When you are finished making edits to your narrative, you can mark the narrative complete from edit mode or from view mode. If you are making corrections to your narrative, the status options change according to your stage of the process.
From edit mode do the following.
- Navigate below the narrative text field.
- To mark the narrative as ‘Correction Complete,’ choose the option 'Update the status to ‘Correction Complete.’'
- Select the ‘Save’ button, and a green alert displays a confirmation message.
The ‘View’ button at the top of the narrative page displays the content in a non-editable view mode. From view mode do the following.
- Open the narrative. Navigate below the text of the narrative, and select the '+' to expand the 'Change the Status of this Narrative' box.
- Choose the option 'Update the status to ‘Correction Complete.’'
- Select 'Make this Change' and a green alert displays a confirmation message.