Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 1. F. Efforts to work with local economic development offices in rural locations.
Current Narrative:
(F) Efforts to work with local economic development offices in rural locations.
Efforts the state will make to work with local economic development offices in rural locations
MD SCSEP continues to improve service delivery in rural areas. To further support local economic development in those areas, MD SCSEP will utilize program and participant staff to join local leaders in informing the business community of human capital and job training resources. MD SCSEP will also advocate for the expansion of support services in transportation to specifically connect older workers residing in rural areas with local employment opportunities. Coordination with other OOA programs will ensure that MD SCSEP maintains and expands the presence as an employment related service provider in rural areas. Where feasible, MD SCSEP will seek to be the employment partner of choice for businesses as well as older workers in rural Maryland.