Located in:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
States that include TANF in the Combined State Plan must outline how the State will meet the requirements of section 402 of the Social Security Act including how it will:
(OMB Control Number: 0970-0145)
l. Indicate Whether the State Intends to Assist Individuals to Train For, Seek, and Maintain Employment (section 402(a)(1)(b)(v) of the Social Security Act)— (1-2)
1. Providing direct care in a long-term care facility (as such terms are defined under section 1397j of this title); or
2. In other occupations related to elder care, high-demand occupations, or occupations expected to experience labor shortages as, determined appropriate by the State for which the State identifies an unmet need for service personnel, and, if so, shall include an overview of such assistance.
Current Narrative:
(l) Indicate whether the State intends to assist individuals to train for, seek, and maintain employment (Section 402(a)(1)(B)(v) of the Social Security Act)—
- providing direct care in a long-term care facility (as such terms are defined under section 1397j of this title); or
- in other occupations related to elder care, high-demand occupations, or occupations expected to experience labor shortages as, determined appropriate by the State for which the State identifies an unmet need for service personnel, and, if so, shall include an overview of such assistance.
As a WIOA Partner, DHS is connected with the State’s workforce system to stay informed about high–demand occupations. DHS accomplishes this in these ways:
- DHS’ Secretary serves on the GWDB. This access to the GWDB provides DHS with knowledge about high–demand occupations, industry sector initiatives, and business workforce development needs.
- DHS’ Bureau of Workforce Development has a team member that is tasked with business engagement through DHS’ Hiring Agreements program, for both private and public employers. Companies contracted to provide services or goods to the state are required to sign Hiring Agreements which declare DHS as the “first source” in filling positions that may be created as a result of the contract. Further, companies work with DHS to develop specific training to equip eligible TANF customers to fill vacancies. In addition, this team member works closely with the WIOA Partners’ statewide business services team, integrating into the larger workforce development system’s team that addresses business workforce development needs.
- The local department staff that work with businesses to place TANF customers in employment, internships, or on–the–job training opportunities are also connected to the WIOA Partners’ business services teams. This creates a coordinated and integrated system of business engagement. Additionally, the local department staff will begin taking advantage of the quarterly WIOA Partners business services training. Additionally, some local departments have contracts and Memoranda of Understanding with local community colleges to assist customers with vocational skills training and credentialing programs that will allow them to obtain employment at wages that will support their families. These programs include training in the healthcare related field, such as CNA, GNA, Medical Billing, and Coding. The current demand for skilled workers in these positions is high. These positions will increase in demand as the population of “baby boomers” continues to age. The state will continue to support training for careers in elder care as well as provide job search and job placement assistance for careers in the elder care field.