Located in:
c. 4. C. Serves individuals afforded priority for service under 20 CFR 641.520. (20 CFR 641.302(a), 641.365, 641.520)
Current Narrative:
Program eligible older workers must be residents of Indiana, 55 years of age or older, unemployed, with family income at 125% or less of the federal poverty line (after allowable exclusions), as established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS). Service priority is given to individuals meeting one or more of the barriers to employment:
- Is a veteran or a spouse of veteran,
- Is 65 years of age or older,
- Has a disability,
- Has limited English proficiency,
- Has low literacy skills,
- Resides in a rural area,
- Has low employment prospects,
- Has failed to find employment after utilizing services provided under Title I of WIOA of 2014,
- Is homeless or at risk for homelessness, or
- Is formerly incarcerated.
In addition to the above barriers to employment warranting priority of service, SCSEP clients that interface with the WorkOne system may also be eligible for WIOA priority of service. DWD will continue to review its WIOA Adult Priority of Service (POS) guidance to better align with the federal vision and the strategies outlined within this Plan. DWD’s current POS guidance can be found at https://www.in.gov/dwd/compliance-policy/policy/active/. Additionally, local areas must have written policies that delineate how they will give priority of service and must adhere to these policies. DWD will review data and local policies to ensure priority is being carried out appropriately and will provide technical assistance as needed. DWD is continuing to evaluate local level benchmarks and will review data and local policies to ensure priority is being carried out appropriately. Technical assistance will be provided as needed.