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- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
e. 6. D. Assessment of Progress
The plan must include an explanation of what was achieved based on the previous AOP, what was not achieved and an explanation as to why the State believes the goals were not achieved, and how the State intends to remedy the gaps of achievement in the coming year.
Current Narrative:
Many achievements were made at the SWA level during PY20. In addition to the SMA and outreach staff, the SWA has hired an additional staff person to support outreach efforts and also plans to hire an additional staff person in PY22. The SWA also began the process of putting policies and procedures into place that support MSFW services in the WorkOne centers, while providing technical guidance on how to increase service levels. Finally, the SWA has several technical assistance trainings scheduled for PY22 to include the ARS, FLC Registrations, and MAS Refreshers and training. It should be noted there are a few opportunities of improvement that have been identified such as placements and referrals to clearance orders, stronger local recruitment for Ag employer job orders, and expanding printed and visual resources to be Spanish and multilingual. The SWA plans to review these opportunities throughout PY22 and PY23.