Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:
[13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA
- b. Request for Waiver of Statewideness
When requesting a waiver of the statewideness requirement, the designated State unit must identify the types of services to be provided by the program on a non-statewide basis. The waiver request must also include written assurances that:
- b. Request for Waiver of Statewideness
b. 1. A local public agency will provide the non-Federal share of costs associated with the services to be provided in accordance with the waiver request;
Current Narrative:
Waiver of Statewideness
IDVR is requesting a waiver of statewideness for cooperative agreements with numerous Local Education Agencies (LEAs) across Idaho and with the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC). All funds made available to IDVR are certified non-federal funds.
IDVR has entered into School to Work Transition (SWT) cooperative agreements through 11 agreements with 50 of the 175 total LEAs across Idaho. The cooperative agreements are solely to facilitate the transition of students with disabilities from K-12 public education into adult life. This transition to adult life may involve any or all of the following goal oriented activities: post-secondary education, training and job placement, direct placement into appropriate employment (to include supported employment if required), advocacy and any other activities that are relevant to the student and within the scope of IDVR’s mission and role. Additionally, IDVR agrees to collaborate with LEAs to provide or arrange for the provision of pre-employment transition services for eligible and potentially eligible students with disabilities who are in need of these services in accordance with 34 CFR 361.48. IDVR will not provide pre-employment transition services that the school customarily provides under IDEA.
All funds allotted to IDVR via these agreements are certified non-federal funds. Each signed individual agreement with participating LEAs provides this assurance.
These agreements promote better understanding and convenient access to VR services, including pre-employment transition services, to qualifying students offered through School to Work Transition, but do not expand the scope of services available statewide. The services offered under these agreements include:
- Job exploration counseling
- Work-based learning experiences
- Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in postsecondary educational programs at institutions of higher education
- Workplace readiness training and
- Instruction in self-advocacy
- All other traditional VR services
These agreements are revised and renewed on an annual basis.
These agreements increase outreach through stronger relationships between the LEA, VR, and individuals with disabilities promoted by a better understanding of services by LEAs where agreements are in place. Enhanced relationships between all parties to the agreement promote an informed transition to traditional VR services and the opportunity for potentially eligible students to participate in Pre-ETS.
All state plan requirements, including a state’s Order of Selection, will apply to all services provided under these cooperative agreements.
Data from the agreements are included in the following table, including the LEAs, number of students served, receipt of non-federal funds and VR 110 grant funds (not including match funds). IDVR anticipates serving and expending funds similar to the data used for the projection.
Agreements by LEA for SY 2021
Local Education Agency (LEA) | Non-Federal Funds Captured | VR 110 funds Expended | |
Region 1 Agreement with LEAs: #83, #84, #101, #272 | 41 | $18,522 | $45,816 |
Region 1 Agreement with LEAs: #271, #273 | 67 | $18,522 | $86,709 |
Region 2 Agreement with LEA: Lewiston Independent School Dist. #1 | 35 | $18,522 | $32,386 |
Region 3 Agreement #1 with LEA: Boise Independent School Dist. # 1 | 148 | $18,522 | $129,962 |
Region 3 Agreement #2 with LEA: West Ada School Dist. #2 | 179 | $37,044 | $138,636 |
Region 3 Agreement #3 with LEA: Nampa School Dist#131 | 88 | $18,522 | $51,503 |
Region 3 Agreement #4 with LEAs: #133-137, #221, #363, #370, #372, #373, | 91 | $18,522 | $48,383 |
Region 4 Agreement with LEAs: #61, #234, #121, #151, #314, #231, #232, #233, #261, #331, #418, #316, #312, #465 | 151 | $18,522 | $125,824 |
Region 5 Agreement #1 with LEAs: #25, #52, #55, #58, #381 | 239 | $18,522 | $55,443 |
Region 5 Agreement #2 with LEAs:#33, #148, #351, #21, #149, #150, #201, #202 | 52 | $18,522 | $157,49 |
Region 6 Agreement with LEAs: #59, #60, #91, #93, #251, #252 | 134 | $18,522 | $73,859 |
Totals | 1,225 | $222, 264 | $804,269 |
IDVR has also entered into two cooperative agreements with the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) which covers six of the seven IDOC Districts in Idaho, excluding District 2. The purpose of these agreements is to provide comprehensive Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services to eligible male and female offenders with disabilities leaving the prison system that have been identified as at risk of revocation, thus needing more intensive reentry services.
These agreements promote better understanding and convenient access to VR staff and services to promote the reentry of the offenders into society, with an emphasis on stability and employment. All relevant VR services may be provided, depending upon the need of the individual. The scope of services provided under these agreements may include:
- Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance
- Assessment
- Diagnosis and Treatment
- Training services to include, graduate, 4-year college, junior or community college, occupational or vocational, on-the-job, job readiness, miscellaneous, registered apprentice, basic academic remedial or literacy and disability related training
- Information and Referral
- Short-Term Job Supports
- Job Search and Placement Assistance
- Supported and Customized Employment
- Benefits Counseling
- Rehabilitation Technology
- Personal Assistance and Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment
- Reader and Interpreter Services
- Extended Services, if applicable and individual meets the eligibility criteria to receive such services
- Supportive services to include, maintenance and transportation
- Other Services
All state plan requirements, including a state’s Order of Selection, will apply to all services provided under these cooperative agreements. Both agreements are revised and renewed on an annual basis.
All funds allotted to IDVR via these agreements are certified non-federal funds. Both signed agreements provide this assurance.
The total receipt of certified non-federal funds is $178,951 for SY 2021. The total number of individuals served in SY2020/PY2019 by both agreements is 709 individuals with disabilities. The Division expended $207,679 with VR 110 grant funds (not including match funds). The Division anticipates similar projections for the number of individuals services and funds expended in SY2021/PY2020 for these agreements.