Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 6. B. Assessment of Participants’ Post-program Success
Describe how lead State agencies will use the workforce development system to assess the progress of participants who are exiting from core programs in entering, persisting in, and completing postsecondary education, or entering or remaining in employment. States may choose to set additional indicators of performance.
Current Narrative:
Each core partner will annually assess its performance according to its program requirements. Partners will also support the SWDB and its committees to assess participants’ post-program success. This may include frequent reporting on the common performance data reported by the core programs in compliance with WIOA § 116 and 20 C.F.R. § 677.155, as that data pertains to participants’ success after exit from the programs. As noted earlier, the SWDB Policy Committee will be establishing common metrics for evaluating how well the workforce development system is meeting the needs of its customers.
Under state law, the VDOL is required to report annually on the workforce development system. This report includes data related to the progress of participants who are exiting from core programs in entering and entering or remaining in employment. Legislators and the public are able to review this report. Similarly, AOE and regional higher education associations provide annual information on post-secondary education outcomes that is reported to the Legislature and relevant state boards.