Plan Content
- Options for Submitting a State Plan
- How State Plan Requirements Are Organized
- Combined Plan Partner Program(s)
- a. Economic, Workforce, and Workforce Development Activities Analysis
- 1. Economic and Workforce Analysis
- A. Economic Analysis
- i. Existing Demand Industry Sectors and Occupations
- ii. Emerging Industry Sectors and Occupation
- iii. Employers’ Employment Needs
- B. Workforce Analysis
- i. Employment and Unemployment
- ii. Labor Market Trends
- iii. Education and Skill Levels of the Workforce
- iv. Skill Gaps
- 2. Workforce Development, Education and Training Activities Analysis
- b. State Strategic Vision and Goals
- c. State Strategy
- a. State Strategy Implementation
- 2. Implementation of State Strategy
- 1. the State Operating Systems That Will Support the Implementation of the State’s Strategies. This Must Include a Description Of–
- 3. State Program and State Board Overview
- 4. Assessment and Evaluation of Programs and One-stop Program Partners
- 5. Distribution of Funds for Core Programs
- B. For Title II
- 6. Program Data
- A. Data Alignment and Integration
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities under Title I-B
- a. General Requirements
- 1. Regions and Local Workforce Development Areas
- 2. Statewide Activities
- b. Adult and Dislocated Workers Program Requirements
- c. Youth Program Requirements
- d. Single-area State Requirements
- 1. Any Comments from the Public Comment Period That Represent Disagreement with the Plan. (wioa Section 108(d)(3).)
- 2. The Entity Responsible for the Disbursal of Grant Funds, as Determined by the Governor, if Different from That for the State. (wioa Section 108(b)(15).)
- 3. The Type and Availability of WIOA Title I Youth Activities, Including an Identification of Successful Providers of Such Activities. (wioa Section 108(b)(9).)
- e. Waiver Requests (optional)
- 1. Identifies the Statutory or Regulatory Requirements for Which a Waiver is Requested and the Goals That the State or Local Area, as Appropriate, Intends to Achieve as a Result of the Waiver and How Those Goals Relate to the Unified or Combined State Plan;
- 2. Describes the Actions That the State or Local Area, as Appropriate, Has Undertaken to Remove State or Local Statutory or Regulatory Barriers;
- 3. Describes the Goals of the Waiver and the Expected Programmatic Outcomes if the Request is Granted;
- 4. Describes How the Waiver Will Align with the Department’s Policy Priorities, Such As:
- A. Supporting Employer Engagement;
- B. Connecting Education and Training Strategies;
- C. Supporting Work-based Learning;
- D. Improving Job and Career Results, and
- E. Other Guidance Issued by the Department.
- 5. Describes the Individuals Affected by the Waiver, Including How the Waiver Will Impact Services for Disadvantaged Populations or Individuals with Multiple Barriers to Employment; and
- 6. Describes the Process Used To:
- A. Monitor the Progress in Implementing the Waiver;
- B. Provide Notice to Any Local Board Affected by the Waiver;
- C. Provide Any Local Board Affected by the Waiver an Opportunity to Comment on the Request;
- D. Ensure Meaningful Public Comment, Including Comment by Business and Organized Labor, on the Waiver.
- E. Collect and Report Information About Waiver Outcomes in the State’s WIOA Annual Report
- 7. The Secretary May Require That States Provide the Most Recent Data Available About the Outcomes of the Existing Waiver in Cases Where the State Seeks Renewal of a Previously Approved Waiver;
- f. Title I-B Assurances
- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
- a. Employment Service Professional Staff Development.
- d. Describe How the State Will Use W-p Funds to Support Ui Claimants, and the Communication Between W-p and Ui, as Appropriate, Including the Following:
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (aop). Each State Agency Must Develop an Aop Every Four Years as Part of the Unified or Combined State Plan Required Under Sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. the Aop Must Include--
- 3. Services Provided to Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers Through the One-stop Delivery System.
- A. Providing the Full Range of Employment and Training Services to the Agricultural Community, Both Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers, Through the One-stop Delivery System. This Includes:
- i. How Career and Training Services Required Under WIOA Title I Will Be Provided to Msfws Through the One-stop Centers;
- ii. How the State Serves Agricultural Employers and How it Intends to Improve Such Services.
- 4. Other Requirements
- Wagner-peyser Assurances
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Programs
- b. Local Activities
- d. Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Program
- e. State Leadership
- Certifications
- Certification Regarding Lobbying
- Narrative for all items above
- Assurances
- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation
- a. Input of State Rehabilitation Council
- b. Request for Waiver of Statewideness
- c. Cooperative Agreements with Agencies Not Carrying Out Activities Under the Statewide Workforce Development System.
- d. Coordination with Education Officials
- 2. Information on the Formal Interagency Agreement with the State Educational Agency with Respect To:
- G. Coordination with Employers
- H. Interagency Cooperation
- I. Comprehensive System of Personnel Development; Data System on Personnel and Personnel Development
- i. Data System on Personnel and Personnel Development
- I. Qualified Personnel Needs.
- II. Personnel Development
- iii. Personnel Standards
- iv. Staff Development.
- J. Statewide Assessment
- i. Provide an Assessment of the Rehabilitation Needs of Individuals with Disabilities Residing Within the State, Particularly the Vr Services Needs of Those:
- K. Annual Estimates
- ii. The Number of Eligible Individuals Who Will Receive Services Under:
- L. State Goals and Priorities
- iii. Ensure That the Goals and Priorities Are Based on an Analysis of the Following Areas:
- M. Order of Selection
- i. Whether the Designated State Unit Will Implement and Order of Selection. if So, Describe:
- N. Goals and Plans for Distribution of Title Vi Funds.
- ii. Describe the Activities to Be Conducted, with Funds Reserved Pursuant to Section 603(d), for Youth with the Most Significant Disabilities, Including:
- O. State's Strategies
- viii. How the Agency's Strategies Will Be Used To:
- P. Evaluation and Reports of Progress: Vr and Supported Employment Goals
- i. An Evaluation of the Extent to Which the Vr Program Goals Described in the Approved Vr Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan for the Most Recently Completed Program Year Were Achieved. the Evaluation Must:
- ii. An Evaluation of the Extent to Which the Supported Employment Program Goals Described in the Supported Employment Supplement for the Most Recent Program Year Were Achieved. the Evaluation Must :
- Q. Quality, Scope, and Extent of Supported Employment Services.
- Certifications
- Narrative for all items above
- Footnotes
- Certification Regarding Lobbying — Vocational Rehabilitation
- Statement for Loan Guarantees and Loan Insurance
- Narrative for all items above
- Certification Regarding Lobbying — Supported Employment
- Statement for Loan Guarantees and Loan Insurance
- Narrative for all items above
- Assurances
- a. Public Comment on Policies and Procedures:
- b. Submission of the Vr Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan and Its Supplement:
- c. Administration of the Vr Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan:
- 1. The Establishment of the Designated State Agency and Designated State Unit, as Required by Section 101(a)(2) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 2. The Establishment of Either a State Independent Commission or State Rehabilitation Council, as Required by Section 101(a)(21) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 3. Consultations Regarding the Administration of the Vr Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan, in Accordance with Section 101(a)(16)(b) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 4. The Financial Participation by the State, or if the State So Elects, by the State and Local Agencies, to Provide the Amount of the Non- Federal Share of the Cost of Carrying Out the Vr Program in Accordance with Section 101(a)(3).
- 5. The Local Administration of the Vr Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan, in Accordance with Section 101(a)(2)(a) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 6. The Shared Funding and Administration of Joint Programs, in Accordance with Section 101(a)(2)(a)(ii) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 7. Statewideness and Waivers of Statewideness Requirements, as Set Forth in Section 101(a)(4) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 8. The Descriptions for Cooperation, Collaboration, and Coordination, as Required by Sections 101(a)(11) and (24)(b); and 606(b) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 9. All Required Methods of Administration, as Required by Section 101(a)(6) of the Rehabilitation Act .
- 10. The Requirements for the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development, as Set Forth in Section 101(a)(7) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 11. The Compilation and Submission to the Commissioner of Statewide Assessments, Estimates, State Goals and Priorities, Strategies, and Progress Reports, as Appropriate, and as Required by Sections 101(a)(15), 105(c)(2), and 606(b)(8) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 12. The Reservation and Use of a Portion of the Funds Allotted to the State Under Section 110 of the Rehabilitation Act for the Development and Implementation of Innovative Approaches to Expand and Improve the Provision of Vr Services to Individuals with Disabilities, Particularly Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities.
- 13. The Submission of Reports as Required by Section 101(a)(10) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- d. Administration of the Provision of Vr Services:
- 1. Comply with All Requirements Regarding Information and Referral Services in Accordance with Sections 101(a)(5)(d) and (20) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 2. Impose No Duration of Residence Requirement as Part of Determining an Individual’s Eligibility for Vr Services or That Excludes from Services Under the Plan Any Individual Who is Present in the State in Accordance with Section 101(a)(12) of the Rehabilitation Act .
- 3. Provide the Full Range of Services Listed in Section 103(a) of the Rehabilitation Act as Appropriate, to All Eligible Individuals with Disabilities in the State Who Apply for Services in Accordance with Section 101(a)(5) of the Rehabilitation Act?
- 4. Determine Whether Comparable Services and Benefits Are Available to the Individual in Accordance with Section 101(a)(8) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 5. Comply with the Requirements for the Development of an Individualized Plan for Employment in Accordance with Section 102(b) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 6. Comply with Requirements Regarding the Provisions of Informed Choice for All Applicants and Eligible Individuals in Accordance with Section 102(d) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 7. Provide Vocational Rehabilitation Services to American Indians Who Are Individuals with Disabilities Residing in the State, in Accordance with Section 101(a)(13) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 8. Comply with the Requirements for the Conduct of Semiannual or Annual Reviews, as Appropriate, for Individuals Employed Either in an Extended Employment Setting in a Community Rehabilitation Program or Any Other Employment Under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as Required by Section 101(a)(14)of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 9. Meet the Requirements in Sections 101(a)(17) and 103(b)(2) of the Rehabilitation Act if the State Elects to Construct, Under Special Circumstances, Facilities for Community Rehabilitation Programs
- 10. With Respect to Students with Disabilities, the State,
- A. Has Developed and Will Implement,
- i. Strategies to Address the Needs Identified in the Assessments; and
- ii. Has Developed and Will Implement Strategies to Provide Pre- Employment Transition Services (sections 101(a)(15) and 101(a)(25)).
- B. Strategies to Achieve the Goals and Priorities Identified by the State, to Improve and Expand Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Students with Disabilities on a Statewide Basis; and
- e. Program Administration for the Supported Employment Title Vi Supplement:
- 1. The Designated State Unit Assures That it Will Include in the Vr Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan All Information Required by Section 606 of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 2. The Designated State Agency Assures That it Will Submit Reports in Such Form and in Accordance with Such Procedures as the Commissioner May Require and Collects the Information Required by Section 101(a)(10) of the Rehabilitation Act Separately for Individuals Receiving Supported Employment Services Under Title I and Individuals Receiving Supported Employment Services Under Title Vi of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 3. The Designated State Unit Will Coordinate Activities with Any Other State Agency That is Functioning as an Employment Network Under the Ticket to Work and Self-sufficiency Program Under Section 1148 of the Social Security Act.
- f. Financial Administration of the Supported Employment Program:
- 1. The Designated State Agency Assures That it Will Expend No More Than 2.5 Percent of the State’s Allotment Under Title Vi for Administrative Costs of Carrying Out This Program; And, the Designated State Agency or Agencies Will Provide, Directly or Indirectly Through Public or Private Entities, Non-federal Contributions in an Amount That is Not Less Than 10 Percent of the Costs of Carrying Out Supported Employment Services Provided to Youth with the Most Significant Disabilities with the Funds Reserved for Such Purpose Under Section 603(d) of the Rehabilitation Act, in Accordance with Section 606(b)(7)(g) and (h) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 2. The Designated State Agency Assures That it Will Use Funds Made Available Under Title Vi of the Rehabilitation Act Only to Provide Supported Employment Services to Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities, Including Extended Services to Youth with the Most Significant Disabilities, Who Are Eligible to Receive Such Services; And, That Such Funds Are Used Only to Supplement and Not Supplant the Funds Provided Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act, when Providing Supported Employment Services Specified in the Individualized Plan for Employment, in Accordance with Section 606(b)(7)(a) and (d), of the Rehabilitation Act.
- g. Provision of Supported Employment Services:
- 1. The Designated State Agency Assures That it Will Provide Supported Employment Services as Defined in Section 7(39) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- 2. The Designated State Agency Assures That:
- A. The Comprehensive Assessment of Individuals with Significant Disabilities Conducted Under Section 102(b)(1) of the Rehabilitation Act and Funded Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act Includes Consideration of Supported Employment as an Appropriate Employment Outcome, in Accordance with the Requirements of Section 606(b)(7)(b) of the Rehabilitation Act
- B. An Individualized Plan for Employment That Meets the Requirements of Section 102(b) of the Rehabilitation Act , Which is Developed and Updated with Title I Funds, in Accordance with Sections 102(b)(3)(f) and 606(b)(6)(c) and (e) of the Rehabilitation Act.
- Additional Comments on the Assurances from the State
- VII. Program-Specific Requirements for Combined State Plan Partner Programs