Located in:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
(OMB Control No. 1205-0040)
b. 3. The State’s long-term strategy for serving minority older individuals under SCSEP. (20 CFR 641.302 (c))
Current Narrative:
Indiana currently serves diverse groups of minority and underserved Hoosiers. SCSEP enrollment levels for minorities match or exceed state population levels in each category with the exception of the Latino and Asian populations. All outcome levels for minorities match or exceed program-wide outcomes, as well. According to PY 2017’s Minority Report, Indiana SCSEP is serving 295.6% of the percentage of minorities in the state.[1]
Indiana and its sub-grantee specifically target recruitment and enrollment of members of our high-needs populations, which includes outreach to community- and faith-based organizations, Area Agencies on Aging, veterans organizations, food pantries, senior centers, homeless shelters, organizations that focus on minority and English Learner populations, and Vocational Rehabilitation providers. Staff members have formed partnerships with various organizations that provide services to minority groups in the communities in which the state and its sub-grantee work, establishing formal agreements that facilitate open lines of communication with respect to follow-up, referrals, activities, and, most importantly, meaningful experiences for SCSEP participants. Indiana and its sub-grantee have worked with various unique multi-barrier participants who, before joining SCSEP, were afforded little to no access to services. Additionally, to expand available services for minority groups, bilingual staff to help eliminate potential language barriers.
DWD also partner with national organizations and their local affiliates within our communities, such as the National Association of Minority Organizations, National Minority Business Council, AARP, Senior Corps, and the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, among others. Through these partnerships, Indiana is able to identify the various needs of minority populations and the means to collaborate regarding programmatic and service provision. Some of the additional organizations DWD strives to work with include, but are not limited to, the Indiana Black Expo, Inc., the Indiana Latino Institute, the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Inc., and the Richard L. Roudebush VAMC Minority Veterans Program.
[1] US Department of Labor. SCSCEP Minority Report PY 2017.