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- Program-specific Requirements for Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Programs
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the following as it pertains to adult education and literacy programs and activities under title II of WIOA, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA).
e. 2. Describe how the State will use the funds to carry out permissible State Leadership Activities under section 223 of WIOA, if applicable
Current Narrative:
In addition to regional support managers and state staff who provide technical assistance, Professional Development Facilitators (PDFs) provide “boots on the ground” to monitor and evaluate state and local initiatives that will foster improvement in teaching and learning. State goals are outlined each year and local professional development plans are created based on state initiatives and local goals. PDFs determine where needs exist and develop yearly plans to advance services, build communities of practice, monitor and evaluate performance targets, and institute promising practices based on sound research.
The Workforce Education Initiative (WEI) brings adult education, businesses, and employees together to skill up workers who lack basic skills and require additional training for improved performance on the job and career advancement. The state adult education office provides a dedicated position to provide this linkage. Each workforce project submitted must be approved by the state coordinator, who provides technical assistance, promotes promising practices, and monitors and evaluates performance.
Additionally, Indiana Adult Education requires that each funded provider employ an academic and career counselor. This position is a bridge between students, program staff, employers, workforce, higher education, and other core partners to lessen barriers to participation. The state adult education office provides a dedicated position to provide this coordination.