Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 4. A list of community services that are needed and the places where these services are most needed. Specifically, the plan must address the needs and location of those individuals most in need of community services and the groups working to meet their needs. (20 CFR 641.330)
Current Narrative:
(4) A list of community services that are needed and the places where these services are most needed. Specifically, the plan must address the needs and location of those individuals most in need of community services and the groups working to meet their needs. (20 CFR 641.330)
Exact Placement of Most Needed Community Services
Community services that support employment activity continue to be of critical need to the MD SCSEP service area. The most needed community support service throughout the MD SCSEP service area is for transportation. While Baltimore City MD SCSEP participants experience a variety of public and private transportation options, many low-income seniors residing in the remaining areas do have access to a regional interconnected transportation system. MD SCSEP participants experience a limitation in training options and future placement due to unmet transportation needs in the community.
Other services that are needed throughout the service area, based on United Way and other area needs assessments, include: the availability of fresh, affordable food; access to affordable and accessible healthcare; the availability of food service to persons who are homebound or limited mobility; the availability of affordable housing for seniors; the availability of postsecondary training options, e.g. certification and community college programs; and the availability of programs to support literacy and English proficiency. These services are needed in all 11 counties in the MD SCSEP service area. In Baltimore City, the primary need is affordable senior housing in lieu of the established transportation resources.