Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 1. A. Planned actions to coordinate activities of SCSEP grantees with WIOA title I programs, including plans for using the WIOA one-stop delivery system and its partners to serve individuals aged 55 and older. (20 CFR 641.302(g), 641.325(e))
Current Narrative:
(b) Service Delivery and Coordination
Section 2: Service Delivery and Coordination
The SCSEP, as administered by the state and national grantee, respectively, is the main focal point of service delivery in job training for low-income older workers. Nationally, SCSEP is funded at a level to serve only .05 percent of the eligible population. SCSEP plays a vital role with regard to employment of the State’s 55 and older population as 29.4 percent of Maryland residents are age 55 and older (US Census and The KFF). Despite a low national and state unemployment rate, Americans age 55 suffer from higher rates of job loss and unemployment than other job seekers and many are postponing retirement due to choice or need. For all job seekers age 55+, the average job search takes 27.1 weeks or almost seven months (AARP PI). The labor force participation rate is expected to increase fastest for the oldest segments of the population through 2024 (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
As such, it is important that MD SCSEP closely coordinate the program activities with WIOA Title I and Title III programs; programs under the Older Americans Act (OAA); private and public entities; labor market and job training initiatives; community organizations; and other state programs. Program coordination ensures the reduction of barriers to participation for full spectrum analysis and resource referral process to participants receiving services.
(1) A description of actions to coordinate SCSEP with other programs. This may alternatively be discussed in the state strategies section of the strategic plan, but regardless of placement in document, must include:
Planned actions taken to coordinate SCSEP with other programs
MD SCSEP plans to coordinate activities with other WIOA Title I and Title III programs, community and faith based initiatives, and programs authorized under the Older Americans Act.
Specific actions are being taken to integrate the program into MD Labor’s workforce development system and AJCs. Currently SCSEP staff, (Employment Specialists and Senior Service Liaisons) are co-located with the AJC staff in Baltimore City, Southern Maryland, Western Maryland, and in the Upper Shore Local Areas. The Labor Exchange Administrators (LEAs), the Job Service Supervisors (who manages the daily operation of the AJC manages the local programs), and the Employment Specialists report directly to the LEAs. SCSEP has coordinated activities with the AJC staff by engaging applicants into the workforce development system before being vetted into the program. Additionally, both the MD SCSEP and National SCSEP have entered into Memoranda of Understanding that include resource sharing agreements with AJCS in each county of operation, per WIOA regulations. All applicants must register in the MWE and complete orientation. Integration meetings were held and the key positions are implementing the following duties:
Labor Exchange Administrators/Job Service Supervisors Duties:
- Overseeing the local program,
- Referring applicants to Title I for assessments,
- Matching SCSEP participants to AJC staff to assist with job coaching services, and
- Educating the Employment Specialists and Senior Service Liaisons on all of AJCs programs and the MWE.
Employment Specialists/Senior Service Liaisons Duties:
- Identifying, recruiting and engaging new applicants into the workforce development system and ensuring proper exit procedures;
- Establishing and cultivating partnership with government and nonprofit organizations;
- Monitoring participation in SCSEP and AJC activities; and
- Developing and monitoring the participants’ Individual Employment Plan every six months.
Program Manager and Assistant Program Manager Duties:
- Providing technical assistance and support to the LEAs and SCSEP staff with SPARQ and performance accountability;
- Monitoring and rotating participants after one year in a training assignment; and
- Training local SCSEP staff to engage potential SCSEP participants to support local programs for seniors.
Job Service Specialist Duties:
- Coaching the participants and helping with job search and online applications;
- Reviewing the Individual Employment Plan with the Employment Specialists every six months; and
- Providing follow up assistance and access UI wage data to locate potential job placements for exited participants.
Business Service Representative Roles:
- Conducting outreach to local business and promoting the program and the participants.
Other coordinated activities include: SCSEP staff sponsors hands-on training with the participants, facilitated by AJC staff; trainings focus on the MWE and how to log on, navigate the system, create and/or update profiles and resumes; the SCSEP participants are provided user names and training on how to conduct job searches; and SCSEP participants are expected to complete a minimum of two job searches a month.
Lastly, to support coordination efforts, MD SCSEP will collaborate with AJC staff to coordinate activities with current host agencies and other community and faith based organizations. Activities will include but will not be limited to senior expos, senior job fairs and, open houses. MD SCSEP will collaborate with AJC staff to ensure that issues of employment and training for older mature adults are considered in the local area plans.
Source: Quarterly Narrative Report
(A) Planned actions to coordinate activities of SCSEP grantees with WIOA title I programs, including plans for using the WIOA AJC delivery system and its partners to serve individuals aged 55 and older. (20 CFR 641.302(g), 641.325(e))
Coordination with other WIOA Programs
Maryland operates its Title I activities through its AJCs. All programs and services that are offered in the AJCs are available to SCSEP participants. At the present, MD SCSEP and the MD Labor, DWDAL are in active partnership with the AJCs located across Maryland. The AJCs provide comprehensive services to both job seekers and businesses. For the 11 counties that MD SCSEP serves, partnerships exist at five full service AJCs including:
- Allegany County (for Allegany & Garrett counties);
- Charles County (for Charles, Calvert and St. Mary’s counties);
- Talbot County (for Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s & Talbot counties);
- Washington County; and
- Baltimore City.
SSAI, the national SCSEP grantee and its subgrantees, have partnerships with the following 12 counties to provide SCSEP services:
- Baltimore City,
- Baltimore County,
- Anne Arundel County,
- Carroll County,
- Cecil County,
- Dorchester County,
- Harford County,
- Howard County,
- Montgomery County,
- Prince George’s County,
- Somerset County,
- Wicomico County, and
- Worcester County.
Each SCSEP participant works with a SCSEP employment specialist and an AJC staff person to identify the services that would best assist with career goals and movement toward unsubsidized employment. The staff search for opportunities to utilize services provided under WIOA and other related programs available in the local job center. It is the goal of SCSEP to provide and utilize services and programs that are available in the AJCs to assist participants to attain individual and program goals. Participants are assessed and referred to additional services available in each AJC that will aid in reaching employment goals of their Individual Employment Plan (IEP).
MD SCSEP has integrated into MD Labor’s AJCs. To strengthen these partnerships, MD SCSEP staff periodically schedule joint meetings with the LEAs at these AJCs to find ways to work together more efficiently. Joint meetings will also ensure that all participants receiving services within the local AJCs become informed of the wealth of supportive services.