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Located in:
  • Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)

    The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:


    [13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA

    • i. Comprehensive System of Personnel Development; Data System on Personnel and Personnel Development

      Describe the designated State agency's procedures and activities to establish and maintain a comprehensive system of personnel development designed to ensure an adequate supply of qualified State rehabilitation professional and paraprofessional personnel for the designated State unit, including the following:

      • 4. Staff Development

        Describe the State agency's policies, procedures, and activities to ensure that, consistent with section101(a)(7)(C) of the Rehabilitation Act, all personnel employed by the designated State unit receive appropriate and adequate training in terms of:

i. 4. A. A system of staff development for professionals and paraprofessionals within the designated State unit, particularly with respect to assessment, vocational counseling, job placement, and rehabilitation technology, including training implemented in coordination with entities carrying out State programs under section 4 of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998; and

Current Narrative:

(4) Staff Development. Describe the State agency’s policies, procedures, and activities to ensure that, consistent with section 101(a)(7)(C) of the Rehabilitation Act, all personnel employed by the designated State unit receive appropriate and adequate training in terms of:

(A) a system of staff development for professionals and paraprofessionals within the designated State unit, particularly with respect to assessment, vocational counseling, job placement, and rehabilitation technology, including training implemented in coordination with entities carrying out State programs under section 4 of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998; and

The Division maintains a system of staff development for staff professionals and paraprofessionals that includes the identification of training needs, developing policies and procedures, and conducting training activities. Training needs are identified based upon results of a variety of assessment instruments and methods which include: (1) the organizational Planning Process in which training areas are determined by the initiatives identified in the Division’s five year Strategic Plan, the Annual Program Plan, and the Maryland WIOA State Plan; (2) DORS Performance Appraisal, which allows each professional employee and the employee’s supervisor to identify on a semi-annual basis training needs and to develop a plan to assist the employee to meet the essential functions of their position as reflected in their position description. These needs are shared with the Staff Development Specialist and training needs are prioritized, developed, implemented, and/or coordinated based on the results of the information; (3) Program Evaluation:  Areas of need are identified by the DORS program evaluator, through the case review process and the RSA 107 review; (4) The triennial comprehensive assessment of the needs of individuals with disabilities, included as Attachment 4.11 (a); (5) Division’s Policy Review Committee, the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC), and annual public meetings provide feedback and a continuous evaluation component identifying needs that can be addressed and/or alleviated by training which are submitted to the Staff Development Office for appropriate action; (6) Individual Staff Training Needs Survey: A training needs assessment questionnaire is distributed to all staff annually. The results are tabulated and categorized to prepare for individual and/or group training programs.

Policies and Procedures for staff development activities are maintained in the Division’s Rehabilitation Services Manual I, Administrative Manual, section 700, as well as the Staff Development Site on InDORS, the Division’s intranet which allows staff to access information on policies and procedures for in-service training opportunities, tuition reimbursement, reimbursement for fees related to achievement and maintenance of CRC credentials, mentoring and leadership activities, and provides a training calendar with links to brochures and registration information. 


The Staff Development program identifies training needs from surveys and sources noted above, and it develops and provides training to professional and paraprofessional staff through quarterly, annual, and customized training activities, which include the following: 

  • Orientation and training on fundamental rehabilitation process and procedures is provided to all new staff through Getting Connected, the Supervisor’s Guide to training new staff through the Divisions, and the Quality Rehabilitation Training program provided to all new staff;
  • Training for special populations is provided including: blindness and vision services, deaf and hard of hearing services, services for individuals with acquired brain injury, individuals on the autism spectrum, transitioning youth, and psychiatric rehabilitation throughout the year;
  • Training in career assessment services is offered semi-annually;
  • Rehabilitation technology training is offered throughout the year on a variety of assistive technology and worksite accommodation issues. When possible, these Assistive Technology trainings are coordinated with the MD Technology Assistance program;
  • Statewide prescriptive training on a variety of topics is delivered to all counselors, including career counseling, employer services, ethics, job placement, case note/case documentation training, Americans with Disabilities Act training, autism spectrum disorders;
  • Staff participate in the annual statewide training conference sponsored by the DORS and the Maryland Rehabilitation Association;
  • New supervisors training and ongoing training activities for supervisors and Division administrators are provided during semi-annual statewide supervisors meetings. Staff managers participate in management and leadership training through vendors;
  • Training is provided on topics specific to the implementation of WIOA, such as Pre-Employment Transition Services and Sub-Minimum Wage requirements;
  • Paraprofessionals participate in statewide prescriptive training throughout the year with their units, as well as an annual training activity customized to meet the needs of staff and to address agency priorities; and
  • Business Services Representatives participate in various trainings and online courses as well as the annual Mid-Atlantic ADA Update Conference to expand their knowledge and hone their skills as ADA trainers.

The Staff Development office maintains a data base of all training activities attended by Division professional and paraprofessional staff, according to the individual staff member, unit, and Office.