If your account is blocked, you can't log in or change your password.
Request to unblock your account. Once your account is unblocked, you must log in to the WIOA portal within 48 hours or your account will be automatically blocked again. This is true no matter how you access your WIOA portal account (such as through Login.gov).
Note the following about blocked accounts:
- Only active accounts appear in assigned roles in some views. For example, your role will appear unassigned or blank in reports or the state Team view. When your account is activated again, your name will reappear in all your assigned roles.
- Only active accounts receive email notifications. For example, if you are a State Program Director, you would not receive a notification that a State Staff Editor request is pending your approval. When your account is activated again, you will receive email notifications starting at the date and time of your account's reactivation.
We encourage you to maintain an active WIOA portal account, even if you are not actively using it to ensure you're receiving all communications and that your account displays accurately in reports.