Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 4. A list of community services that are needed and the places where these services are most needed. Specifically, the plan must address the needs and location of those individuals most in need of community services and the groups working to meet their needs. (20 CFR 641.330)
Current Narrative:
Local non-profit social service agencies, such as Community Action Agencies (United Way, Gleaners, Wheeler Mission, etc.), Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), Adult Education, Area Agencies on Aging and faith-based agencies, are working across the state to provide all the needed services and necessary safety nets. These organizations help to provide the services needed for low income Hoosiers, but are especially critical for older Hoosiers who have multiple barriers to employment and limited resources. The State will continue to maintain an active list of key partner organizations.
High-Priority Services Needed in Indiana:
- Fuel Assistance (LiHEAP) – Central and Northern Indiana
- Transportation - Statewide
- Food (Meals on Wheels, SNAP, CSFP) - Statewide
- Health Care - Statewide
- Respite Care - Statewide
- Long Term Care - Statewide
- Job Re-training/Adult Education - Statewide
- English as Second Language – Central and Northern Indiana
- Substance Abuse – Southern Indiana
One of the current challenges that SCSEP staff are trying to overcome is many clients’ reluctance to accept work which pays enough to financially disqualify them for some of the assistance programs, such as subsidized insurance or supportive services, but may make it financially difficult to secure these needed services on their own.