Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for State Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by sections 101(a) and 606 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA.
- i. Comprehensive System of Personnel Development.
In accordance with the requirements in Section 101(a)(7) of the Rehabilitation Act, the VR agency must develop and maintain annually a description (consistent with the purposes of the Rehabilitation Act) of the VR agency’s comprehensive system of personnel development, which shall include a description of the procedures and activities the State VR agency will undertake to ensure it has an adequate supply of qualified State rehabilitation professionals and paraprofessionals that provides the following:
- i. Comprehensive System of Personnel Development.
i. 2. C. Description of staff development policies, procedures, and activities that ensure all personnel employed by the VR agency receive appropriate and adequate training and continuing education for professionals and paraprofessionals:
i. Particularly with respect to assessment, vocational counseling, job placement, and rehabilitation technology, including training implemented in coordination with entities carrying out State programs under section 4 of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998; and
ii. Procedures for the acquisition and dissemination of significant knowledge from research and other sources to VR agency professionals and paraprofessionals and for providing training regarding the amendments to the Rehabilitation Act made by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
Current Narrative:
i. Particularly with respect to assessment, vocational counseling, job placement, and rehabilitation technology, including training implemented in coordination with entities carrying out State programs under section 4 of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998
VR continues to assess training methods and curriculum in order to make necessary improvements to the development and delivery of training for staff, specifically new VR Counselors. Counselor training needs are assessed through survey, dialogue, supervisor recommendations, staff feedback, and agency directives. VR has a dedicated statewide training director to oversee all training initiatives, obtaining ongoing feedback from a variety of staff to work toward continuous improvement in the development and delivery of training. In early 2022, the VR training team was expanded to also include a VR Training Assistant Director as well as a Training Coordinator, taking the team from 1 to 3 staff.
Training is provided through a variety of modalities, including regional trainings, webinars, and in-person workshops. VR is utilizing the YesLMS learning management system for web-based modules for new and seasoned VR staff. The training team has developed a series of new customized training courses for new and more seasoned Counselors and has utilized existing courses in the YesLMS training library to augment the customized training developed. For new Counselors, a training plan has been developed to include 8 weeks of training activities in addition to the YesLMS courses, including video tutorials on the case management system and other relevant topics.
In addition to formal classroom style or web-based training, a great deal of mentoring and coaching occurs at the local level, especially for new staff. Supervisors and Itinerant (working lead) VR Counselors play a large role in coaching new staff and will continue to be a key part of new staff training. BRS established VR Counseling and Guidance Cohorts to focus on the essentials of counseling and guidance throughout the VR process. These are small groups of 5-10 newer VR staff who work with a skilled facilitator and other trainees through a series of sessions, under the supervision of a senior or management-level staff member who has a graduate degree in Rehabilitation or other counseling area, or is certified or licensed as a counselor.
ii. Procedures for the acquisition and dissemination of significant knowledge from research and other sources to VR agency professionals and paraprofessionals and for providing training regarding the amendments to the Rehabilitation Act made by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
VR also accesses training and resources offered by partners, including the statewide Assistive Technology IN-DATA program which offers ‘first Friday’ AT webinars specifically for VR staff as well as trainings from the VRTAC-QE, VRTAC-QM, and the Center for Innovative Training in VR (CIT-VR). State and national subject matter experts are frequently invited to present to VR staff through Friday field chats, webinars, and other training modes. Example topic areas have included Adult Education, labor market information, postsecondary services, disability specific content, cultural diversity, and more. Many VR staff are also supported in attending state and national conferences and trainings to obtain relevant content, such as vehicle modifications, traumatic brain injury, program evaluation, transition services, and related. A weekly communications ‘Blast’ is also distributed to all staff to provide timely information and helpful resources. Furthermore, VR meets regularly with staff through weekly leadership team meetings which include VR region managers and the training team, quarterly supervisor meetings, and quarterly regional meetings with all VR field staff. These meetings have proven to be a great method of information sharing, opportunities to solicit feedback, clarification of procedures and practices, and insight into areas of concern.
The VR training team worked directly with the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) in developing training material using the YesLMS platform to educate VR and DWD field on WIOA program involvement. This included development of three courses to be completed by both VR and DWD staff on collaboration and coordination between workforce programs, VR, and Adult Education. Additionally, VR is contracting with ten WIOA Partner Navigators to help VR participants navigate programs available through regional Work One or American Job Centers, while also assisting Work One participants in accessing the VR program.