Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 6. C. Use of Unemployment Insurance (UI) Wage Record Data
Explain how the State will meet the requirements to utilize quarterly UI wage records for performance accountability, evaluations, and as a source for workforce and labor market information, consistent with Federal and State law. (This Operational Planning element applies to core programs.)
Current Narrative:
Indiana’s workforce warehouse and longitudinal data systems currently integrate and match UI wage records for employment outcomes and performance accountability reporting. This same system (IWIS) has been used for additional labor market information analysis and to inform the labor market information website, tools, and ad hoc research questions. DWD Performance & Business Intelligence also uses UI Wage Record Data for both the Federal and State Performance Metrics (https://www.in.gov/dwd/RPM.htm), the Workforce Programs Report (https://www.in.gov/dwd/WPR.htm), and other programmatic evaluations and analyses upon request.
Only individuals within the allowed categories are allowed to see individual confidential UI data and only aggregate UI data is shared with anyone not allowed by UI Confidentiality laws to access. This in accomplished in part by use of WRIS Agreement in allowing access and the sharing of UI data.