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Located in:
  • III. Operational Planning Elements

    The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above.  Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs.  This section must include—

III. b. 4. A. Assessment of Core and One-Stop Program Partner Programs.

Describe how the core programs will be assessed each year based on State performance accountability measures described in section 116(b) of WIOA. Describe how other one-stop delivery system partner program services and Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan will be assessed each year. This State assessment must include the quality, effectiveness, and improvement of programs broken down by local area or provider. Such state assessments should take into account local and regional planning goals.

Current Narrative:

To assess the quality, effectiveness, and improvements of the programs, core programs, including WFWV, DRS, and Adult Education, are assessed each year through the state performance accountability measures described in section 116(b) of WIOA. The assessments are conducted at the state, local, and regional levels, while taking into account local/regional planning goals, as appropriate. The WV WDS "data warehouse" ensures that the state will have the capability to conduct assessments at various levels across programs in addition to assessments of the system. Assessments help the state maintain its focus on service quality, progress towards its goals, identify promising practices, and pinpoint areas in need of improvement.

Each core program will be assessed on the following performance measures from section 116(b) of WIOA:

  • Employment (second quarter after exit)
  • Employment (fourth quarter after exit)
  • Median earnings (second quarter after exit)
  • Credential attainment rate
  • Measurable skills gains
  • Effectiveness in serving employers

Additional assessments may be conducted utilizing other measures, as appropriate. 

The West Virginia AJC system partner programs include the following:

  • Alien Labor Certification Program 
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
  • Adult Basic Education 
  • Wagner-Peyser 
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
  • Career and Technical Adult Education 
  • Higher Education Adult Part-Time Student 
  • Workforce Development Initiative Grant 
  • West Virginia Advance Grant and Technical Program Development Initiative 
  • WIOA Title I Adult 
  • WIOA Title I Youth 
  • WIOA Dislocated Worker 
  • Governor’s Discretionary Fund 
  • Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
  • Senior Community Service Employment Program 
  • Veterans Programs 
  • Labor Exchange 
  • Community Services Block Grant 
  • Unemployment Compensation 
  • Governor’s Guaranteed Workforce Program (Including Small Business Workforce Development) 
  • National Dislocated Worker Grants (including Opioid and COVID) 

Each year, WFWV issues an assessment of the West Virginia WDS, called the Workforce Development System Report. This serves as the primary assessment of one-stop partner program services in the state, reporting on the AJC System, funding streams (the Funding Stream Report), performance requirements, positive practices, and the Interagency Collaborative Team (ICT) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This summary document gives a public account and assessment of the current operations, structures, activities, finances, and future direction of AJCs. The report is published annually, as required by the West Virginia Legislature, and reported to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Workforce Investment for Economic Development. 

The Funding Stream Report quantifies the level of both fiscal and programmatic (service delivery) involvement of all the entities involved either directly or tangentially with workforce development in West Virginia. The data collected for the report is critical to assessing the AJC system. With the original passage of House Bill 4083 in 2002, the West Virginia Legislature required this annual report regarding the source, use and outcomes of all funds received for workforce development activities in the state. 

Specifically, the Funding Stream Report requires information on: 

  • Source and amount of federal, state, and other funds received for workforce development activities, 
  • Purpose of each of the above funds, 
  • Services provided in each of the seven regional workforce development areas, and 
  • The measure used to evaluate program performance (including current and baseline performance data) and any other information the council requests. 

All publicly funded workforce development programs operating in the state are to report: 

  • Amount of federal funds expended by each program, 
  • Amount of state funds expended by each program, 
  • How the funds are spent, 
  • The resulting improvement in the workforce. 

The purpose, beyond identifying sources and uses of funds, is to focus on the outcomes of workforce development. Holding agencies and programs accountable for results is vitally important. Getting the most value from the dollars invested, whether federal, state, or independent grants, is critical to the success of West Virginia’s WDS.
For each workforce development program or activity, the report includes the following: 

  • State Organization 
  • Funding Unit 
  • Operations Unit 
  • Program 
  • Program Type 
  • Program Purpose 
  • Target Population 
  • Service Level (number of individuals served) 
  • Evaluation Measurement (specific to each program) 
  • Outcome 
  • Service Locations 
  • Funds, by Source 
  • Percentage of Funds used for Workforce Development 

Local and Regional Planning Data are collected from the local one-stops within each region. The report also aggregates data by workforce development region and includes data from the previous two years for comparison and assessment purposes. A sample of the data includes: 

  • The number of individuals receiving services in each region, by program,
  • Contributions of each partner agency and non-mandated partner programs at each one-stop and region, 
  • Program performance for the most recent three years, including negotiated benchmarks and actual performance. 

To ensure system and program oversight is communicated and analyzed properly, the Workforce Development System Report is provided to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Workforce Investment for Economic Development to assess the activities and outcomes of the WV WDS. The report allows the governor, legislators, agency and program administrators, and other stakeholders to assess performance and develop appropriate, data-driven planning goals. Through this comprehensive data collection, activities are reported at the local, regional, and state levels to facilitate administrators’ ability to examine and compare performances across levels and areas.

WFWV has overall responsibility for the process to collect information for the Funding Stream Report and provides information to the WVWDB so they can report to the legislature, Governor’s Office, and others.


* Communicating as directed: This section is not currently completed as we are working with partners to obtain additional information.  As this was deemed a TA feedback, it was not required for completion at this time.