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c. 3. Describe how the state will ensure that all 14 program elements described in WIOA section 129(c)(2) are made available and effectively implemented, including quality pre-apprenticeship programs under the work experience program element. [12]

[12] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(i)(I)

Current Narrative:

In 2015, Indiana issued an interim WIOA Youth Manual, which was subsequently finalized in 2016 and has been updated every year since implementation. The purpose of this manual is to provide consistent guidance, strategies, promising practices, and documents that can be used by local areas to implement WIOA youth services, both in- and out-of-school. The document includes many of the same strategies included in response to Question (c)(2) above, but also details the process staff should use to recruit, determine eligibility, conduct an objective assessment, and maintain case files for each youth enrollment. Additionally, the DWD has issued policy (DWD Policy 2017-03, DWD Policy 2017-10 and DWD Policy 2018-01, Change 1 found at: https://www.in.gov/dwd/compliance-policy/policy/active/) surrounding requirements and effective practices for WIOA youth in the following areas:

Additionally, the DWD has issued policy surrounding requirements and effective practices for WIOA youth in the following areas:

  • Eligibility Determinations, complete with definitions
  • Work Experience program element, complete with definitions, guidance on fund expenditures and working with employer partners;
  • 14 Youth Program Elements, complete with definitions, requirements and prohibitions; an updated version of this policy was issued in October 2021 to provide clarification on the provision of electronic devices as WIOA Youth Program supportive services and/or as an incentive.

The JAG National model, used as the primary vehicle to serve in-school youth, has multiple guidance and requirement handbooks which are guideposts for Indiana’s implementation of this program,  many of which were updated in 2021 in collaboration with JAG Indiana leadership serving on numerous workgroups to review and revise national standard operating procedures. . 

All the above guidance and policy documents assist local areas to define and meet expectations of both youth constituents and requirements to ensure the effective implementation of the 14 program elements. In addition to written guidance, DWD hosts multiple annual professional development events for both in- and out-of-school case managers and administrators to utilize current promising practices and introduce beneficial partnerships to ensure the effective implementation of the 14 program elements.

DWD’s Compliance Team conducts annual WIOA reviews in all 12 of our local areas.  These reviews include interviews with the LWDA's youth service provider leadership and asks about how each of the 14 program elements are provided; responses are captured through the Program Review Interview Tool.   The Compliance team also spends time interviewing sampled case managers and conducts a file review of WIOA Youth cases to determine accuracy of reporting and adherence to policy requirements for the 14 program elements.