Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- a. State Strategy Implementation
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include–
- 2. Implementation of State Strategy
Describe how the lead State agency with responsibility for the administration of each core program or a Combined Plan partner program included in this plan will implement the State’s Strategies identified in Section II(c). above. This must include a description of—
- 2. Implementation of State Strategy
- a. State Strategy Implementation
III. a. 2. B. Alignment with Activities Outside the Plan
Describe how the activities identified in (A) will be aligned with programs and activities provided by required one-stop partners and other optional one-stop partners and activities provided under employment, training (including Registered Apprenticeships), education (including career and technical education), human services and other programs not covered by the plan, as appropriate, assuring coordination of, and avoiding duplication among these activities.
Current Narrative:
The information in this section is organized parallel to Part (A) above and listed in Table 24, which follows on the next page:
- Idaho Department of Labor Programs - includes WIOA Title I-B and Title III, and Combined Partner programs of Trade Adjustment Assistance, Veterans Training & Employment Programs, and Unemployment Insurance
- Title II - Adult Education
- Title IV - Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
- Combined State Plan Partner - OAA Title V - Senior Community Service Employment Programs
All workforce system partners use a statewide resource for service coordination: Live Better Idaho (LBI) located at https://www.livebetteridaho.org, an online platform developed and supported by one-stop partner Idaho Department of Health & Welfare. The custom-designed platform is ‘agency agnostic’ and available to public and private providers of services. It connects Idahoans in need to relevant services by matching individuals with programs they may qualify for. The tool is localized and customized, connecting users to services that are relevant and available in their local areas.
LBI was developed specifically to implement many of the state’s strategies, such as serving rural communities, coordinating staff training, and connecting to youth populations. It is the product of intensive research in customer-centered services and translating the results to an electronic platform. All one-stop partners are required to link their services to LBI, but not simply as an information source. Customers are able to take the next actionable step toward receiving services, such as completing an application or identifying needed eligibility documentation.
LBI provides customers in remote locations access to services, even from a mobile device. The customers do not have to make a long drive to a one-stop center. Customers choosing to visit a local library can receive additional direction from library staff. Even staff at American Job Centers rely on LBI as the most up-to-date resource on services in the local area. Where the tool is designed to empower customers to serve themselves, it is also an invaluable training resource for AJC staff on partner programs.
All one-stop partner staff have been trained on LBI and can use it with customers to explore other complimentary programs which may offer specific funding in areas of need, reducing direct program expenditures, and service redundancy while increasing overall collaboration with partners external to WIOA.
Table 24: Core Program Activities Aligned with Strategy Implementation
Activities Outside Plan Agency/Program | *Target key industries/Sector Approach | * Improving Public Awareness and Access to the Workforce System | *Coordinating Business Services across partners to ensure delivery of streamlined and high-quality solutions | *Serving Rural communities | *Career Pathways |
Idaho Department of Labor-WP,WIOA Title I-B, TAA, VETS, UI, | ·The sector strategy initiative is supported by the Idaho Department of Labor’s Research and Analysis Bureau. This bureau is responsible for developing and publishing data for Bureau of Labor Statistics programs and other labor market information. Industry scans for the targeted sectors are published periodically to update policymakers, industry leaders, and those working in economic and workforce development. These industry scans are important for informing and training all workforce partners about the targeted industries and the high-demand occupations within them. | ·The agency’s Communications division is assisting in the development of an outreach campaign to inform the public of the Idaho Department of Labor’s new service delivery model. In addition, Communications also assists the Workforce Development Council in the development/layout of some of its reports to the Governor and legislature which outline the multitude of workforce activities taking place across the state. ·The agency’s Idaho Job Corps initiative is creating better opportunities for Idaho’s youth to benefit from the Job Corps program. | ·The Research & Analysis Bureau provides labor market information to core and One-Stop partners to assure that employers across the state receive program information and services designed to improve their labor force. ·The Research & Analysis Bureau assists the Workforce Development Council in developing and issuing metrics to determine criteria for awarding Workforce Development Training Fund grants. | ·In order to provide One-Stop services across the state, IDOL is leading the discusssions with the One-Stop partners to share resources, including co-location. It is rare that partners duplicate each other’s work. The communities are so small that each partner is intimately aware of what the other is doing and they most often collaborate; however, there is room for improvement as leases expire and new service delivery models are implemented. | ·The career pathways initiative is led by Idaho Career &Technical Education, the administrator of the Carl D. Perkins programs. The initiative is well informed by many of the partners - Adult Education, WIOA Title I-B programs, and Employment Services staff. The effort is overseen by the Workforce Development Council with input from industry leaders and all levels of educators. ·The Idaho Job Corps program is partnering with the community colleges in the state in a new pilot designed to promote more flexibility to the program in aligning to in-demand career pathways. The pilot is in place at one community college and will expand to the others in PY21. |
Idaho Career & Technical Education-Adult Education | ·ICTE also administers the GED program for the State and will ensure that the policies and processes guiding GED testing in Idaho align with the Combined State Plan strategies. For example, the Division has implemented new polices for opening GED testing centers in underserved and rural communities. ICTE also coordinates training around the GED for local Adult Education providers. | ·Training initiatives for local program staff around workforce development, One-Stops, and program partnerships will be coordinated through the WIOA Advisory Group and Workforce Development Council to maximize cross training opportunities and reduce duplicated efforts | *See Improving Public Awareness/ Access | Career pathways, contextualized literacy instruction, and college transition programs for Adult Education will be developed in coordination with ICTE and the State Board of Education, as well as local colleges. This will help ensure alignment with technical programs funded by Carl D. Perkins at both the secondary and post-secondary levels, and reduce duplication and redundancies in remedial education programs. | |
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs- Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation & Idaho Commission of the Blind and Visually Impaired | •Focus training and improvement efforts around Comprehensive Assessments to require the utilization of career pathways model in addition to LMI, when applicable, and enhanced discovery activities to align with interests, abilities, capabilities, strengths, and limitations of the individual. | •VR programs are working to improve program visibility including improved marketing tools for both employers and people with disabilities. •VR programs have re-engineered our ‘success stories’ process with a focus on the creation of quality products showcasing beneficial outcomes for business and customers who utilize VR. •DVR has developed an updated website, and ICBVI will be updating their website soon to provide better resources to complement the professionalization of marketing efforts. •Title IV programs continue to work with Idaho school districts and LEAs to promote early involvement of students in the VR process and Pre-employment Transition Services. | •Business outreach team for each region has been established by IDVR and ICBVI to strategize and coordinate regional services and to participate in WIOA regional employment teams. •Developing employer related training for staff to use with employers. •Strategic planning efforts will better inform a business outreach for Title IV programs, due to occur in March 2020. | ·Continue to encourage and support vendors offering service provision in smaller communities to offset the impact of long distances, while exploring other service delivery models to expand options in rural/remote communities. ·Continue to monitor rural need and continue to support travel by Community Rehabilitation Programs serving Idaho’s remote & underserved areas. ·Extend rural outreach to all school districts. Transition coordinator to develop, evaluate & modify innovative transition services tailored to the needs of local areas/ communities as they align with the combined state strategy and activities of workforce partners. | · See Target key industries/Sector Approach |
Idaho Commission on Aging - SCSEP | ·Provide referral information to outside organizations that provide information and assistance, such as, Centers for Independent Living and the Area Agencies on Aging. |