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- Jobs for Veterans’ State Grants
(OMB Control Number: 1293-0017)
Components of the Jobs for Veterans State Grants State Plan
Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) recipients must provide a four-year state plan as a condition for the receipt of annual funding in accordance with 38 U.S.C. § 4102A(c). This plan must include responses to each of the components below.
d. Demonstrate the manner in which DVOP, LVER and consolidated DVOP/LVER staff are integrated into the state’s employment service delivery systems or American Job Center (AJC). This demonstration should show active engagement between JVSG and other AJC staff, such as through participation in staff meetings and cross-training opportunities.
Current Narrative:
DVOP specialists are integrated into AJCs as team members focused on providing Individualized Career Services (ICS) to eligible veterans and eligible persons with a Significant Barrier to Employment (SBE) in accordance with Veterans’ Program Letter (VPL) 03-14 Changes 1 and 2 or current guidance, or if a veteran is a member of one of the additional populations as outlined in Veterans’ Program Letter 03-19 or current guidance, and has been first identified by Wagner- Peyser staff. Wagner Peyser staff refer to a locally created desk aid to assist them in properly assessing potentially eligible veterans and eligible persons.
LVERs are an integral part of the AJCs as they facilitate employment, training and placement services furnished to covered persons in the State under the applicable State employment service delivery system. LVERs routinely keep the AJC staff apprised of labor market information, serve as capacity builders to boost the effectiveness of AJC colleagues who assist veterans, promote awareness and appreciation of the unique qualities and skills that veterans possess by explaining how military experience and training translates into civilian competencies, and generate more business for the AJCs by educating employers and community organizations about the benefits of utilizing all of the services available. Where applicable LVERs will be fully integrated into the Business Service Team which affords them the opportunity to build strong relationships with employers in their local area, develop standard team business service knowledge and practices across participating partner agencies, and coordinate and link resources and information with the ultimate goal of ensuring more employers are aware of, and utilize, services and incentives.
Consolidated Position Staff serve a dual role as DVOP specialist and LVER, focusing on the rural areas of the state to provide services to both employers and SBE veterans/eligible persons. They conduct employer outreach, job searches, and establish job search groups. After they have removed all barriers to employment through individualized career services, consolidated staff coordinate with AJC apprenticeship, OJT programs and local business engagement team staff to match veterans with job opportunities. Consolidated staff also provide training to other AJC staff to ensure programmatic compliance in serving the needs of veterans seeking our assistance.