Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for State Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by sections 101(a) and 606 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA.
- j. Coordination with Education Officials.
In accordance with the requirements in Section 101(a)(11)(D) of the Rehabilitation Act—
- j. Coordination with Education Officials.
j. 2. Coordination with Education Officials. - 2
A. Consultation and technical assistance, which may be provided using alternative means for meeting participation (such as video conferences and conference calls), to assist educational agencies in planning for the transition of students with disabilities from school to post-school activities, including pre-employment transition services and other vocational rehabilitation services;
B. Transition planning by personnel of the designated State agency and educational agency personnel for students with disabilities that facilitates the development and implementation of their individualized education programs (IEPs) under Section 614(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;
C. The roles and responsibilities, including financial responsibilities, of each agency, including provisions for determining State lead agencies and qualified personnel responsible for transition services and pre-employment transition services;
D. Procedures for outreach to and identification of students with disabilities who need transition services and pre-employment transition services. Outreach to these students should occur as early as possible during the transition planning process and must include, at a minimum, a description of the purpose of the vocational rehabilitation program, eligibility requirements, application procedures, and scope of services that may be provided to eligible individuals;
E. Coordination necessary to satisfy documentation requirements set forth in 34 C.F.R. part 397 regarding students and youth with disabilities who are seeking subminimum wage employment; and
F. Assurance that, in accordance with 34 C.F.R. § 397.31, neither the SEA nor the local educational agency will enter into a contract or other arrangement with an entity, as defined in 34 C.F.R. § 397.5(d), for the purpose of operating a program under which youth with a disability is engaged in work compensated at a subminimum wage.
Current Narrative:
A. Consultation and technical assistance, which may be provided using alternative means for meeting participation (such as video conferences and conference calls), to assist educational agencies in planning for the transition of students with disabilities from school to post-school activities, including pre-employment transition services and other vocational rehabilitation services
BRS and DOE have a fully executed MOU that includes the following information:
1. DDRS will provide consultation and technical assistance to the IDOE staff in planning for the transition of students with disabilities from school to post -school activities, including pre-employment transition services.
2. Consultation and technical assistance will be provided by the administrative, supervisory, and direct service delivery levels of DDRS and will occur formally and informally throughout the school year.
3. DDRS staff will be responsible for providing consultation and technical assistance to IDOE special education and transition personnel at the district and school levels, to assist IDOE transition teachers and staff in planning for transition activities. Areas of consultation and technical assistance may include information related to:
a. DDRS service description including pre-employment transition services
b. DDRS eligibility criteria
c. Assistive technology needs and assessments
d. Social Security benefits planning
e. DDRS referral procedures
f. Career exploration
g. Local resources for transition in addition to DDRS
h. Federal financial aid available for post-secondary education
4. DDRS is available to provide consultation and technical assistance to IDOE as needed throughout the year. IDOE may request consultation and technical assistance by phone, video conferencing, e-mail, mail, or on a peer-to-peer basis. DDRS and IDOE agree to provide cross-training as needed.
B. Transition planning by personnel of the designated State agency and educational agency personnel for students with disabilities that facilitates the development and implementation of their individualized education programs (IEPs) under section 614(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- DDRS will attend meetings to facilitate transition planning, such as meetings for the development of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and/or Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) when invited and with sufficient notice, with appropriate consent, and as resources allow.
- DDRS will make available to IDOE and LEA’s, informational resources, such as the “Moving On…Life After High School” VR transition planning booklet, that LEA’s are encouraged to distribute) to family members, and or guardians and their representatives at all IEP meetings as part of the routine information shared.
- DDRS, in collaboration with LEAs and local providers, will provide or arrange for the provision of pre-employment transition services to all students with disabilities identified as requiring these services.
- DDRS shall determine the eligibility of all students with disabilities who have applied for VR services within 60 days from the date of application pursuant to section 102(a)(6) of the Rehabilitation Act and section 34 CFR 361.41(b)(1) of its implementing regulations.
- DDRS will develop an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), which is consistent with, and which takes into consideration the student -participant’s IEP, within 90 days of VR eligibility, unless an extension is approved.
C. The roles and responsibilities, including financial responsibilities, of each agency, including provisions for determining State lead agencies and qualified personnel responsible for transition services and pre-employment transition services
The responsibilities of DDRS are to serve as the lead agency in Indiana for carrying out Federal and State policies relating to the program under the Rehabilitation Act, including the following:
- Accept referral of students with disabilities during the transition planning process for the provision of pre-employment transition services.
- Provide consultation with school district staff on transition planning to prepare a student to move from school to work or post-secondary education in accordance with the student's unique needs as determined through the IEP process and provision of pre-employment transition services.
- Assess, plan, develop and provide VR services for eligible individuals with disabilities who have been referred for VR services, consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice, so that such individuals may prepare for and engage in competitive, integrated employment.
- Develop an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), which is consistent with and which takes into consideration the student-participant’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), within 90 days of DDRS eligibility determination, unless an extension is approved.
- Provide consultation to assist in the identification of eligible and potentially eligible students with disabilities and assessment of their individual needs for pre-employment transition services.
- Provide or arrange for the provision of services required by the IPE goal, when the student has been determined eligible for VR and the services are specific to his/her employment outcome and are not services customarily provided to the student by the LEA under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
- Provide information to parents and/or guardian(s), student-participants regarding VR eligibility, vocational assessment for employment and post-secondary planning and the Client Assistance Program (CAP).
- Obtain written consent for the release of confidential information, pursuant to DDRS policy and procedures, federal and state laws and regulations regarding confidentiality.
- Provide contact information for DDRS counselors, and information related to the VR process for coordination of transition activities within each school district.
- Share information regarding policies, procedures, guidelines, programs and services for the purpose of improving access to, and availability of, transition services.
- Provide informational materials about the VR process and services to the school districts for distribution to the students, parents, legal guardians, teachers and others.
- Promote employer participation in providing opportunities for work-based learning for students with disabilities.
- As new federal or state requirements or initiatives are identified, DDRS will participate with DOE on joint training of school district and VR staff whenever possible and as applicable.
- Inform teachers, DOE, students, legal guardians and parents of the mandates found in the Rehabilitation Act and its implementing regulations, which require the student with a disability exiting school to be referred to DDRS prior to entering subminimum wage work with a 14c certificate holder.
The responsibilities of DOE are as follows:
- To provide technical assistance, training and reference materials regarding WIOA to school districts and other stakeholders identified by DOE, including parents, families, guardians and students relating to the provision of pre-employment transition services and other transition services. Additionally, DOE will disseminate this information to all appropriate DOE staff who work with or make decisions about Special Education Services and ensure knowledge of joint responsibilities.
- To facilitate and coordinate the smooth transition of students with disabilities from school to post-school employment-related activities, including the receipt of appropriate pre-employment transition services, transition services, technical education and competitive, integrated employment.
- To encourage school district and DDRS collaboration and coordination for the purpose of providing more opportunities and resources to move students from school to work (e.g., participation on local multi-agency teams, Career and Technical Education (CTE) and other opportunities for collaboration for improved pre-employment transition outcomes).
- To encourage liaisons between the school districts or individual schools and local DDRS offices, to ensure the provision of relevant disability documentation, and/or copy of the IEP/504 for students referred with documented consent, as applicable.
- To develop active communication and outreach efforts to make parents and students aware of coordinated transition services and opportunities. Examples are participation in the annual transition conference, career fairs, summer camps, and other vocational/educational opportunities.
- To facilitate joint training between DDRS and appropriate school district personnel on new State or Federal requirements or initiatives that impact the provision of services by both entities, as applicable.
- See section V, Coordination of Effort, for specifics on subminimum wage work environments and documentation requirements.
The student's Transition IEP will define the services and responsible payer for each of the services in accordance with 34 CFR 300.320(b). If DDRS/Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)/Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services is responsible for payment of a service, this responsibility will be described in the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) in accordance with 34 CFR 361.45.
- Each Partner Agency will maximize coordination in the use of federal funds.
- Decisions related to which entity will be financially responsible for providing transition or pre-employment transition services that can be considered both a special education and a VR service must be made at the local level as part of the collaboration between the VR agency, state educational agency, and the local educational agency. When considering and assigning the financial responsibility of each agency for the provision of transition and pre-employment transition services to students with disabilities, the Partner Agencies decision will be based, at least in part, on the following criteria:
- Is the purpose of the service related to an employment outcome or education?
- ls the service one that the school customarily provides under IDEA, part B?
- ls the student receiving special education services 14 years or older or has entered grade 9?
D. Procedures for outreach to and identification of students with disabilities who need transition services and pre-employment transition services. Outreach to these students should occur as early as possible during the transition planning process and must include, at a minimum, a description of the purpose of the vocational rehabilitation program, eligibility requirements, application procedures, and scope of services that may be provided to eligible individuals
- Annually, DDRS, or qualified vendors, will work with LEAs so they may identify students with disabilities and potentially eligible students who need pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS).
- The LEA’s will work to increase identification of students with disabilities, such as through conducting career fairs or planning meetings and inviting DDRS to parents’ nights. Schools will refer students with disabilities for purposes of 504 or at the time the individual begins IDEA services.
- Anyone (an LEA, nurse, parent or student self-referral) can refer students for Pre-ETS and DDRS will work with the LEA to ensure seamless collaboration between transition services provided under IDEA and the Pre-ETS activities.
- Annually, DDRS will provide written information regarding the availability of Pre-ETS for eligible and potentially eligible students with disabilities and the process for accessing these services.
- Not all eligible or potentially eligible students with disabilities will require all five required Pre-ETS activities, however, all required Pre-ETS activities will be available statewide and delivered based on individual student need.
E. Coordination necessary to satisfy documentation requirements set forth in 34 CFR part 397 regarding students and youth with disabilities who are seeking subminimum wage employment
As identified in 34 CFR Part 397.30, IDOE shall ensure LEAs document completion or refusal of transition services and provide the documentation to DDRS by the prescribed intervals. Upon transmittal of the final documentation, IDOE shall provide a “cover sheet” to DDRS itemizing the documentation that has been provided to DDRS regarding the youth. IDOE must retain copies of the documentation in a manner consistent with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.333.
F. Assurance that, in accordance with 34 CFR 397.31, neither the SEA nor the local educational agency will enter into a contract or other arrangement with an entity, as defined in 34 CFR 397.5(d), for the purpose of operating a program under which youth with a disability is engaged in work compensated at a subminimum wage.
Neither IDOE nor the LEA will enter into an arrangement with an entity holding a special wage certificate under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act for the purpose of operating a program under which a youth with a disability is engaged in work at a subminimum wage.