User Information
View your information in this section of your profile. Some of this information, such as name, phone number, or time zone, can be maintained within the WIOA portal.
If you need to change your email address, first update your email in or your Department of Education account, then submit a request to the WIOA Help Desk to update your email address in the WIOA portal. For more details on email address changes, review Changing an Email Address.
If you're changing your Office/Agency, you must archive your existing account and create a new account with the new Office/Agency. Submit a request to archive your existing account via the help desk. After your account is archived, create a new account through the “Create account” feature in the WIOA portal menu. After you create your new account, request and update roles and access.
My Account is Blocked
Request reactivation if your account is blocked. Log in within 48 hours of your account getting unblocked. We encourage you to log in at least every 90 days to maintain an active account.
If your account has been blocked, you can't log in to the WIOA portal, even though you can successfully sign into or through your Department of Education account. A WIOA portal account can be blocked for multiple reasons, but inactivity is the most common reason.
Changing Your Password
Your password to access the WIOA portal is maintained in or through your Department of Education account access.
Archiving an Account
If you or someone you know no longer works in WIOA, the user account should be archived.
To permanently archive a user account, send a request to the Help Desk.
Archiving a user removes their account and clears the email address, access, and permissions from records. The portal will identify the user's previous account activity as Firstname Lastname (Archived Year), such as George Washington (Archived 2021), to preserve the records. If the same person wants to use the portal again, they can create a new account and request necessary access.