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e. 6. B. Review and Public Comment

In developing the AOP, the SWA must solicit information and suggestions from NFJP grantees, other appropriate MSFW groups, public agencies, agricultural employer organizations, and other interested organizations. In addition, at least 45 calendar days before submitting its final AOP, the SWA must provide a proposed plan to NFJP grantees, public agencies, agricultural employer organizations, and other organizations expressing an interest and allow at least 30 days for review and comment. The SWA must: 1) Consider any comments received in formulating its final proposed AOP; 2) Inform all commenting parties in writing whether their comments have been incorporated and, if not, the reasons therefore; and 3) Transmit the comments and recommendations received and its responses with the submission of the AOP.

The AOP must include a statement confirming NFJP grantees, other appropriate MSFW groups, public agencies, agricultural employer organizations and other interested employer organizations have been given an opportunity to comment on the AOP.  Include the list of organizations from which information and suggestions were solicited, any comments received, and responses to those comments.

Current Narrative:

In accordance with 20 CFR Subpart B, 653.107 & 108 (4), the State Monitor Advocate participated in the preparation of the agricultural plan and has been afforded the opportunity to approve and comment on the plan.  Such review indicates that the plan has been prepared properly, omitting none of the prescribed requirements, and properly describes the activities planned for providing services to both agricultural employers and migrant seasonal farmworkers.

WIOA Section 167 NFJP grantee, Indiana Farm Bureau, Purdue Agriculture Extension, Pathstone Corporation, Indiana Family & Social Services, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, Indiana Department of Education, Community Development Institute Head Start, and Indiana Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Coalition will be solicited for information and suggestions in the formulation of this plan and/or provided the opportunity to comment.

The AOP will be uploaded to the MSFW DWD webpage by the Department’s webmaster.

On March 10, 2022, SMA emailed all members of the Indiana Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker Coalition to include (NFJP) to advise them about the Indiana’s Strategic Plan & AOP and encourage comment. 

Additionally, the Plan was posted for public comment on the GWC website and notice was sent out to a broad audience of the available public comment period. The committees met at the end of the public comment process to review the comments received and make any necessary updates to the Plan. The Plan was then submitted for final review and approval to the Governor’s Workforce Cabinet before its submission

During the public comment period, the SWA did receive one comment in regards to the current processes for handling housing inspections for H2A workers. The comment reflected the need for a more robust strategy to conduct more rigorous inspection. The SWA reviewed this comment and advised that we would review this strategy in PY22 and PY23 and identify if additional resources would be need to conduct housing inspections for H2A workers.