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Located in:

Other Appendices

Current Narrative:

WISCONSIN WIOA Allocation Process




The Operational Guide, Protocols & Checklist

to Develop the Annual Allocations for

Workforce Development Areas


































Prepared by:     Gary Denis, November 2009

Bureau of Workforce Training

Revised: March 2010, May 2015, Oct. 2015, Oct 2016, Sept. 2017, Jan. 2018, Jan 2020

Last Revised:   Oct 2021 Feb 2022



It is the intention that this document, along with the Allocation Template, will help the reader understand how WIOA allocations are developed for Wisconsin Workforce Development Areas.


The document contains instructions for each step of the allocation process, protocols for allocation development and a checklist to ensure that each step is completed in a timely fashion.  This guide will be the operating instruction for the staff members who will calculate the allocations.


It is also important to note that this document represents an ongoing work in progress.  After each allocation cycle, the Division of Employment and Training (DET) will review the effort and improve the process, as necessary.  This guide will be revised to reflect those process improvements. 


The guide and the allocation process meet the Department of Labor requirements.  The guide will also be revised to reflect changes to the allocation process that must be implemented in response to changes in federal requirements.





WIOA Public Law 113-128, July 22, 2014, Sec. 128

WIOA Public Law 113-128, July 22, 2014, Sec. 133






The workforce development activities carried out in Wisconsin’s eleven Workforce Development Areas (WDAs) are federally funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  WIOA funds are distributed to states based on three factors described in Sections 128 and 133 of the Act.  Funds provided through this process are considered allotments, are announced through a Department of Labor (DOL) Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) usually in April, and are provided for Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker programs.


Definitions used in the preparation of allocations:


Allocations Developer:  The developer is a DWD staff person who is responsible for collecting data from various sources, inputting the data into the allocations spreadsheet, adjusting the spreadsheet and calculating the allocation shares and subsequent allocations.

Allocations Share:  The percent of the funds that a WDA should expect to receive from the funds available for local distribution for that program in the State based on the funding formula or hold harmless provisions.

Allocations Team: A small group of workforce professionals from DWD and the WDBs will review the allocation methodology and allocation results prior to the release of the WIOA allocations for each program year.

ASU: Area of Substantial Unemployment – Number of unemployed persons residing in a county or reportable city that has at least one census tract or a combination of contiguous census tracts with a population of 10,000 and an unemployment rate of at least 6.45%. (

Data Source Contacts: The key staff to communicate with at agencies that produce data used in the allocation formulae.  (Attachment C contains a listing of contacts)

Declining Industries: Industry sectors (2-digit North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code) that have fewer jobs than the sector had in a criterion year.  For the current PY allocations, for each county, the average monthly employment total in each NAICS sector in the most recent calendar year is compared to the employment total from five years prior. If a NAICS sector in a county has less employment in the current data than the base year, then that difference factors into the total employment loss. If a NAICS Sector in a county has more employment in the current year than the base year, then it contributes zero to the employment loss tally. The NAICS sector values within the counties within each WDA are summed to get WDA totals. Also factored into the WDA totals is the employment loss in "unknown county" by NAICS sector; this total is distributed into the WDA loss totals based on each WDA's percent of current year total employment. The percentage of the total employment loss by WDA is then calculated.

Economically disadvantaged adults: Individuals age 22-72 who meet (or member of family meets): OMB poverty level or 70% of Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL), excluding college students and military as counted in the census.  (Concentrated Employment Program areas have a special adjusted LLSIL). 

Economically disadvantaged youth: Individuals age 16-21 who meet (or member of family meets) OMB poverty level or 70% of LLSIL, excluding college students and military as counted in the census.  (Concentrated Employment Program areas have a special adjusted LLSIL). 

Excess unemployed: The number of unemployed individuals above a 4.5% unemployment rate residing in a WDA or within the WDA's ASU, whichever is greater

Insured Unemployment: Average regular weekly claims for most recently completed calendar year.

Internal Review Team:  A small group of DWD staff who will review the allocation spreadsheets, DOL allotment announcements and related policies to ensure that allocation shares calculation is correct prior to release to the Allocation Team for review and comment.

Long-term Unemployed: The percentage of the total number of persons in the state who received unemployment compensation payments for at least 15 weeks in a benefit year that expired in the latest full calendar year is found for each WDA.

Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL):  The LLSIL is defined as “that income level (adjusted for regional, metropolitan, urban and rural differences and family size) determined annually by the Secretary [of Labor] based on the most recent lower living family budget issued by the Secretary.''

OMB Poverty Level: Following the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB’s) Directive 14, the Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to detect who is in poverty.  If a family’s total income is less than that family’s threshold, then that family, and every individual in it, is considered poor. The poverty thresholds do not vary geographically, but they are updated annually for inflation with the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U).  The official poverty definition counts money income before taxes and excludes capital gains and noncash benefits (such as public housing, Medicaid, and food stamps).

Unemployment Concentrations: The WDA must meet or exceed the state unemployment rate or have 10% or more of all unemployed workers in the state in order to qualify for this factor.  This data is from the prior program year (July to June).


Factors Used in  Calculating the WIOA Allocations:


Once the allotment is received, Division of Employment and Training staff prepares the within state allocations. 


Youth Formula [WIOA sec. 128:

For the youth programs, the same factors used to determine Federal allotments are used to distribute funds among the WDAs.  The three factors are

1.  33 1/3% on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in ASUs in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in ASUs in the State.

2.  33 1/3% on the basis of the relative number of Excess Unemployed individuals in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of Excess Unemployed individuals in the State; and

3.  33 1/3% on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged youth in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged youth in the State, as reported by the American Community Survey. 

To reduce some of the volatility of the formula factors on WDAs, a hold harmless provision is applied to the results of the three-factor formula.  The Act provides that a WDA shall not receive an allocation percentage for a fiscal year that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation percentage of the WDA for the two preceding fiscal years. See Attachment A for complete allocation instructions.


Adult Formula [WIOA sec. 133:

For the adult programs, the same factors used to determine Federal allotments are used to distribute funds among the WDAs.  The three factors are

1.  33 1/3% on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in ASUs in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in ASUs in the State (based on the annual average ending June of the previous year after benchmarking);

2.  33 1/3% on the basis of the relative number of Excess Unemployed individuals in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of Excess Unemployed individuals in the State (based on the annual average ending June of the previous year after benchmarking); and

3.  33 1/3% on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged adults in each workforce investment area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged adults in the State, as reported by the American community Survey.

To reduce some of the volatility of the formula factors on WDAs, a hold harmless provision is applied to the results of the three-factor formula.  The Act provides that a WDA shall not receive an allocation percentage for a fiscal year that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation percentage of the WDA for the two preceding fiscal years. See Attachment B for complete allocation instructions.


Dislocated Worker (DW) Formula [WIOA sec. 133:

The Dislocated Worker within state allocation is calculated based on a formula developed by the Governor and approved in the State’s WIOA Plan.  There are six factors in the WI Dislocated Worker allocation formula.  The factors and their associated weights are:

  1. 25% based on a WDA’s Unemployment Concentration value.
  2. 18.75% based on the relative number of Long-Term Unemployed persons living in the WDA as compared to the number of Long-Term Unemployed persons in the State.
  3. 6.25% based on the relative number of average regular weekly claims in the WDA as compared to that number for the State.
  4. 25% based on Declining Industries where the relative number of jobs lost by industry within the WDA is compared to the number of jobs lost by industry within the State.
  5. 12.5% based on the relative number of persons reported as receiving notice of layoff in Plant Closing/Mass Layoff notices in the WDA compared to the total reported for the State.
  6. 12.5% based on the difference in the number of farms from the most recent Census of Agriculture to the previous Census of Agriculture.

To reduce some of the volatility of the formula factors on WDAs, a hold harmless provision is applied to the results of the formula.  The Act provides that a WDA shall not receive an allocation percentage for a fiscal year that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation percentage of the WDA for the two preceding fiscal years.


Allocation Timetable is as shown in Attachment D.


Review Teams:


Internal Review Team:  Whenever internal review is needed, the following positions will be consulted.


Policy Initiatives Advisor or Bureau of Workforce Information and Technical Support Bureau Director or Deputy Bureau DirectorBWITS Economic Research Unit Lead WorkerGovernance/Compliance Section ChiefDET Budget Analyst assigned to WIOADET Contracting Staff

Allocations Team:  The Allocations Team consists of DWD and WDB staff who will review the process and results to ensure accuracy and compliance with the requirements that govern the development of WIOA allocations.  Members include:


Administrator, Div. of Employment and Training

Director, Bureau of Workforce Training

Local Services Section Chief

BWITS Economic Research Unit Lead Worker
Policy Initiatives Advisor or Bureau of Workforce Information and Technical Support Director or Deputy Bureau Director

Directors from two WDBs



Calculating the Allocations


The allocation formula is embodied in a 16-tabbed MS-Excel spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet has been modified over the years due to legislative changes. 


Although the spreadsheet is usually referred to as the Allocation Formula, there are really two allocation formulas that are calculated in the spreadsheet; the Youth/Adult formula (aka the 3-part formula) and the Dislocated Worker formula, which has 6 parts.  Both formulae use some common data, so they are done together.


In the chart below is a list of the tabs within the spreadsheet.  Each tab is classified by its primary purpose and the program it influences.  A tab that is classified as a Calculator generally takes data that has been input in another location and processes it to produce a factor for the formula.  An Input tab generally is a storage location for data that has been provided by a data source and will be used by a Calculator tab.  In some instances, a tab will be both Calculator and Input.  The Info/Print tabs contain information of interest or summarize results in a printable format.




Tab Name:CalculatorInfo/PrintInputAdultYouthDW
Reference  XXXX
DOL AllotmentX XXXX
Print AllocationXX XXX
Calc AdultX XX  
Calc YouthX X X 
Calc DWX X  X
3-PartX XXX 
DW 6-PartX    X
WARN Data  X  X
UI Claimant  X  X
UI ConcentrationsX    X
Chap 12 Bankruptcies  X  X
Industry Decline  X  X
ASU-EU CalculatorX  XXX
ASU calculations  XXXX
Updates XXXXX






Comments on the Table:


Column 2, 3, and 4 describe the purpose of the tab. Column 5,6, and 7 describe the program that tab applies to.  

Specific Instruction for each Tab


Reference TAB:  This tab is a location to enter data that will be referenced throughout the workbook.  For example, every year the Program Year must be changed manually on virtually every tab.  By referencing a cell on this sheet, all the Program Years can be changed with one entry.  Similar mass references are included in this tab.


DOL Allotment TAB:  This tab calculates the gain/loss from the prior year; calculates the state admin, 15% discretionary fund, special response fund and funds for local distribution; and provides a history of allotments received from DOL.

The allocation developer has a number of procedures to execute on this sheet.  They are:

 Change the column C5-C12 formula reference so it refers to the correct information in the History Section.Enter new PY allotments from the DOL TEGL into the first free column to the right of the “History Section.”

  1. Copy the cell references from this new column in the History Section to D5-D12.
  2. Enter the TEGL number and date as the information source in Cell B15 and at the end of the source list starting in A27.
  3. The DOL Allotment Tab references the local distribution amounts in column K5-K7.  Allocation shares multiplied by the local distribution amounts generates WDA allocations by program.


Print Allocations TAB:  The Print Allocations tab calculates and displays each WDA’s allocation shares, allocation amount, and its hold harmless status for each program.  All the calculations on this tab are automatic.  The allocation shares come from the Calc Adult, Calc Youth and Calc DW.  Allocations are generated by multiplying the allocation share by the allotment available for local distribution from column K on the DOL Allotment Tab.  The source notation comes from the DOL Allotment page as well and the Program Year comes from the Reference Tab.


The only manual task for the Allocations developer is to print the sheet. 


CALC ADULT TAB:  This tab applies the hold harmless provision to the Adult allocation shares calculated on the 3-part tab, maintains a history of prior allocation shares, and exports the allocation shares and the hold harmless designation to the Print Allocations Tab.  The tab has three sections.

  • Section 1 calculates whether a WDA will be held harmless and adjusts the allocation shares of those WDAs not held harmless down to make up for the hold harmless adjustment.  This iterative process may cause some WDAs not initially held harmless to be protected as their share falls to provide the hold harmless to eligible WDAs.  This section compares the allocation shares calculated on the 3-part tab to 90% of the Average of Prior 2 Years Share and chooses the higher of the two shares.  If any WDA is held harmless, the sum of the shares will exceed 100%.  Each subsequent column checks if each WDA share in the previous column exceeds the hold harmless share and if so, reduces the share in proportion to its contribution to exceeding 100% in the sum of the prior column.  This process progressively reduces the sum of the column closer to 100%.  When the column sum reaches 100.00000%, or there have been 25 recalculations, whichever is later, recalculation can stop.


  • Section 2 is a historical table of allocation shares by WDA. The shares from the most recent 2 years prior to the allocation year provide the data for the Average of Prior 2 Years Share in Column C in Section 1. 


  • Section 3 is used to double check the final adjustment against the 90% hold harmless amount and label the hold harmless WDAs.  This section contains all of the exportable data from this sheet for the Print Allocations Tab.


Most of the calculations are automatic in this sheet though there are some maintenance functions that an Allocations developer must perform.  They are:


    1. In Section 2, ensure that the Allocation Shares for the most recent program year are actual values, not cell references.  If they are cell references or formulas, copy the Allocation share column onto itself using Paste Special, Values and Formatting.  This will convert the relative references to values.


    1. Copy the two most recent Program Year’s data from this Section to columns C & D of this Section.  Section 1, column C uses this data to calculate the Average of the Prior 2 Years.


    1. After the calculations have been run, copy column AE or appropriate column (see note below) from Section 1 to the appropriate PY blank column in section 2.  Use the when copying to ensure that the allocation shares are recorded as values rather than relative reference cells or formulas.  Note:  if the sum of column AE in Section 1 is greater than 100.00000%, copy the first column in Section 1 where the total equals 100.00000% to Section 2.


    1. After copying to Section 2, enter a comment in the header of the column that tells which column was used from Section 1. 


    1. The Allocations developer must change the references in Section 3, column C to reflect the Section 1 column used


CALC YOUTH TAB:  This tab applies the hold harmless provision to the Youth allocation shares calculated on the 3-part tab, maintains a history of prior allocation shares, and exports the allocation shares and the hold harmless designation to the Print Allocations Tab.  The tab has three sections.

  • Section 1 calculates whether a WDA will be held harmless and adjusts the allocation shares of those WDAs not held harmless down to make up for the hold harmless adjustment.  This iterative process may cause some WDAs not initially held harmless to be protected as their share falls to provide the hold harmless to eligible WDAs.  This section compares the allocation shares calculated on the 3-part tab to 90% of the Average of Prior 2 Years Share and chooses the higher of the two shares.  If any WDA is held harmless, the sum of the shares will exceed 100%.  Each subsequent column checks if each WDA share in the previous column exceeds the hold harmless share and if so, reduces the share in proportion to its contribution to exceeding 100% in the sum of the prior column.  This process progressively reduces the sum of the column closer to 100%.  When the column sum reaches 100.00000%, or there have been 25 recalculations, whichever is later, recalculation can stop.


  • Section 2 is a historical table of allocation shares by WDA The shares from the most recent 2 years prior to the allocation year provide the data for the Average of Prior 2 Years Share in Column C in Section 1. 


  • Section 3 is used to double check the final adjustment against the 90% hold harmless amount and label the hold harmless WDAs.  This section contains all of the exportable data from this sheet for the Print Allocations Tab.


Most of the calculations are automatic in this sheet though there are some maintenance functions that an Allocations developer must perform.  They are:


  1. In Section 2, ensure that the Allocation Shares for the most recent program year are actual values, not cell references.  If they are cell references or formulas, copy the Allocation share column onto itself using Paste Special, Values and Formatting.  This will convert the relative references to values.


  1. Copy the two most recent Program Year’s data from this Section to columns C & D of this Section.  Section 1, column C uses this data to calculate the Average of the Prior 2 Years.


  1. After the calculations have been run, copy column AE or appropriate column (see note below) from Section 1 to the appropriate PY blank column in section 2.  Use the Paste Special, Values and Number Formatting when copying to ensure that the allocation shares are recorded as values rather than relative reference cells or formulas.  Note: if the sum of column AE in Section 1 is greater than 100.00000%, copy the first column where the total equals 100.00000% in Section 1 to Section 2.


  1. After copying to Section 2, enter a comment in the header of the column that tells which column was used from Section 1. 


  1. The Allocations developer must change the references in Section 3, column C to reflect the Section 1 column used or use Paste Special, Values and Number Formatting to place the correct numbers here.


CALC DW TAB:  This tab applies the hold harmless provision to the Dislocation Worker allocation shares calculated on the DW 6-part tab, maintains a history of prior allocation shares, and exports the allocation shares and the hold harmless designation to the Print Allocations Tab.  The tab has three sections.


  • Section 1 calculates whether a WDA will be held harmless and adjusts the allocation shares of those WDAs not held harmless down to make up for the hold harmless adjustment.  This iterative process may cause some WDAs not initially held harmless to be protected as their share falls to provide the hold harmless to eligible WDAs.  This section compares the allocation shares calculated on the DW 6-part tab to 90% of the average of the Prior Two Year's Shares and chooses the higher of the two shares.  If any WDA is held harmless, the sum of the shares will exceed 100%.  Each subsequent column checks if each WDA share in the previous column exceeds the hold harmless share and if so, reduces the share in proportion to its contribution to exceeding 100% in the sum of the prior column.  This process progressively reduces the sum of the column closer to 100%.  When the column sum reaches 100.00000%, or there have been 25 recalculations, whichever is later, recalculation can stop.


Section 2 is a historical table of allocation shares by WDA.  The shares from the most recent 2 years prior to the allocation year provide the data for the Average of Prior 2 Years Share in Column C in Section 1.

  • Section 3 is used to double check the final adjustment against the 90% hold harmless amount and label the hold harmless WDAs.  This section contains all of the exportable data from this sheet for the Print Allocations Tab.


Most of the calculations are automatic in this sheet though there are some maintenance functions that an Allocations developer must perform.  They are:


  1. In Section 2, ensure that the Allocation Shares for the most recent program year are actual values, not cell references.  If they are cell references or formulas, copy the Allocation share column onto itself using Paste Special, Values and Number Formatting.  This will convert the relative references or formulas to values.


  1. Change the references in Section 1, column C to reference the allocation shares from the two most recent program years prior to the year allocations are being calculated for.


  1. After the calculations have been run, copy column AE or appropriate column (see note below) from Section 1 to the appropriate PY blank column in section 2.  Use the Paste Special, Values and Number Formatting when copying to ensure that the allocation shares are recorded as values rather than relative reference cells or formulas.  Note: if the sum of column AE in Section 1 is greater than 100.00000%, copy the first column in Section 1 where the total equals 100.00000% to Section 2.


  1. After copying to Section 2, enter a comment in the header of the column that tells which column was used from Section 1.


  1. The Allocations developer must change the references in Section 3, column C to reflect the Section 1 column used. 


3-Part TAB:  This tab is used to calculate allocation shares from the 3 factors in the WIOA legislation.  The 3-part formula is set up to calculate a share that a WDA would receive of the State's allotment if based solely on the factors in the Act.  Each factor is 1/3 of the share.  The factors are the relative share the WDA's economically disadvantaged adults or youth makeup of the State's economically disadvantaged adults or youth, the relative share the WDA makes up of the State's Excess Unemployed and the WDA's share of unemployed living in the State's ASUs (at least 6.45%).  The results of this page are exported to Column E in Section 1 in the Calc Adult and the Calc Youth Tabs where they are compared to the hold harmless levels.


The Allocations developer has very little to do on this sheet.  Everything is either calculated by formula from data brought into this tab from the ASU-EU Calculator Tab, data imported directly from the ASU-EU Calculator or data hard coded into columns I & J.  The data in column I, “Adult Economic Disadvantaged,” & J, “Youth Economic Disadvantaged,” changes once every five years and must be updated by hand  based on instructions from the Department of Labor.


DW 6-Part TAB:  This sheet is used to aggregate the six dislocated worker factors together to generate an allocation share based on economic factors only.  Each of the columns represent results from other tabs and their weighting factor. For each WDA, Column C is the sum of each factor value multiplied by its weighting in the 6-Part formula. The current weighting numbers in row 20 are informational.  The values in Column C are exported to Tab Calc DW, Column E for use in adjusting the allocation shares by hold harmless.


Most of the work on this tab is managed by the spreadsheet itself.  The Allocations developer only has to update  dates.


The data for this tab comes from a variety of other tabs.  The data from those other tabs are brought to this tab to calculate the DW allocation share before the hold harmless provision is applied.


  • Number of UI claimants comes from column D of the UI Claimant Tab.
  • The % Number of UI claimants comes from column C of the UI Claimant Tab.
  • The data for 15 or more weeks comes from column F of the UI Claimant Tab.
  • The % Paid 15 or more weeks is imported from column E of the UI Claimant Tab.
  • The Number Affected in WARN Notices comes from column E of the WARN Data Tab.
  • Percent of Total Affected by WARN Notices is accessed from column F of the WARN Data Tab.
  • % of UE with threshold comes from column C of the UI Concentrations Tab.
  • WDAs where Unemployed concentrations are a factor is imported from the UI Concentrations Tab, column D.
  • % of Farms Lost from Census of Agriculture from the Farm Loss Tab, column F.
  • Employment Decline is from the Industry Decline Tab, column I.  The % Decline comes from column J of that same tab.
  • Unemployed (LAUS) is from the ASU-EU Calculator Tab, column E.  The percent of unemployed is based on the unemployed numbers in column Q of the DW-6-Part Tab.


WARN Data TAB: This tab gathers data that addresses the DOL formula requirement to account for Plant Closing-Mass Layoff.  WDAs receive a prorated share of the total number of persons reported as being laid off from their employment by employers who file a Notice under state & federal plant closing - mass layoff laws.  The Dislocated Worker Unit of the BWT supplies this data.  The Allocations Developer copies in this data by WDA from the electronic report provided by the DW Unit to the next available column in the Historic Information section.


The numbers affected by WARN notices for the most recent calendar year are entered in the appropriate calendar year columns.  The percent shares are calculated automatically in column to the right.  This data automatically exports to the DW 6-Part Tab, columns H & I.


UI Claimant TAB:  The purpose of this tab is to calculate the relative share each WDA will receive of the state’s long-term unemployed and number of UI claimants for the Dislocated Worker calculation.  Long-term unemployed data and number of UI claimants are sourced from Unemployment Insurance Division.

  • Number of UI claimants must be entered into cells D7 to D17 and D19 if applicable.  Column C calculates the WDA shares of the state total.  
  • The number of long-term unemployed is entered for each WDA in cells F7 through F17 and F19 if applicable.  Column E calculates the WDA shares.


The tab exports Columns C, D, E and F automatically to the DW 6-Part Tab.


UI Concentrations TAB:  The purpose of this tab is to determine whether a WDA qualifies as having a concentration of unemployed.  The tab calculates the State’s unemployment rate for the prior program year, and then calculates the value of 10% of the State’s unemployment for the prior program year.  If a WDA’s unemployment rate (as calculated in column G) equals or exceeds the State rate or if the WDA number of unemployed (column H) equals or exceeds 10% of the State’s total unemployment, the WDA qualifies for this factor. The WDAs that qualify receive a relative share based on their share of the total unemployment of the qualifying WDAs.



The data used here comes from the file used for the within state allocation that has been submitted to the DOL in accord with instructions in Training and Employment Guidance Letter and BLS LAUS Technical Memorandum.  This file is used by the DOL to determine allotments to states.


The Allocations Developer has nothing to manipulate on this page.  All data used to determine this factor comes from other tabs or is the result of within tab calculations.  No input required.  The tab will export cells C8 through D19 to DW 6-Part cells J7 to K18.  This factor makes up 25% of the DW allocation share.


The box that is marked informational in this tab illustrates how each WDA qualifies for the factor.  Some WDAs qualify by having 10% or more of the State’s total unemployment, some because their unemployment rate is equal to or higher than the State’s unemployment rate, and in some cases because they meet both.  A WDA does not qualify a larger share by meeting both benchmarks.


Farm Loss TAB: This tab calculates each WDA’s share of farmer-rancher economic hardship experienced in the State.  Data from the Census of Agriculture are used for this metric. Each WDA's share of the State's total of farmer-rancher economic hardship in the most recent data set are compared to the prior data set.    Cells E7:F18 are exported to the DW 6-Part tab to columns L & M. 


Industry Decline TAB:  This tab computes the declining industry factor by calculating job losses in declining industries.  This tab has two sections.  Section A calculates WDAs' relative shares of the State's declining industries total.


Section B provides the raw data by two-digit NAICS..  The most recent calendar year is compared to the employment total from five years prior. If a NAICS sector in a county has less employment in the current data than the base year, then that difference factors into the total employment loss. If a NAICS Sector in a county has more employment in the current year than the base year, then it contributes zero to the employment loss tally. The NAICS sector values within the counties within each WDA are summed to get WDA totals. Also factored into the WDA totals is the employment loss in "unknown county" by NAICS sector; this total is distributed into the WDA loss totals based on each WDA's percent of current year total employment. The percentage of the total employment loss by WDA is then calculated.


Section A

  • Column I sums the two digit NAICS declining industry figures by WDA.
  • Column J is the WDA share of the State's declining industry total.
  • Data in columns I & J move to the DW 6-Part tab in columns N & O. 


Section B

All of the county data for Section B is copied in from a WisConomy data pull or QCEW internal file for suppressed data. 

  • Column I: This column calculates the number of job losses that have occurred by subtracting industry employment for the most recent data set (column H) from the industry employment in the base year (G).  If jobs have been lost in the comparison, the number lost will show.  If there are job gains or no loss, the cell will appear blank.


There is more cut and paste work on this tab than on any other in the workbook.  In addition to the care that must be taken getting the data into this tab, care must also be taken to update column headers to represent the correct year for data comparisons.


ASU-EU Calculator TAB:  This tab is used to take ASU data (Column O from ASU calculations tab) and LAUS data (Column N from ASU calculations tab) to calculate the WDA share of the State’s ASU and Excess Unemployment totals.  The Allocations Developer's role on this tab is checking and validating as all actions are done automatically.  The list of counties and their sub parts need to be checked against the list of counties and parts of counties on the ASU calculations tab to ensure exact matches in the 2 lists. 

Here is how this tab works.

  • Column G calculates the ASU Unemployment Rate for each geographic area listed in column A by dividing column C data by the sum of column C & D.  The resultant ASU unemployment rate is checked by column I to discern if the rate is at least 6.45%.  If it is, the total number of ASU unemployed in the WDA (Column C) is entered into the I column in the summed row for each WDA.  If the ASU unemployment rate is less than 6.45%, a zero is entered into sum row of the I column. This value is then divided by the state total ASU unemployment to report the WDA share of ASU unemployment in the cell below the sum row for each WDA
  • Column H calculates the LAUS unemployment rate for each geographic area listed in column A by dividing the LAUS unemployment in column E by the sum of column E & F.  Column J calculates the number of unemployed equivalent to 4.5% of the labor force and subtracts that number from the number of LAUS unemployed in column E.  If this value exceeds zero it is entered into column J, otherwise zero is entered.  This value is LAUS Excess Unemployment. 
  • Column K calculates ASU Excess Unemployment. Column K calculates the number of unemployed equivalent to 4.5% of the labor force and subtracts that number from the number of ASU unemployed in column C.  If this value exceeds zero it is entered into column K, otherwise zero is entered.  This value is ASU Excess Unemployment.
  • Column L compares LAUS Excess Unemployment (column J) to ASU Excess Unemployment (column K) and puts the greater value in column L.
  • Columns E & F data in the “sum” row for each WDA is exported to the UI Concentrations tab columns H & I respectively and are used to calculate an unemployment rate which should match the LAUS unemployment rate in the “sum” row of column H on this tab.
  • Columns I & L data in the “sum” row are exported to the 3-Part tab, columns L & K respectively.  There this data is used to calculate the WDA share of Excess unemployment (column E) and share of Substantial unemployment (column F).  The shares calculated here should equal the shares in the row just below the “sum” line for each WDA on this tab.
  • All cells are locked on this tab.  The only time data entry is required is if there is a mismatch on the list of geographic areas.


ASU Calculations TAB: The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program manager conducts the ASU exercise every year for the US Department of Labor using county level unemployment data from the LAUS program and the most recent American Community Survey 5-year estimates from the US Census Bureau.  In order for an area to qualify as an ASU, the total unemployment has to be at least 6.45% , the population has to be at least 10,000 and all components of the ASU area have to be contiguous.  An ASU can be a county, city, or combination of areas, such as census tracts or counties. 


In order to develop a qualifying ASU, the 12-month average of the LAUS data for the most recent period ending in June is calculated for each county and city (population 25,000+) in the state.  July-Dec of the prior year uses LAUS benchmarked data; data for the current year Jan-May uses revised data and June uses preliminary data.  Data from the Census is available for the counties and cities and is broken down by census tract within each of those areas.  If a single county or city does not have a 12-month average unemployment rate of at least 6.45% , surrounding counties or cities can be added (or subtracted) until the contiguous area reaches a rate of at least 6.45% .  Individual census tracts within the counties or cities are examined in an attempt to include those tracts with the highest number of unemployed persons.  All areas that are included in the ASU have to be contiguous and the total population of the included areas must be at least 10,000 (based on Census). 


Since monthly LAUS data is not available at the census tract level, the census tracts in a given county that are being included in the ASU area are multiplied by the total LAUS unemployment and employment (12-month average) for that county.  This ratio is called the Census-Share (and is column O in this tab; the 12-month LAUS average is column N.) 


Once as many areas of the state as possible have been exhausted into ASUs and the data has been submitted and approved by the US Department of Labor, the ASU designations and the corresponding data are used internally in the WIOA/DW allocation process. 


The file used for the within state allocation is submitted to the DOL in accord with instructions in Training and Employment Guidance Letter and BLS LAUS Technical Memorandum. This file is used by the DOL to determine allotments to states.




Updates TAB:  This Tab will be used to document changes to the workbook whenever changes are performed.




Attachment A:  WIOA Sec 128 Youth Within State Allocations

Attachment B:  WIOA Sec 133 Adult and Dislocated Worker Within State Allocations      

Attachment C:  Data Source Matrix

Attachment D:  Allocation Checklist



Public Law 113-128--July 22, 2014       128 Stat. 1425






(1) IN GENERAL.—The Governor shall reserve not more

than 15 percent of each of the amounts allotted to the State

under section 127(b)(1)(C) and paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(B)

of section 132(b) for a fiscal year for statewide workforce investment


(2) USE OF FUNDS.—Regardless of whether the reserved

amounts were allotted under section 127(b)(1)(C), or under

paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of section 132(b), the Governor may

use the reserved amounts to carry out statewide activities

under section 129(b) or statewide employment and training

activities, for adults or dislocated workers, under section 134(a).


(1) METHODS.—The Governor, acting in accordance with

the State plan, and after consulting with chief elected officials

and local boards in the local areas, shall allocate the funds

that are allotted to the State for youth activities and statewide

workforce investment activities under section 127(b)(1)(C) and

are not reserved under subsection (a), in accordance with paragraph

(2) or (3).



(i) ALLOCATION.—In allocating the funds described

in paragraph (1) to local areas, a State may allocate—

(I) 331/3 percent of the funds on the basis

described in section 127(b)(1)(C)(ii)(I);

(II) 331/3 percent of the funds on the basis

described in section 127(b)(1)(C)(ii)(II); and

(III) 331/3 percent of the funds on the basis

described in clauses (ii)(III) and (iii) of section


(ii) MINIMUM PERCENTAGE.—The local area shall

not receive an allocation percentage for a fiscal year

that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation

percentage of the local area for the 2 preceding fiscal

years. Amounts necessary for increasing such allocations

to local areas to comply with the preceding sentence

shall be obtained by ratably reducing the allocations

to be made to other local areas under this



(iii) DEFINITION.—In this subparagraph, the term

‘‘allocation percentage’’, used with respect to fiscal year

2015 or a subsequent fiscal year, means a percentage

of the funds referred to in clause (i), received through

an allocation made under this subparagraph, for the

fiscal year. The term, used with respect to fiscal year

2013 or 2014, means a percentage of the funds referred

to in section 128(b)(1) of the Workforce Investment

Act of 1998 (as in effect on the day before the date

of enactment of this Act), received through an allocation

made under paragraph (2) or (3) of section 128(b)

of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (as so in

effect), for the fiscal year 2013 or 2014, respectively.

(B) APPLICATION.—For purposes of carrying out

subparagraph (A)—

(i) references in section 127(b) to a State shall

be deemed to be references to a local area;

(ii) references in section 127(b) to all States shall

be deemed to be references to all local areas in the

State involved; and

(iii) except as described in clause (i), references

in section 127(b)(1) to the term ‘‘excess number’’ shall

be considered to be references to the term as defined

in section 127(b)(2).


the allocation described in paragraph (2), in allocating the

funds described in paragraph (1) to local areas, a State may


(A) a portion equal to not less than 70 percent of

the funds in accordance with paragraph (2)(A); and

(B) the remaining portion of the funds on the basis

of a formula that—

(i) incorporates additional factors (other than the

factors described in paragraph (2)(A)) relating to—

(I) excess youth poverty in urban, rural, and

suburban local areas; and

(II) excess unemployment above the State

average in urban, rural, and suburban local areas;


(ii) was developed by the State board and approved

by the Secretary as part of the State plan.


(A) IN GENERAL.—Of the amount allocated to a local

area under this subsection and section 133(b) for a fiscal

year, not more than 10 percent of the amount may be

used by the local board involved for the administrative

costs of carrying out local workforce investment activities

under this chapter or chapter 3.

(B) USE OF FUNDS.—Funds made available for administrative

costs under subparagraph (A) may be used for the

administrative costs of any of the local workforce investment

activities described in this chapter or chapter 3,

regardless of whether the funds were allocated under this

subsection or section 133(b).




(1) IN GENERAL.—The Governor may, in accordance with

this subsection and after consultation with the State board,

reallocate to eligible local areas within the State amounts that

are made available to local areas from allocations made under

this section or a corresponding provision of the Workforce

Investment Act of 1998 for youth workforce investment activities

(referred to individually in this subsection as a ‘‘local

allocation’’) and that are available for reallocation.


(2) AMOUNT.—The amount available for reallocation for

a program year is equal to the amount by which the unobligated

balance of the local allocation, at the end of the program year

prior to the program year for which the determination under

this paragraph is made, exceeds 20 percent of such allocation

for the prior program year.

(3) REALLOCATION.—In making reallocations to eligible local

areas of amounts available pursuant to paragraph (2) for a

program year, the Governor shall allocate to each eligible local

area within the State an amount based on the relative amount

of the local allocation for the program year for which the

determination is made, as compared to the total amount of

the local allocations for all eligible local areas in the State

for such program year.

(4) ELIGIBILITY.—For purposes of this subsection, an

eligible local area means a local area that does not have an

amount available for reallocation under paragraph (2) for the

program year for which the determination under paragraph

(2) is made.





Public Law 113-128--July 22, 2014       128 Stat.1425






Governor shall make the reservation required under section



shall reserve not more than 25 percent of the total amount

allotted to the State under section 132(b)(2)(B) for a fiscal

year for statewide rapid response activities described in section



(1) METHODS.—The Governor, acting in accordance with

the State plan, and after consulting with chief elected officials

and local boards in the local areas, shall allocate—

(A) the funds that are allotted to the State for adult

employment and training activities and statewide

workforce investment activities under section 132(b)(1)(B)

and are not reserved under subsection (a)(1), in accordance

with paragraph (2) or (3); and

(B) the funds that are allotted to the State for dislocated

worker employment and training activities and

statewide workforce investment activities under section

132(b)(2)(B) and are not reserved under paragraph (1) or

(2) of subsection (a), in accordance with paragraph (2).



(i) ALLOCATION.—In allocating the funds described

in paragraph (1)(A) to local areas, a State may allocate—

(I) 331/3 percent of the funds on the basis

described in section 132(b)(1)(B)(ii)(I);

(II) 331/3 percent of the funds on the basis

described in section 132(b)(1)(B)(ii)(II); and

(III) 331/3 percent of the funds on the basis

described in clauses (ii)(III) and (iii) of section


(ii) MINIMUM PERCENTAGE.—The local area shall

not receive an allocation percentage for a fiscal year

that is less than 90 percent of the average allocation

percentage of the local area for the 2 preceding fiscal

years. Amounts necessary for increasing such allocations

to local areas to comply with the preceding sentence

shall be obtained by ratably reducing the allocations

to be made to other local areas under this


(iii) DEFINITION.—In this subparagraph, the term

‘‘allocation percentage’’, used with respect to fiscal year

2015 or a subsequent fiscal year, means a percentage

of the funds referred to in clause (i), received through

an allocation made under this subparagraph, for the

fiscal year. The term, used with respect to fiscal year

2013 or 2014, means a percentage of the amount allocated

to local areas under paragraphs (2)(A) and (3)

of section 133(b) of the Workforce Investment Act of

1998 (as in effect on the day before the date of enactment

of this Act), received through an allocation made

under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of that section for fiscal

year 2013 or 2014, respectively.



(i) ALLOCATION.—In allocating the funds described

in paragraph (1)(B) to local areas, a State shall allocate

the funds based on an allocation formula prescribed

by the Governor of the State. Such formula may be

amended by the Governor not more than once for each

program year. Such formula shall utilize the most

appropriate information available to the Governor to

distribute amounts to address the State’s worker

readjustment assistance needs.

(ii) INFORMATION.—The information described in

clause (i) shall include insured unemployment data,

unemployment concentrations, plant closing and mass

layoff data, declining industries data, farmer-rancher

economic hardship data, and long-term unemployment


(iii) MINIMUM PERCENTAGE.—The local area shall

not receive an allocation percentage for fiscal year

2016 or a subsequent fiscal year that is less than

90 percent of the average allocation percentage of the

local area for the 2 preceding fiscal years. Amounts

necessary for increasing such allocations to local areas

to comply with the preceding sentence shall be obtained

by ratably reducing the allocations to be made to other

local areas under this subparagraph.

(iv) DEFINITION.—In this subparagraph, the term

‘‘allocation percentage’’, used with respect to fiscal year

2015 or a subsequent fiscal year, means a percentage

of the funds referred to in clause (i), received through

an allocation made under this subparagraph for the

fiscal year. The term, used with respect to fiscal year

2014, means a percentage of the amount allocated to

local areas under section 133(b)(2)(B) of the Workforce

Investment Act of 1998 (as in effect on the day before

the date of enactment of this Act), received through

an allocation made under that section for fiscal year



(C) APPLICATION.—For purposes of carrying out

subparagraph (A)—

(i) references in section 132(b) to a State shall

be deemed to be references to a local area;

(ii) references in section 132(b) to all States shall

be deemed to be references to all local areas in the

State involved; and

(iii) except as described in clause (i), references

in section 132(b)(1) to the term ‘‘excess number’’ shall

be considered to be references to the term as defined

in section 132(b)(1).


ALLOCATIONS.—In lieu of making the allocation described in

paragraph (2)(A), in allocating the funds described in paragraph

(1)(A) to local areas, a State may distribute—

(A) a portion equal to not less than 70 percent of

the funds in accordance with paragraph (2)(A); and

(B) the remaining portion of the funds on the basis

of a formula that—

(i) incorporates additional factors (other than the

factors described in paragraph (2)(A)) relating to—

(I) excess poverty in urban, rural, and suburban

local areas; and

(II) excess unemployment above the State

average in urban, rural, and suburban local areas;


(ii) was developed by the State board and approved

by the Secretary as part of the State plan.

(4) TRANSFER AUTHORITY.—A local board may transfer, if

such a transfer is approved by the Governor, up to and

including 100 percent of the funds allocated to the local area

under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), and up to and including 100

percent of the funds allocated to the local area under paragraph

(2)(B), for a fiscal year between—

(A) adult employment and training activities; and

(B) dislocated worker employment and training activities.


(A) IN GENERAL.—The Governor shall allocate the funds

described in paragraph (1) to local areas under paragraphs

(2) and (3) for the purpose of providing a single system

of employment and training activities for adults and dislocated

workers in accordance with subsections (c) and

(d) of section 134.


(i) ADULTS.—Funds allocated under paragraph

(2)(A) or (3) shall be used by a local area to contribute

to the costs of the one-stop delivery system described

in section 121(e) as determined under section 121(h)

and to pay for employment and training activities provided

to adults in the local area, consistent with section 134.

(ii) DISLOCATED WORKERS.—Funds allocated under

paragraph (2)(B) shall be used by a local area to contribute

to the costs of the one-stop delivery system

described in section 121(e) as determined under section

121(h) and to pay for employment and training activities

provided to dislocated workers in the local area,

consistent with section 134.


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Governor may, in accordance with Consultation.

this subsection and after consultation with the State board,

reallocate to eligible local areas within the State amounts that

are made available to local areas from allocations made under

paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of subsection (b) or a corresponding

provision of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 for adult

employment and training activities, or under subsection

(b)(2)(B) or a corresponding provision of the Workforce Investment

Act of 1998 for dislocated worker employment and

training activities (referred to individually in this subsection

as a ‘‘local allocation’’) and that are available for reallocation.

(2) AMOUNT.—The amount available for reallocation for

a program year—

(A) for adult employment and training activities is

equal to the amount by which the unobligated balance

of the local allocation under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of

subsection (b) for such activities, at the end of the program

year prior to the program year for which the determination

under this subparagraph is made, exceeds 20 percent of

such allocation for the prior program year; and

(B) for dislocated worker employment and training

activities is equal to the amount by which the unobligated

balance of the local allocation under subsection (b)(2)(B)

for such activities, at the end of the program year prior

to the program year for which the determination under

this subparagraph is made, exceeds 20 percent of such

allocation for the prior program year.

(3) REALLOCATION.—In making reallocations to eligible local

areas of amounts available pursuant to paragraph (2) for a

program year, the Governor shall allocate to each eligible local

area within the State—

(A) with respect to such available amounts that were

allocated under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of subsection (b),

an amount based on the relative amount of the local allocation

under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of subsection (b), as

appropriate, for the program year for which the determination

is made, as compared to the total amount of the

local allocations under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of subsection

(b), as appropriate, for all eligible local areas in the State

for such program year; and

(B) with respect to such available amounts that were

allocated under subsection (b)(2)(B), an amount based on

the relative amount of the local allocation under subsection

(b)(2)(B) for the program year for which the determination

is made, as compared to the total amount of the local

allocations under subsection (b)(2)(B) for all eligible local

areas in the State for such program year.


(4) ELIGIBILITY.—For purposes of this subsection, an

eligible local area means—

(A) with respect to funds allocated through a local

allocation for adult employment and training activities,

a local area that does not have an amount of such funds

available for reallocation under paragraph (2) for the program

year for which the determination under paragraph

(2) is made; and

(B) with respect to funds allocated through a local

allocation for dislocated worker employment and training

activities, a local area that does not have an amount of

such funds available for reallocation under paragraph (2)

for the program year for which the determination under

paragraph (2) is made.






Data Required to Calculate AllocationsContact NameSource
Relative share of the Excess Unemployment by WDASheila Ulrich

(608) 733-3936
An electronic file is provided by LAUS Research Analyst for the most recent program year after validation by BLS.

The file is submitted to the DOL in accord with instructions in Training and Employment Guidance Letter and BLS LAUS Technical Memorandum .  This file is used by the DOL to determine allotments to states.
Relative share of the unemployed in ASUs by WDASheila Ulrich

(608) 733-3936
An electronic file is provided by LAUS Research Analyst for the most recent program year after validation by BLS.

The file is submitted to the DOL in accord with instructions in Training and Employment Guidance Letter and BLS LAUS Technical Memorandum .  This file is used by the DOL to determine allotments to states.
WDA concentrations of unemployedSheila Ulrich

(608) 733-3936
An electronic file is provided by LAUS Research Analyst for the most recent program year after validation by BLS.

The file is submitted to the DOL in accord with instructions in Training and Employment Guidance Letter and BLS LAUS Technical Memorandum .  This file is used by the DOL to determine allotments to states.
Relative share of the Economically Disadvantaged Adults by WDA

Dennis Winters

(608) 733-3937
Poverty and Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Data is provided by the Department of Labor ETA.  Source file is included in the allocation folder.
Relative share of the Economically Disadvantaged Youth by WDADennis Winters

(608) 733-3937
Poverty and Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Data is provided by the Department of Labor ETA.  Source file is included in the allocation folder.
Prorated share of the Farmer-Rancher Economic HardshipTom Pethan (608) 733-3913Figures come from US Census of Agriculture.
WDA share of UI Claimants

Janet Sausen

608 405-4593
Sourced from the Unemployment Insurance Division.
WDA share of long-term unemployed in stateJanet Sausen

608 405-4593
Sourced from the Unemployment Insurance Division.
WDA share of laid off individuals as reported through WARNStephanie Elmer

(608) 733-3869
The Dislocated Worker Unit provides this data annually.
WDA share of employment in declining industriesSarah Hoffman

(608) 733-3882
Sourced from the Quarterly Census of Unemployment and Wages (QCEW).


 Task RequiredResponsible PersonTarget Date
1BWT and BWITS leadership meet to prepare for the project.BWT DirectorJan 4th 
2Request data from data sources identified in “Attachment C” of the Allocation Guide.BWITS DirectorJan 5th 
3Data is received by the Allocations Developer.BWITS DirectorJan. 25th 
4Data is validated against specifications.BWITS DirectorFeb 1st   
5*Internal Review Team (IRT) informed by email of the date that the Allocation Share review process starts. BWITS DirectorFeb 5th 
6Allocation Template reviewed to ensure that historic data is moved to storage and reference data is up to date.BWITS DirectorFeb 5th 
7BWITS staff meet with leadership to assess progress and resolve data issues.BWITS DirectorFeb 5th

8Summary of Allocation project progress sent to AO.BWT DirectorFeb 8th 
9Data is entered into tabs in Allocation Template and Template renamed Allocations PYXX and is sent to the IRT for review.BWITS DirectorFeb 10th 
10Internal Review Team completes review and provides feedback to the Allocations Developer.IRT MembersFeb 17th 
11Complete adjustments to the spreadsheet and allocation shares based on the IRT review.BWITS DirectorFeb 18th 
12Send PYXX Allocation Shares Spreadsheet & Allocations Guide to the **Allocations Team for review.BWT DirectorFeb 22nd 
13Meet with the Allocations Team to review/discuss the PYXX Allocation Shares development/process.BWITS DirectorFeb 26th 
14Complete revisions to allocations shares that come from the Allocations Team review.BWITS DirectorMar 8th 
15Prepare the Admin Memo to transmit Allocation Shares to the workforce system for review and comment.BWT DirectorMar 8th  
16Send Admin Memo with Allocation Shares to Workforce System.Administrator’s OfficeMar 10th

17Comments received from Workforce System.BWT DirectorMar 19th 
18Reconvene the Allocations Team to review comments received by the 19thBWT DirectorMar 23rd 
19Finalize the Allocation Shares.BWITS DirectorMar 26th 
20Receive TEGL announcing state allotments.BWT Director  
21IRT reviews TEGL to determine if there are policy issues that affects the allocation process and spreadsheets are adjusted as required.BWITS DirectorWithin 10 days of receipt 
22Calculate the Allocations & prepare the Admin Memo to transmit final allocation shares and allocation amounts.BWITS and BWT Directors15 days after TEGL 
23Issue Admin Memo to the Workforce Development Board Directors and other interested parties.Administrator’s Office20 days post TEGL 
24Funds released to WDBs upon receipt of the Notice of Obligation (NOO) from the U.S. Department of LaborBWT DirectorWithin 30 days of receipt 



*Note:  The IRT is defined on Page 5 of this document.

**Note:  The Allocations Team is defined on Page 6 of this document.