Located in:
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities under Title I-B
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following with respect to activities carried out under subtitle B—
b. 6. Describe the State’s policy on WIOA and TAA co-enrollment and whether and how often this policy is disseminated to the local workforce development boards and required one-stop partners. Trade Act Sec. 239(f), Sec. 235, 20 CFR 618.325, 20 CFR 618.824(a)(3)(i).
Current Narrative:
The State issued DWD Policy 2020-06, Change 1 in March 2022 to emphasize the requirement of co-enrollment of TAA individuals into WIOA Dislocated Worker as mandated by the Trade Act sections above. The policy was distributed to local workforce development boards, posted on the DWD Policy website, and provided to the DWD Regional Support Managers for implementation by the local workforce development boards. Additionally, the TAA Unit provides a report of co-enrollment data specific to each region, quarterly.