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Located in:
  • III. Operational Planning Elements

    The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above.  Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs.  This section must include—

III. b. 3. B. ii. Board Activities

Provide a description of the activities that will assist State Board members and staff in carrying out State Board functions effectively.

Current Narrative:

There are five standing committees of the SWDB: Operating Committee, Youth Committee, Policy Committee, Career Pathways Committee, and Training & Credentialing Committee.

The Operating Committee is primarily responsible for conducting certain activities, as listed below, on behalf of the full SWDB between meeting dates, and for addressing urgent and/or time-sensitive business when a regular or special meeting cannot occur in time to meet the deadline. The Operating Committee is required to report all Committee decisions in writing to the full SWDB. Activities in which the Operating Committee may engage on behalf of the SWDB include:

  • Participating in meetings and activities that promote the work of the SWDB, such as marketing and advocating for the goals of the SWDB, WIOA, and Vermont’s workforce system;
  • Reviewing and responding to state and federal legislative proposals that impact Vermont’s workforce system, as necessary
  • Overseeing the performance of the WIOA Core Partners relative to their state and federal performance measures and, when necessary, providing necessary approval for the submission of documents or reports;
  • Approving the draw­down of federal funding, if necessary; and
  • Addressing urgent and/or time sensitive business when a regular or special meeting of the full SWDB cannot occur in time to meet the deadline.

The Youth Committee is charged with providing information and assistance related to services for youth. Particular policies regarding the functions of the SWDB that are currently under consideration by the Youth Committee include the selection of youth service providers, and the effective provision of services to out­of­school youth.

The Policy Committee is charged with reviewing and recommending policies related to WIOA program implementation, One-Stop operations, SWDB governance and operation, and other workforce system policies, as necessary. Committee membership represents stakeholders across business, higher and career technical education, labor, and state agencies.

The Career Pathways Committee is charged with reviewing and approving state-endorsed Career Pathways that reflect a shared vision across multiple sectors and agencies for improving employment outcomes, meeting employers’ and workers’ needs, and leveraging available State and federal funding. Committee membership represents stakeholders across business, higher and career technical education, veterans’ services, and state agencies.

The Training & Credentialing Committee is charged with overseeing and building on the WIOA Eligible Training Provider eligibility and approval process and creating tools and systems to assist in the recognition, use, and visibility of credentials of value to support employers, workers, education and training providers, and workforce development partners. Committee membership represents stakeholders across business, higher and career technical education, and state agencies.

Ad hoc committees and limited-duration work groups of the SWDB are established as needed and have included: WIOA State Plan Modification Committee, One-Stop American Job Center Certification Committee, Adult Education Grant Review Committee, Training & Credentialing Work Group and 2020 WIOA State Plan Work Group.

The VDOL provides administrative and fiscal support to the SWDB and access to workforce and labor market information from the Economic & Labor Market Information Division of the VDOL.