Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:
[13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA
e. Cooperative Agreements with Private Nonprofit Organizations
Describe the manner in which the designated State agency establishes cooperative agreements with private non-profit VR service providers.
Current Narrative:
DVR maintains Social Security Administration, Ticket to Work cooperative agreements with most of the private non-profit employment service providers in the state. Agreements exist with all community mental health and developmental services agencies. In the spring of 2008, DVR negotiated a new Ticket to Work cooperative agreement with the agencies in anticipation of the new regulations to be published later that year. The new agreement has been in place since July 1, 2008 and has generated significant new revenue for providers that help beneficiaries earn at higher levels.
DVR has contractual fee for service agreements with VABIR (DVR's primary CRP) to provide job development and job placement services for VR consumers. DVR also has a fee for service with VABIR to provide Pre-ETS services for students in coordinator with the VR Transition Counselors.
DVR has contracts for supported employment services provided through the local community mental health system. This includes the JOBS supported employment program for youth with severe emotional/behavioral disabilities and the Community Rehabilitation and Treatment program for adults with severe mental illness. Services are coordinated with local VR supported employment liaision counselors.