Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
d. 4. Provision of referrals to and application assistance for training and education programs and resources.
Current Narrative:
As mentioned in previous answers, when a UI claimant enters a One-Stop Career Center, an initial assessment process begins to determine what services and programs the individual will need in order to successfully become re-employed. The claimant is provided with an introduction and overview to all of the resources available within the One-Stop Career Center, including WIOA training opportunities, adult technical education offerings, college course listings, adult basic education, universal classes and Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) for additional tuition assistance.
Upon completion of initial assessment, claimants are referred to specific program case managers and community partners for eligibility determinations, more information and potential enrollment.
One-Stop partners working collaboratively in the referral process to facilitate smooth transition, dual enrollments and avoidance of duplication of services.