Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 6. The State’s strategy for continuous improvement in the level of performance for SCSEP participants’ entry into unsubsidized employment, and to achieve, at a minimum, the levels specified in OAA Section 513(a)(2)(E)(ii). (20 CFR 641.302(f))
Current Narrative:
In keeping with the DOL’s principle of continuous improvement, Alabama SCSEP will strive to increase our “Entered Employment, 2nd Quarter” rate by 5% each program year through 2019. Additionally, Alabama will make every effort to meet the higher of the state and national goals each program year.
In order to meet and exceed our goals, Alabama SCSEP will continue to develop new relationships, as well as foster current relationships, with local and national employers throughout Alabama. Sub-grantees will work to educate employers on balancing their workforce needs with the “aging workforce”. Efforts will also be made to identify and train local HR Managers and their staff on “The Myths of Hiring Older Workers”, thus allowing them to become engaged with our mission to find employment opportunities for SCSEP participants’.
Alabama SCSEP will employ a variety of means to monitor and achieve state and national goals, such as providing ongoing and continuous training for sub-grantee staff as well as using a variety of management reports to track progress. Some of the strategies sub-grantees in Alabama use to place participants in unsubsidized employment are:
- Offering job-seeking skills training courses
- Enforcing job search requirements and written IEP’s
- Contacting participants with job leads
- Ensuring quality training is being provided through host agency assignments
- Requiring participants to register and be screened for WIOA Title I services at local One-Stop Career Centers
- Requiring participants to attend local job fairs
Grantees will continuously monitor the performance of sub-grantees regarding unsubsidized placement. Sub-grantees identified as at risk for not meeting this performance measure will be provided additional technical assistance and training specific to identifying “job ready” participants and how best to identify unsubsidized employment opportunities.