Located in:
- Career and technical education programs authorized under the the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) (Title 20, United States Code (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.))
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, statutory references in this section are to Pub. L. 115–224,— The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (“Perkins V” or “the Act”). (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.) The term “the State” used throughout this section refers to the State Perkins Eligible Agency and “the State Plan” refers to the “Perkins State Plan”.
(OMB Control Number: 1830-0029)
d. Accountability for Results
- 1. Identify and include at least one (1) of the following indicators of career and technical education program quality—
- a. The percentage of CTE concentrators (see Text Box 6 for the statutory definition of a CTE concentrator under section 3(12) of Perkins V) graduating from high school having attained a recognized postsecondary credential;
- b. The percentage of CTE concentrators graduating high school having attained postsecondary credits in relevant career and technical education programs and programs of study earned through a dual or concurrent enrollment program or another credit transfer agreement; and/or
- c. The percentage of CTE concentrators graduating from high school having participated in work-based learning. (Section 113(b)(2)(A)(iv)(I) of Perkins V)
Include any other measure(s) of student success in career and technical education that are statewide, valid, and reliable, and comparable across the State. (Section 113(b)(2)(A)(iv)(II) of Perkins V) Please note that inclusion of “other” program quality measure(s) is optional for States.
Provide the eligible agency’s measurement definition with a numerator and denominator for each of the quality indicator(s) the eligible agency selects to use.
- 2. Provide on the form in Section V.B, for each year covered by the State plan beginning in FY 2020, State determined performance levels or each of the secondary and postsecondary core indicators, with the levels of performance being the same for all CTE concentrators in the State. (Section 113(b)(3)(A)(i)(I) of Perkins V)
Text Box 6: Statutory Definition of CTE Concentrator |
The term ‘CTE concentrator’ means—
* This means that once a student completes 2 courses in a single CTE program or program of study, they are counted as a CTE concentrator. (Section 3(12) of Perkins V) |
- 3. Describe the procedure the eligible agency adopted for determining State determined levels of performance described in section 113 of Perkins V, which at a minimum shall include—
- a. A description of the process for public comment under section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V as part of the development of the State determined levels of performance (see Text Box 7 for the statutory requirements for consultation on State determined performance levels under section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V);
- b. An explanation for the State determined levels of performance that meet each of the statutory requirements in Text Box 8; and
- c. A description of how the State determined levels of performance set by the eligible agency align with the levels, goals and objectives other Federal and State laws, (Section 122(d)(10) of Perkins V).
As part of the procedures for determining State determined levels of performance, describe the process that will be used to establish a baseline for those levels.
- 4. Provide a written response to the comments regarding State determined performance levels received during the public comment period pursuant to section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V. (Section 113(b)(3)(B)(iii) of Perkins V).
As part of the written response, include a description of any the changes made to the State determined performance levels as a result of stakeholder feedback.
- 5. Describe how the eligible agency will address disparities or gaps in performance as described in section 113(b)(3)(C)(ii)(II) of Perkins V in each of the plan years, and if no meaningful progress has been achieved prior to the third program year, a description of the additional actions the eligible agency will take to eliminate these disparities or gaps. (Section 122(d)(11) of Perkins V)
As part of the written response, and pursuant to the Report of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP),2 the eligible agency could indicate that it will analyze data on the core indicators of performance to identify gaps in performance, explain how they will use evidence-based research to develop a plan to provide support and technical assistance to eligible recipients to address and close such gaps, and how they will implement this plan. The eligible agency is not required to submit a new State plan prior to the third program year in order to address this requirement.
Text Box 7: Statutory Requirements for Consultation on State Determined Performance Levels |
(Section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V) |
[2] See page 11 of Committee Report at https://www.congress.gov/115/crpt/srpt434/CRPT-115srpt434.pdf.
Current Narrative:
- 8. Identify and include at least one (1) of the following indicators of career and technical education program quality—a. the percentage of CTE concentrators (see Text Box 6 for the statutory definition of a CTE concentrator under section 3(12) of Perkins V) graduating from high school having attained a recognized postsecondary credential;
Alabama will use Option A.
- b. the percentage of CTE concentrators graduating high school having attained postsecondary credits in relevant career and technical education programs and programs of study earned through a dual or concurrent enrollment program or another credit transfer agreement; and/or (c) the percentage of CTE concentrators graduating from high school having participated in work-based learning. (Section 113(b)(2)(A)(iv)(I) of Perkins V)
Include any other measure(s) of student success in career and technical education that are statewide, valid, and reliable, and comparable across the State. (Section 113(b)(2)(A)(iv)(II) of Perkins V) Please note that inclusion of “other” program quality measure(s) is optional for States.
Alabama will not include any other measures of student success or program quality measure.
Provide the eligible agency’s measurement definition with a numerator and denominator for each of the quality indicator(s) the eligible agency selects to use. —
(See Appendix 4—Secondary Accountability Document)
Please see attachment for Alabama’s measurement definition with the quality indicator chosen and for numerator denominator definitions.
2. Provide on the form in Section V.B, for each year covered by the State plan beginning in FY 2020, State determined performance levels or each of the secondary and postsecondary core indicators, with the levels of performance being the same for all CTE concentrators in the State. (Section 113(b)(3)(A)(i)(I) of Perkins V.
3. Describe the procedure the eligible agency adopted for determining State determined levels of performance described in section 113 of Perkins V, which at a minimum shall include—a description of the process for public comment under section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V as part of the development of the State determined levels of performance (see Text Box 7 for the statutory requirements for consultation on State determined performance levels under section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V); .—(See Appendix 4--Secondary Accountability Document)
Alabama examined data for each performance indicator to identify trends in the data and to find the average of two years to determine State levels of performance as described in section 113 of Perkins V. Alabama aligned its numerator and denominator to its Every Student Succeeds Act Accountability Workbook Methodology to be consistent in the local education agencies. The levels were then open for public comment with the Perkins V plan and adjusted as discussed in the public comment portion of the plan.
- an explanation for the State determined levels of performance that meet each of the statutory requirements in Text Box 8; and
- a description of how the State determined levels of performance set by the eligible agency align with the levels, goals, and objectives other Federal and State laws (Section 122(d)(10) of Perkins V).
As part of the procedures for determining State determined levels of performance, describe the process that will be used to establish a baseline for those levels.
4. Provide a written response to the comments regarding State determined performance levels received during the public comment period pursuant to section 113(b)(3)(B) of Perkins V. (Section 113(b)(3)(B)(iii) of Perkins V).
As part of the written response, include a description of any the changes made to the State determined performance levels as a result of stakeholder feedback.
See Appendix 5
5. Describe how the eligible agency will address disparities or gaps in performance as described in section 113(b)(3)(C)(ii)(II) of Perkins V in each of the plan years, and if no meaningful progress has been achieved prior to the third program year, a description of the additional actions the eligible agency will take to eliminate these disparities or gaps. (Section 122(d)(11) of Perkins V)
As part of the written response, and pursuant to the Report of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), the eligible agency could indicate that it will analyze data on the core indicators of performance to identify gaps in performance, explain how they will use evidence-based research to develop a plan to provide support and technical assistance to eligible recipients to address and close such gaps, and how they will implement this plan. The eligible agency is not required to submit a new State plan prior to the third program year in order to address this requirement.
The Alabama Department of Education will analyze data on the core indicators of performance to address disparities or identify gaps in performance in each of the plan years. If no meaningful progress, as defined in Alabama's Perkins V Operational Handbook, has been achieved prior to the third program year, the Local Education Agency will implement research and evidence-based strategies to close identified gaps.