Located in:
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities under Title I-B
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following with respect to activities carried out under subtitle B—
- d. Single-area State Requirements
In States where there is only one local workforce investment area, the governor serves as both the State and local chief elected official. In such cases, the State must submit any information required in the local plan (WIOA section 106(d)(2)). States with a single workforce area must include—
- d. Single-area State Requirements
d. 4. A description of the roles and resource contributions of the one-stop partners.
Current Narrative:
The requirements for infrastructure cost sharing contributions are applicable to WIOA local areas. Idaho officially consists of two local areas under WIOA – East Central Idaho, also known as Service Delivery Area 6 or Region 6, and the Balance of State, consisting of Regions 1-5. The Workforce Development Council, as the WIOA State Board, provides the policies to the local areas and the Council, acting as the local board for the two areas, is also responsible for implementing these requirements. In compliance with WIOA Sec. 121(b)(1)(A), 20 CFR 678.420, and 678.510, detailed One-Stop partner roles and resource contributions are outlined in the MOUs for each local area of the state with a Comprehensive One-Stop Center and may be found here:
- North Central Idaho (link)
- Eastern Idaho (link)
In accordance with the Statewide Idaho American Job Center Network MOU (link), Idaho One-Stop partners will be responsible to provide available career services in a non-discriminatory and universally accessible manner, provide referrals to system partners, serve populations with multiple barriers to employment, support the cross training of partner agency staff to ensure familiarity with and representation of all programs, participate as a member of the WIOA Advisory Group, and share in the equitable and proportionate share of their respective American Job Center operational costs that benefit their program(s) participants.