Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for State Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by sections 101(a) and 606 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA.
- d. Evaluation and Reports of Progress: VR and Supported Employment Goals
For the most recently completed program year, provide an evaluation and report of progress for the goals or priorities, including progress on the strategies under each goal or priority, applicable to that program year. Sections 101(a)(15) and 101(a)(23) of the Rehabilitation Act require VR agencies to describe—
- d. Evaluation and Reports of Progress: VR and Supported Employment Goals
d. 3. The use of funds reserved for innovation and expansion activities (Sections 101(a)(18) and 101(a)(23) of the Rehabilitation Act) (e.g., SRC, SILC).
Current Narrative:
WVDRS fully embraces the Congressional intent that individuals with disabilities and their advocates are full partners in the state rehabilitation program. Therefore, WVDRS has established a goal to improve its service delivery system through involvement of consumers and their advocates to increase the ease of access to, timeliness of, and quality of rehabilitation services and ultimately to improve employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. The Division’s concentration of I&E efforts on consumer partnerships demonstrates its commitment to enhanced consumer involvement.
Success in working with consumers and their advocates is fundamentally important in developing and using innovative approaches to achieve long–term success in expanding and improving rehabilitation services, including supported employment. WVDRS pursues that work primarily through partnership initiatives with the West Virginia State Rehabilitation Council (WV SRC) and the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC).
WVDRS believes that the activities of these councils provide a promising foundation for the kind of partnership envisioned by the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. If that partnership is to achieve its full potential, however, it must receive the necessary support.
Therefore, WVDRS annually allocates I&E funds to support general operations of the WV SRC and the SILC.
Program Year (PY) 2022 highlights for each appear below. WEST VIRGINIA STATE REHABILITATION COUNCIL
I&E funds support operations and activities undertaken by members of the WV SRC, as mandated by WIOA. WVDRS allocated $52,168 for WV SRC in PY 2022.
As required by the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998, WV SRC assists WVDRS by conducting a survey of consumer satisfaction for WVDRS consumers whose VR cases have been closed. Surveys were mailed to approximately 3,379 individuals in PY 2022. WV SRC uses I&E funds to share costs of contracting an independent consultant to compile a report of survey results.
I&E funding assists WV SRC to prepare, publish, and distribute its annual report.
WV SRC also participates in development and establishment of WVDRS goals and priorities outlined in this state plan. I&E funds are used for travel costs as necessary.
In combination with Title VII money, I&E funds help support operations and activities undertaken by the SILC. WVDRS allocated $228,900 for the SILC in PY 2022.
The SILC, in partnership with WVDRS, jointly develops and submits the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), as appropriate. The SILC continues to monitor and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the SPIL. In conjunction with WVDRS, the SILC prepares and submits the 704 Report for West Virginia.
SILC members and/or employees collaborate with and/or participate in activities of the WV Centers for Independent Living (WVCIL), WV Developmental Disabilities Council, WV SRC, WV Olmstead Council, WV Mental Health Consumers Association, WV American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Medley Hartley Advocacy Project Advisory Council, WV Transportation Alliance, and the Fair Shake Network. Training for service providers on sexual victimization of individuals with disabilities has been scheduled.
The SILC conducts a survey of consumer satisfaction for consumers who received independent living services. The SILC uses I&E funds to share costs with WVDRS and WVCIL for distribution of the survey and contracting an independent consultant to compile survey results and prepare an annual report of findings.
The SILC ensures that all meetings are open to the public and provides notice through the WV Secretary of State’s Office as well as through statewide media at least two weeks prior to the meetings.