Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:
[13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA
- o. State's Strategies
Describe the required strategies and how the agency will use these strategies to achieve its goals and priorities, support innovation and expansion activities, and overcome any barriers to accessing the VR and the Supported Employment programs (See sections 101(a)(15)(D) and (18)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act and section 427 of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)):
- o. State's Strategies
o. 6. Strategies to improve the performance of the State with respect to the performance accountability measures under section 116 of WIOA
Current Narrative:
Vermont DVR has had a major commitment to improving our performance under section 116 of WIOA. Strategies 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9 all directly relate to improving the state’s performance with respect to the WIOA Common Performance Measures.