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c. Describe the State’s strategy for providing reemployment assistance to UI claimants and other unemployed individuals

Current Narrative:

Indiana provides comprehensive statewide reemployment assistance that seeks to support all claimants in returning to work as quickly as possible in high-wage, high-demand jobs. Indiana operates two levels of federal RESEA programs: Initial and Subsequent RESEA to meet the needs of eligible claimants.  

The program introduces unemployed Hoosiers to WorkOne services and training opportunities during a one-day orientation and 1:1 Initial Interview, and provides access to additional reemployment services, as appropriate. The program provides claimants the opportunity to learn about reemployment services and activities available through the WorkOne centers. Both Initial and Sub RESEA were designed to help UI claimants return to work sooner and enter a high-wage, high-demand career path; reduce weeks of unemployment; improve the solvency of the UI trust fund; and reduce fraudulent UI claims. Program participation is mandatory upon selection, unless the claimant qualifies for a Manual RES Waiver based on one of the following reasons: moved out of State, currently enrolled in State-approved training, returned to work date within 60 days of separation, or in good standing with a Union Hiring Hall. 

The State of Indiana's reemployment strategy consists of the following: After UI claimants have received unemployment for four weeks, they are selected for Initial RESEA through WPRS profiling. Claimants are sent a notification to their home address on record to participate. Claimants are scheduled through Indiana's case management system to participate in RESEA services through one of the WorkOne centers at week six of their claim. Selected participants are required to attend RESEA Initial Orientation and a 1:1 Initial Interview to learn of available WorkOne services and additional program requirements which include: 

  1. Claimants meet one-on-one with a RESEA Coach to receive current Labor Market Information (LMI), 

  1. Enrollment in Indiana's Labor Exchange System - Indiana Career Connect, 

  1. Creation of Individual Reemployment Plan (IRP), 

  1. Maintaining log of weekly work search activities, and 

  1. Referral to additional reemployment services. 

Claimants are also required to attend follow-up meetings as scheduled to review progress and make necessary adjustments to the IRP until employment is obtained. 

If claimants have not been successful in obtaining employment by week fifteen, they will again receive a mail notification and are required to participate in Subsequent (Sub) RESEA at approximately week seventeen. Sub includes a one-on-one meeting with WorkOne staff to reassess the claimant's work search efforts, review occupations based on transferrable skills, update resume, and reemployment plans to help the individual return to work prior to exhausting their UI benefits. Survival job search and the potential need for referral to partner supportive services are also reviewed. 

During PY22, Indiana began a pilot to test the virtual RESEA option in two regions to allow RESEA claimants the option to select virtual RESEA participation and allow for more flexibility on how customers receive services. The virtual pilot is still underway, and we expect to make a decision based on the results of that pilot in PY24.