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- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
b. Explain how the State will provide information and meaningful assistance to individuals requesting assistance in filing a claim for unemployment compensation through one-stop centers, as required by WIOA as a career service
Current Narrative:
Indiana implemented technology solutions to help UI claimants with all aspects of their claim. These solutions were implemented in every one-stop comprehensive office across the state. The state identified designated computer terminals and phone lines (called UI kiosks) in every comprehensive office specifically for UI customers. The phones connect directly with the UI customer service contact center for assistance with their claim.
One of the features of UI kiosks is a remote desktop software called Bomgar. This software gives the contact center staff the ability to take over the screen of a UI claimant so they can help walk the claimant through their claim. Any claimant that comes into a comprehensive office is directed to these computers and to the contact center for claim related questions.
The state also assists clients through a marketed toll-free phone number which is available to the public. All partners have been informed of this hotline and are encouraged to refer clients for all UI related services. The Employment Services staff in the regions also provide over the shoulder help to UI claimants as they are navigating the claims filing system.