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j. 1. B. Who are minorities;

Current Narrative:

The ACS provides data on disability and race by state. Overall, 3.8% of Vermonters are from an ethnic minority. The following table shows the ACS estimates of the incidence of disability by race.


Table 16: Incidence of Disability by Race for Adults Aged 18 to 64

RaceTotal Number  of Working AgePercentage Reporting a DisabilityEstimated Potential VR Eligible Consumers
White 346,300 11.9 41,209
Black/African American6,00020.2%1,212
Asian 5,600 22.4%1,254
American Indian 1,900 16.5 313


The disability rates for African Americans and Asians in Vermont exceed the average. However, the estimates for the Vermont non-white populations with disabilities are from sample sizes of less than 40 people and too small to be statistically reliable. As a result, this data may substantially over state the actual rate of disability in these groups.  In Program Year 2018, 8% of DVR closures were for individuals from an ethnic minority. Given this data it appears that individuals with disabilities from ethnic minorities are accessing the VR program at a higher rate to individuals who are white.