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- Jobs for Veterans’ State Grants
(OMB Control Number: 1225-0086)
The Jobs for Veterans’ State Grants (JVSG) are mandatory, formula-based staffing grants to States (including DC, PR, VI and Guam). The JVSG is funded annually in accordance with a funding formula defined in the statute (38 U.S.C. 4102A (c) (2) (B) and regulation and operates on a fiscal year (not program year) basis, however, performance metrics are collected and reported quarterly on a Program Year basis (as with the ETA-9002 Series). Currently, VETS JVSG operates on a multi-year grant approval cycle modified and funded annually.
In accordance with 38 U.S.C. § 4102A(b)(5) and § 4102A(c), the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training (ASVET) makes grant funds available for use in each State to support Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists and Local Veterans' Employment Representatives (LVER) staff. As a condition to receive funding, 38 U.S.C. § 4102A(c)(2) requires States to submit an application for a grant that contains a State Plan narrative, which includes:
d. The Incentive Award program implemented using the 1% grant allocation set aside for this purpose, as applicable;
Current Narrative:
The JVSG Annual Incentive Awards are distributed IAW VPL 01-22 Att. 5 on a Quarterly and Annual basis. The following are eligible to receive an award:
- Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists;
- Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) staff;
- Individuals providing employment, training, and placement services to veterans under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), including labor exchanges funded by the Wagner-Peyser Act; and
- An employment service team or office
Incentive awardees will be chosen from their efforts in promoting the improvement of employment services to veterans by JVSG-funded staff, AJC staff, and AJC partner staff. JVSG staff nominated for an award must be selected based on criteria that adheres to their statutory roles and responsibilities. The following criteria for achievements or efforts will be used, based upon the role of the selected participants:
Development of a program for which the impact may not be directly measurable (e.g., a resume skill-building program)
Promotion of entry into federal employment
Promotion of HIRE Veterans Medallion Program
Outstanding case management
Exemplary job fair support
Vocational rehabilitation marketing
Direct marketing to employers
Exceptional performance beyond job requirements, outside of established performance goals
Ideas that are implemented to improve the system, improve performance, reduce time or cost, or to promote collaboration
Performance measures between 1 October to 30 September of award year
Outreach/community relations efforts, e.g., Chambers of Commerce, employers
Generation of positive publicity for a local office
Increase awareness of relevant issues within the employer community
Enhancement of on-the-job training, customized job training, or compensated work therapy
Efforts to assist hard-to-place populations (e.g., veterans experiencing homelessness)
Collaborative success in providing all services to veterans, which may include success in employer relations and “great customer service” to veteran clients
The Quarterly Incentive Awards will not exceed $2,000 (no more than 2 $1,000 awards will be distributed in any given quarter) for a total of $8,000 awarded during the FY.
- The Annual Incentive Awards are divided up into two categories: Annual Awards and a Veterans Service Provider of the Year Award. The Annual Awards provide a monetary bonus of $2,500 to $3,000 each. The Veteran Service Provider of the Year is in overall recognition of continual outstanding excellence in service to veterans and will receive a $4,000 award
- The Annual Incentive Awards will not exceed the remainder of total award allocation in our effort recognize individuals working in various specialized programs that serve targeted groups of veterans.
The Incentive Award programs implemented uses the 1% grant allocation (amount reflects the FY Grant allocation, based upon the grant formula and is subject to change every grant FY) set aside for this purpose, as applicable.
Purpose: This directive provides guidance and information on nominating person for the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Annual Performance Incentive Award Program as established in the Jobs for Veterans Act (Public Law 107-228).
References: Title 38, United States Code Section 4112, as amended by Public Law 107-288.
Period of Award and Submission Date: Veterans’ Annual Performance Incentive Awards will be based on performance or activities conducted during the period of October 1st of current Fiscal Year (FY) through September 30th of following FY.
DWD JVSG Annual Performance Incentive Award Program: The State of Indiana is participating in the Annual Veterans Incentive Awards program. The total funds for incentive awards remains at 1% of the overall grant estimate that DOL/VETS provides for specific program years.
Award Nominee Selection Criteria
Individuals nominated to receive a Performance Incentive Award will meet the following Performance Incentive Award selection criteria.
a. Nominees must have received at least one (1) annual performance evaluation.
b. Nominees must have received a minimum of “Meet Expectations” in all rating areas of their annual performance evaluation.
c. Nominees must clearly have performed outstanding service to the veteran population.
d. DVOP nominees must clearly have demonstrated exceptional services in the areas of Individual Career Services to Veterans, Services to Veterans with Barriers, and Outreach to Targeted Veterans.
e. LVER nominees must clearly have demonstrated exceptional services in the areas of Employer Outreach, Job Placement of Veterans, and Job Development for Veterans.
f. Staff nominees must clearly have demonstrated the exceptional services to veterans which are above and beyond their normal scope of duties within the Work One office and who foster and work to strengthen employment and training opportunities aimed at improving services for veterans.
In addition, the following criteria will also be considered by the board during the selection process.
a. Outreach activities to community and veterans’ service organizations.
b. Coordination and partnering efforts to enhance veterans’ opportunities.
c. Job development efforts, such as job fairs, Chamber of Commerce events, etc.
d. Participation in local and state employment and training activities for veterans.
e. Participation in group related veterans’ activities.
f. Enhancement of training opportunities for veterans.
g. Volunteer services to veteran organizations or facilities.
Nomination Process
Anyone can nominate an eligible recipient for an Annual Incentive award. All nominations must be submitted on the appropriate DVOPS Award Recommendation Form, LVER Award Recommendation Form or Staff Award Recommendation Form. Supporting documents will be used as attachments to the appropriate form. Only one nominee can be listed on each form. The individual who recommends a person for an award must sign the recommendation form. These recommendation forms can be accessed through Word, handwritten, or typed. To access the forms please use the web address at the end of this directive.
Nomination Packet
The Incentive Award Nomination Packet will consist of: the nominee’s most recent Employee Work Profile and Performance Appraisal Report or Working Test, and the appropriate (DVOPS/LVER/Staff) Incentive Award Recommendation Form. Additional information to support the recommendation may also be submitted as part of the packet: however, this is not required.
Nomination Approval Process
All Performance Incentive Award Nomination Packets will be reviewed and approved by the Functional Manager, and Center manager if appropriate, and the assigned Veteran Program Support Specialist (VPSS). The Performance Incentive Award Nomination Packet will be scanned, and then e-mailed to the appropriate DWD VPSS for their respective regions. The VPSSs will then submit the nominations to the DWD State Veteran Program Director (SVPD). There will be no changes/alterations allowed to the award nomination packet once it reaches the DWD SVPD. All nominations will be submitted to the DWD VPSS by the close of business on the second week of August in the current Fiscal Year (FY). The State Veteran Program Director will receive the nominations packets by close of business on the last business day of August, in the current FY.
Performance Incentive Award Selection Board
The Performance Incentive Award Selection Board will convene at the direction of the State Veteran Program Director, DWD. The board will consist of five (5) voting members; three (3) veterans, and two (2) non-veterans. In addition to the voting members of the board, the DWD State Veteran Program Director will serve as a non-voting technical advisor and recorder for the board. All voting members of the board will be recommended and approved by the Director, Field Operations. The board will convene prior to the planned Annual Conference for the FY and before the end of the current FY, to review and approve the annual incentive award recipients.
Funds to be distributed by the DWD Payroll Department.