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e. 1. Describe how the State will use the funds to carry out the required State Leadership activities under section 223 of WIOA

Current Narrative:

State Leadership activity requirements are well-defined in WIOA Title II Section 223. The funds are intended to be used to develop or enhance the adult education system in Vermont. The Vermont AOE will be responsible for using the modest funds allotted to carry out the required State Leadership activities as follows:

  • Align AEL activities with other core partners and one-stop partners, to implement the strategy identified in the State Plan. Achieving this alignment requires communication and working in concert with our partners at the Vermont DOL and the Vermont DVR at the state level in light of our common strategic vision for the workforce development system. In particular, the workforce development system goal of “seamless coordination amongst the workforce development system partners” requires joint cross-training of one-stop center staff for common intake and joint referral processes, with the AEL contribution to this effort considered a State Leadership activity. This includes:
    • support for cross- core-program efforts on the development of career pathways that provide access to employment and training services for individuals in AEL activities, and
    • support for promoting an understanding in the field of the development and use of Integrated Education and Training models in partnership with employers.
  • Provide and/or oversee high quality professional development programs designed to improve instruction, including:
    • the essential components of reading instruction through an evidence-based reading training such as Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) or similar;
    • instruction related to the specific needs of adult learners as determined by a needs assessment of the field; and
    • dissemination of information about promising practices related to such professional development programs and setting expectations for AEL staff participation.
  • Provide technical assistance to AEL providers including:
    • dissemination of instructional and programmatic practices based on the most rigorous or scientifically valid research available and appropriate, in reading, writing, speaking, mathematics, English language acquisition programs (ESOL), distance education, and staff training;
    • support for the role of adult education providers as one-stop partners to provide access to employment, education, and training services;
    • assistance in the use of technology, including for staff training, to adult education providers, especially the use of technology to improve system efficiencies.
  • Monitor and evaluate the quality of, and the improvement in, AEL activities and disseminate information about models and proven or promising practices within Vermont.

The Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) will ensure to the fullest extent possible equitable access to and participation in its State-level activities, as required in Section 427 of the General Education Provisions Act, including the technical assistance provided to local providers and professional development opportunities provided for local provider staff.

Technical assistance is produced in compliance with ADA regulations and posted materials are Section 508 compliant. The AOE does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, national origin, color, disability, age or any other status or classification protected by federal, state or law in its education and AEL leadership activities. It provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations in response to the needs of provider staff.