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- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Combined or General)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:
[13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA
- q. Quality, Scope, and Extent of Supported Employment Services
Include the following:
- q. Quality, Scope, and Extent of Supported Employment Services
q. 2. The timing of transition to extended services
Current Narrative:
It is critical that early conversations take place regarding the anticipated need for extended services between VR, the participant and the CRP to begin planning for the transition to extended services, including the possibility of VR funding youth extended services if no other (or inadequate) funding sources are available. It is important to recognize the impact that a good job match with appropriate and intensive ongoing supports may have on the amount and type of extended services an individual may need long term in order to maintain his/her job. It is also valuable to begin identifying and exploring natural supports an individual may have available to him/her early in the process. When it has been determined that a participant is stable on the job, the process to transition to extended services begins, and this process must identify the participant’s ongoing specific need(s), types of supports and services, the sources of extended services, and the projected number of hours of support needed. VR Counselors are required to assist in facilitating the seamless transition to extended services prior to VR case closure (or, in the case of VR funded youth extended services, prior to stabilization). The Stabilization Notification form is completed for VR participants who require extended services. The form is completed following achievement of stabilization. VR and CRP personnel work jointly to complete this document. VR forwards the completed form to entities providing supports at least 60 days prior to achievement of Milestone 3 (Retention).
VR administration continues to focus on the need to ensure quality SE service; as such services are essential in securing quality employment outcomes for those participants with MSD. VR will continue to work closely with the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services, the Division of Mental Health and Addiction, and CRPs to identify areas of concern, implement needed changes in practices, and provide training and/or technical assistance.