Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:
[13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA
p. 2. B. Describe the factors that impeded the achievement of the goals and priorities
Current Narrative:
As noted, DVR did not make progress in achieving Goal 10 to expand supported employment services to under served populations. DVR did submit an application for a SAMSHA grant opportunity to expand supported employment for consumers of outpatient mental health services. Unfortunately, that grant was not selected for funding. Regarding other populations, the primary issue is that there is no infrastructure for the ongoing support services necessary for populations that do not meet eligibility for mental health and developmental services.