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- Jobs for Veterans’ State Grants
(OMB Control Number: 1225-0086)
The Jobs for Veterans’ State Grants (JVSG) are mandatory, formula-based staffing grants to States (including DC, PR, VI and Guam). The JVSG is funded annually in accordance with a funding formula defined in the statute (38 U.S.C. 4102A (c) (2) (B) and regulation and operates on a fiscal year (not program year) basis, however, performance metrics are collected and reported quarterly on a Program Year basis (as with the ETA-9002 Series). Currently, VETS JVSG operates on a multi-year grant approval cycle modified and funded annually.
In accordance with 38 U.S.C. § 4102A(b)(5) and § 4102A(c), the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training (ASVET) makes grant funds available for use in each State to support Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists and Local Veterans' Employment Representatives (LVER) staff. As a condition to receive funding, 38 U.S.C. § 4102A(c)(2) requires States to submit an application for a grant that contains a State Plan narrative, which includes:
b. The duties assigned to DVOP specialists and LVER staff by the State; specifically implementing DVOP and LVER duties or roles and responsibilities as outlined in 38 U.S.C. § 4103A and 4104. These duties must be consistent with current guidance;
Current Narrative:
(b) The duties assigned to DVOP specialists and LVER staff by the State; specifically implementing DVOP and LVER duties or roles and responsibilities as outlined in 38 U.S.C. § 4103A and 4104. These duties must be consistent with current guidance;
MD Labor recognizes that all AJC staff play a critical role in serving transitioning service members, Veterans, and their families by providing resources to assist and prepare them for meaningful careers. In Maryland, the JVSG program provides funding for three key positions to ensure program success - Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists, Local Veterans’ Employment Representatives (LVERs), and a Veterans Program Manager.
In addition to functionally managing and overseeing the JVSG program, the Veterans Program Manager must also ensure that up-to-date signage, handouts, and webpages are available.
To ensure that DVOP specialists have adequate time to serve those most in need of support, staffers in this role deliver services exclusively to Veterans, spouses of Veterans, and other eligible persons who have Significant Barriers to Employment (SBE).
By limiting DVOP specialists’ activities to assisting Veterans and spouses of Veterans with one or more SBEs, DVOPs are able to provide Individualized Career Services to those who are most in need. Individualized Career Services designed to mitigate SBEs include: comprehensive and specialized assessments of skill levels and service needs, an individual employment plan to identify the employment goals, objectives and services, group and individual counseling, career planning, and job search assistance. Short-term prevocational services may also be offered, including learning skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, punctuality, personal maintenance skills, and professional conduct to prepare for unsubsidized employment or training. Referrals to other service providers, such as the VR and Employment (VR&E) Program offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), job search assistance, and short-term instruction to augment skills development may also be provided.
DVOP specialists are prohibited from completing LVER duties and when not otherwise actively engaged with a full caseload, should complete the following activities, in the following order:
- Review all open case files of Veterans with SBE and perform case management duties and
- Conduct relationship building, outreach, and recruitment activities with other service providers in the Local Area to locate and invite other Veterans with SBE to the AJC.
To ensure that correct Individualized Career Services are recorded, DVOP specialists must use DVOP Service Codes, which provides a list of applicable Services to be entered into the MWE. DVOP staff must only report Services for activities provided. DVOP staff must record all relevant case notes. The department has issued a policy that lists basic case note guidelines and procedures. The Veterans Program Manager should ensure that staff is properly trained on acceptable case management practices.
LVERs work to develop relationships with business to secure employment opportunities for Veterans. LVERs conduct employer outreach; engage in advocacy efforts; organize and facilitate job fairs, recruitments, and job clubs; and conduct prescreening for hiring executives, local businesses, business associations, business groups, industry partners, and community-based organizations. This is done in an effort to increase employment opportunities for Veterans, encourage the hiring of disabled Veterans, and generally assist Veterans to gain and retain employment. LVERs conduct seminars for employers and job clubs for eligible Veterans and spouses who are seeking employment. LVER staff is prohibited from completing DVOP specialists’ duties.
However, a LVER may meet with Veteran jobseekers recommended by AJC staff for referral to specific employment opportunities. The goal of these interactions is for the LVER to assess the Veteran’s suitability for referral, make connections between Veterans and a particular business, and develop feedback for the AJC system on best or promising practices to maximize successful Veteran employment. LVERs play an important role in the development of Local Area service delivery strategies for Veterans. LVERs and Local Area staff must work together to educate partner staff on the roles of DVOPs and LVERs.
As LVER staff leave state employment these roles will be replaced by a combined LVER/DVOP position. Utilizing this position provides the flexibility to work across both roles to expedite placement of qualified veterans into the business’s open positions. The LVER/DVOP can assist veterans with SBE as well as work with businesses to develop a relationship to create job opportunities for veterans being case managed. The relationship and knowledge of both the veteran and business creates a trusted environment for quality referrals. Understanding the skills and abilities required for open positions are not lost in translation between two staff in matching the veteran or determining additional education or certification requirements.
MD Labor has created the DVOP/Wagner-Peyser that can provide services to all veterans, their eligible spouses, as well as non-veteran jobseekers. During a jobseeker’s initial visit, the DVOP/ Wagner-Peyser would be responsible for assessing the veteran jobseeker to determine if they have an SBE. If a veteran identifies as having an SBE, the veteran can receive services from the DVOP/ Wagner-Peyser staff or referred to a full time DVOP. The position provides AJCs with additional flexibility of staff, while streamlining services to all who enter by having a DVOP/ Wagner-Peyser on location.
Staff in the combination LVER/DVOP role will allocate time spent serving veteran and other eligible persons using their monthly timesheets to track time spent in each role. The use of the Maryland Workforce Exchange, weekly calendars and completion of the timesheet daily will provide an accurate accounting of time spent in each role. Staff in the DVOP/ Wagner-Peyser role will allocate their time working with SBE veterans, and eligible dependents, and non-SBE and non-veterans. They must closely manage their time spent in each role to ensure that the proper grant is being charged and not exceeding the intent to have staff seamlessly navigate their roles to provide the best service. It should be noted that it is impossible to ensure a perfect split due to workloads but management will monitor the State to ensure fluctuations are at a minimum.
All staff must support Veteran employment initiatives and programs. Regional LVERs act as supervisors for JVSG staff. As supervisors, they must still perform the functions of a LVER. They will review and may approve additional activities as part of the local Veteran service delivery system. Supervisors must also review roles with JVSG staff and evaluate JVSG staff performance. Annually, LVERs must work with the Veterans Program Manager to create annual training plans for Local Areas. These plans help to ensure that all staff are updated and remain informed on current programs, staff roles, and policies.
The Veteran State Program Manager is also a LVER, who administers and directs JVSG program and services within MD Labor, DWDAL, and provide guidance regarding veteran services and the connection with MWE partners in support of the economic stability of the labor force, business, and the community by:
- Planning the delivery of services needed by veterans seeking employment for all Job Service sites and/or One Stop Career Center locations.
- Prepare grant materials including:
- Five-year basic grant document, outlining intent, philosophy and procedures as well as operational specifics;
- Annual grant document, indicating where staff will be assigned, what vet partners our local areas will be cooperating/collocating with, and specific operational details; and
- Seeking out information on potential grants for services to veterans, defining our program response, specifying what should be in the grant document, writing and submitting the grant document.
- Monitors program progress for performance from all MWE sites regarding the basic grants (DVOP and LVER), as well as monitoring or supervising the monitoring of special grants. Monitor through:
- Monthly reports by offices;
- Data from automated systems; and
- Internal reports devised to monitor system.
- Functionally supervise the state JSVG program in accordance with USDOL/VETS direction and Title 38, United States Code (USC) and Public Law 107-288 by monitoring services rendered, providing technical assistance to agencies referring qualified veterans for employment assistance.
- Conducts group orientations for USDOL, DVA, OES and Partner Agency representatives in the state to inform them of the criteria for enrollment in VWIP.
- Identifies and meets with Community College representatives to establish procedures for enrolling qualified veterans.
- Educates LVER and DVOP [veteran] personnel as to the requirements and procedures for applying and enrolling in VRAP.
- Identifies potential barriers veterans' face when attempting to enroll in training which
- Requires prerequisites before they can move to the next level of training.
- Negotiates contracts, Memorandums of Understanding and maintains an in-office/program accounting system for monies spent on transportation, tuition, and reimbursements for services and tools.
Technical Assistance and Program Support Services
- Review case management services provided by DVOP and LVER staff, assuring that requirements are met, that corrective action is planned and implemented, and that staff understand the management specifics.
- Reviews new, current and changes to Federal, State and WIA requirements in order to train One Stop staff and partners (as appropriate) in providing services to veterans within the requirements of Title 38, Public Law 107-288 and other appropriate services to non-Title 38 veterans.
- Continually reviews operations and services to veterans, provide technical assistance WIA Directors, Labor Exchange Administrators and LVERs/DVOPs on services to veterans.
- Performs Local Office reviews as part of a team to determine if veteran services are being applied in accordance with Title 38, U.S.C. of Federal Regulations and Public Law 107-288.
Employer Services
- Disseminates labor market information to Director, LVERs, DVOPs and /or employers to enable informed decisions on labor trends and economic conditions as they relate to veterans, by using appropriate resource materials and automated systems.
- Promotes agency services, job fairs, compliance with Federal Contractor Job Listings (FCJL).
Community Organization Outreach Services
- Maintains regular contact with community leaders, labor unions, training providers, and veterans' organizations for the purpose of keeping them advised of eligible veterans available for employment, through personal contact and various types of verbal (including group presentations) and written communication.
- Contacts community organizations for the purpose of soliciting eligible veterans in need of agency services.
Agency Compliance
- Reads materials, attends meetings and training to enable the employee to abide by laws, rules, regulations, procedures, policies, and ethical responsibilities promulgated by and/or governing the agency to ensure compliance.
Other Duties
Performs other duties as assigned, within the scope of Title 38 U. S. Code and Public Law 107-288 to ensure flexibility and adaptability to meet changing agency needs by receiving instructions from management.