Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 1. B. Planned actions to coordinate activities of SCSEP grantees with the activities being carried out in the State under the other titles of the Older Americans Act (OAA). (20 CFR 641.302(h))
Current Narrative:
Strategy: ICOA will continue coordinating employment resource sharing between ICOA’s SCSEP contractor and the Area Agencies on Aging’s (AAAs).
Planned Actions:
- SCSEP participants have the opportunity to participate in services and/or gain information available through their local AAA`s such as administrative assistants, food service, health care, housing, recreation, and social service agencies. SCSEP Employment Specialists can meet with the AAA directors in each of ICOA’s six planning and service areas.
- ICOA`s SCSEP contractor will provide eligibility training and establish referral protocols with the AAAs and coordinate regional resources and outreach activities. Training can be conducted by ICOA and/or ESGW staff.