope: All organizations receiving WIOA Title II funds, hereinafter local providers, will offer Adult Education and Literacy Activities.
Content: Adult Education and Literacy Activities will include instruction in reading, writing, numeracy, and problem solving at Educational Functioning Levels[1] appropriate to learners.
Organization: The organization of Adult Education and Literacy Activities may vary according to the populations served and the resources available, but all programs will use managed enrollment and the components of the Kansas Proficie...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
The ACCS Adult Education Office is Alabama’s eligible agency for adult education and is responsible for the administrative and programmatic oversight of the Title II AEFLA funds distributed to eligible, competitively selected providers. Under WIOA, ACCS Adult Education eligible providers’ services may include all of the following:
• adult education and literacy;
• workplace adult education and literacy;
• family literacy;
• English language acquisition;
• Integrated English literacy and civics education;
• workforce preparation;
• integrated education and training.
ACCS ...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
WTCS serves as the administrative/fiscal agent for Title II AEFLA. As administrative/fiscal agent, WTCS will ensure service providers provide services to eligible individuals who:
1. Have attained at least 18 years of age;
2. Are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under the Wisconsin law, and;
3. Are basic skills deficient; or
4. Are English language learners.
All activities funded under WIOA which include: programs, activities, and services that include adult education, literacy, workplace adult education and literacy activities, family literacy activities, English l...
West Virginia
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
West Virginia’s adult education and literacy programs assist adults in becoming literate and obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency, assists adults who are parents in obtaining the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children, and assists adults in completing a secondary school education.
Adult education and literacy programs provide direct and comprehensive services to enrolled adult students. Every provider operates one or more sites in the community college area to meet the unique learni...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) AEI office is the State s Eligible Agency for oversight of funding provided through the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act grant. AEI is responsible for administering funds to eligible providers and providing program management. AEI will provide technical assistance and guidance to programs originally funded under the Workforce Investment Act to prepare for continuation for 2016-2017. For 2017-2018, AEI will provide funding to eligible providers at the local level for the provision of adult education and family literacy services as a component of...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
The Alaska Adult Basic Education (ABE) local activities will consist of those listed in Section 203 of WIOA. • Adult education; • Literacy; • Workplace adult education and literacy activities; • Family literacy activities; • English language acquisition activities; • Integrated English literacy and civics education; • Workforce preparation activities; or • Integrated education and training that— 1. Provides adult education and literacy activities, concurrently and contextually with both, workforce preparation activities, and workforce training for a specific occupat...
New York
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
During grant year 2016-17, NYSED ACCES-AEPP will implement a new competitive application process for all federal WIOA Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) local funding that will determine the eligible providers that will be awarded funds. The comprehensive RFP will bundle separate competitions for:
o Section 225 Corrections Education and other institutionalized individuals
o Section 211 funding Grants and Contracts for Eligible Providers; and
o Section 243 Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education.
All applicants for all funds must meet broad WIOA local provider...
Rhode Island
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
RIDE will provide funding to eligible local providers for adult education and literacy activities through a competitive Request for Proposal process. An advertisement of the RFP will appear in the local newspaper for a minimum of three days. All current providers and all other agencies that have requested information prior to the announcement will receive the information on the same day as the newspaper advertisement. All eligible agencies will go through the same application and review process and have direct and equitable access to apply and compete for Title II grants and contracts, inclu...
Puerto Rico
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
Puerto Rico adult education and literacy activities under Title II are provided by a network of 104 service providers. Service providers include twenty eight school district with sixty-five schools, fifteen community colleges and universities, eight municipalities, twelve community based organizations, faith-based organizations, two libraries, and two correctional facilities serving adults who are basic skilled deficient, does not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and has not achieved an equivalent level of education; or is an English language learner. Classes are ...
New Jersey
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
In New Jersey, the Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO) process will ensure equal access to all eligible providers for the local activities described below.
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act services in New Jersey are delivered through Programs of Instruction that receive AEFLA funds via a competitive grant process. Because of disparate demographics and economic climates within the State, the resultant variety of student needs, and the dissimilar nature of the institutions and organizations through which ABE is delivered, Programs of Instruction are encouraged to deliver services in the w...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
(b) Local Activities
Utah will fund eligible providers to establish or operate programs that provide adult education and literacy activities. Adult Education AEFLA funds will be completed by Spring 2017. Grants will be awarded July 1, 2017, based on a competitive application process following the 13 guidance points outlined in section 231(e). By design, as a Utah State Office of Education (USOE) state requirement, it is intended that funds will be competed regionally to meet the educational needs of those most at risk within each economic area. Sub-state economic and employment data will be co...
New Mexico
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
Competitive Process: The New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) is the State’s eligible agency for administering Adult Education and Literacy programs under WIOA. NMHED will award multi-year grants on a competitive basis to eligible providers within the state to develop, implement, and improve adult education and literacy activities under WIOA. The subgrant Request for Proposals (RFP) process will follow state procurement rules and federal guidelines under WIOA and will take place in spring, 2017. The New Mexico Higher Education Department will award funding to local providers begin...
Adult Education and Literacy Activities (section 203 of WIOA)PY 2016
Nebraska Adult Education will fund any/all of the activities enumerated above, as federal and state funds allow. The scope of services will be dependent upon the literacy needs within the community or geographic area. It is essential that local AE programs work with WIOA partners and other service groups to provide a needed scope of services, which may include services provided concurrently with other partners. For example, AE providing basic skills instruction and a business, community college, or a WIOA partner providing specific instruction for a CNA or CDL certificate at the same time....
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