Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (AOP). Each State agency must develop an AOP every four years as part of the Unified or Combined State Plan required under sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. The AOP must include an assessment of need. An assessment need describes the unique needs of farmworkers in the area based on past and projected agricultural and farmworker activity in the State. Such needs may include but are not limited to: employment, training, and housing.
- 5. Services provided to farmworkers and agricultural employers through the one-stop delivery system
Describe the State agency's proposed strategies for:
- 5. Services provided to farmworkers and agricultural employers through the one-stop delivery system
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (AOP). Each State agency must develop an AOP every four years as part of the Unified or Combined State Plan required under sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. The AOP must include an assessment of need. An assessment need describes the unique needs of farmworkers in the area based on past and projected agricultural and farmworker activity in the State. Such needs may include but are not limited to: employment, training, and housing.
e. 5. A. Providing the Full Range of Employment and Training Services to the Agricultural Community, Both Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers, Through the One-stop Delivery System. This Includes:
i. How career and training services required under WIOA Title I will be provided to MSFWs through the one-stop centers
ii. How the State serves agricultural employers and how it intends to improve such services
Current Narrative:
Outreach workers will inform MSFWs of and refer them to verified employment opportunities and the Employment Services Complaint System. Outreach workers will encourage the MSFWs to utilize the VDOL One-Stop Career Centers to obtain the full range of employment services; however, on—site assistance will also be offered in the preparation of applications, on a limited basis.
Outreach workers will refer individual MSFWs, or family members, who may be eligible, to WIOA and supportive services at VDOL One-Stop Career Centers or other appropriate agencies. Further, the outreach workers will make follow-up contacts as necessary and appropriate to provide, to the maximum extent possible, the foregoing described services. MSFWs also will be shown how to use VJL, an internet-based workforce data management and service delivery system. Through VJL, MSFWs can establish a labor exchange account, develop a resume, and apply for jobs.
In the event that a lack of English language skills is identified as a barrier to services, and/or training, translation services will be offered through the VDOL One-Stop Career Centers. Pathstone is also a partner of the WIOA One-Stop network and can provide additional services to migrants and seasonal farm workers. In the coming program years, efforts will be initiated to establish closer cooperation and service collaboration with partners such as Pathstone, to ensure greater alignment of intensive and training services to MSFWs.
Outreach to agricultural employers is an on-going process. This is critical to maintaining interpersonal contact with the employers. Examples of services provided to agricultural employers by the VDOL staff include:
- Local, regional and national recruitment assistance
- Screening job applicants
- Connection and coordination of services with government and community agencies
- Technical assistance with foreign labor certification
- Soliciting and filling job orders
- Disseminating information on farm-related rules and regulations
- Conducting prevailing wage and prevailing practice surveys
- Providing pre-occupancy inspections of migrant housing as required for H-2A applications
- Referring complaints to proper enforcement agencies
- Assisting employers in obtaining work-related posters and notices
- Participating in agricultural related meetings and notifying farmers of these meetings
Many contacts with agricultural employers are made as a result of referrals from other agencies such as the Vermont Agency of Agriculture or other farm associations, as well as by word of mouth from other workers or farmers. Continued efforts will be made in the upcoming year to increase the market penetration of agricultural employers.
The most basic service provided to agricultural employers is the filling of job openings. Job orders from agricultural employers are entered in VJL and qualified candidates are referred. All H-2A order users are mandated to take all qualified United States referrals through the workforce system. In addition, training is being provided to the VDOL One-Stop Career Center staff throughout the state to encourage local domestic US workers to apply for H-2A jobs.