Located in:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
States that include TANF in the Combined State Plan must outline how the State will meet the requirements of section 402 of the Social Security Act including how it will:
(OMB Control Number: 0970-0145)
k. Set forth objective criteria for the delivery of benefits and the determination of eligibility and for fair and equitable treatment, including an explanation of how it will provide opportunities for recipients who have been adversely affected to be heard in a State administrative or appeal process (section 402(a)(1)(B)(iii) of the Social Security Act)
Current Narrative:
Indiana will continue to use objective criteria for the delivery of benefits and the determination of eligibility, as well as for fair and equitable treatment during an administrative appeal process. The Hearings and Appeals Section of Family and Social Services Administration will serve to address the unresolved issues between the applicants and recipients of TANF and the entities that administer the assistance programs. This appeals process continues to serve the fair hearing requirements of the SNAP and Medicaid Programs, as well. The appeals process is specifically defined in our Indiana on-line policy manual, Section 4200. A link to this section of the manual is included here for reference: https://www.in.gov/fssa/files/4200.pdf