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a. 2. Discuss how the long-term job projections discussed in the economic analysis section of strategic plan relate to the types of unsubsidized jobs for which SCSEP participants will be trained and the types of skill training to be provided. (20 CFR 641.302(d))

Current Narrative:

Older workers are remaining in the workforce longer longer due to various economic factors, such as lack of financial planning, healthcare costs, and cost of living.  Indiana, through its partnerships with Title I programs, WorkOne American Job Centers (AJCs) and SCSEP providers, assists participants with training opportunities, computer resources, and connections to community partners to secure unsubsidized employment.  Indiana is working with with its sub-gratees to provide and align training to meet both current and job openings.

Indiana’s SCSEP providers utilize the previous chart to determine which occupations will be in demand and to help identify potential gaps in training.  Training opportunities include: basic computer skills, resume, financial literacy, and other reemployment service workshop training. IN SCSEP participants also have access to other motivational and informational workshops which help accelerate their journeys to fulfilling careers. Topics such as: building confidence, discovering hidden jobs, interview success, customer service, LinkedIn, and finding your career passion.

Soft skills training is also provided to help the jobseeker grow their work search and job retention skills for successful employment.

The chart below shows projected long term changes for the occupations common to Hoosiers 55+:

Image removed.

These projections can be utilized to identify high growth opportunities, as long as there is a match with skills, strength, and interest by our SCSEP participants. Without taking these matches into consideration the risk for successfully maintaining employment diminishes.