Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 6. B. Assessment of Participants’ Post-program Success
Describe how lead State agencies will use the workforce development system to assess the progress of participants who are exiting from core programs in entering, persisting in, and completing postsecondary education, or entering or remaining in employment. States may choose to set additional indicators of performance.
Current Narrative:
State Performance Metrics: DWD utilizes it State Performance Metrics to further support the assessment of participant progress upon exiting core programs. These State Performance Metrics complement and supplement federal reporting measures. Specifically, the State Metrics reflect participant outcomes of entering employment one quarter after exit and retaining employment four quarters after exit. In addition, Indiana state metrics allow for monitoring of median wage change upon exit from a program. The State Performance Measures are made available on the DWD Performance Portal at: www.in.gov/dwd/RPM.htm.
Update for 2022: Due to covid Indiana has decided to pause accountability on the complimentary state performance metrics. We will continue to collect the data and evaluate these state performance during PY22/23 to determine their effectiveness.
Adult Education:The state’s adult education coordinators host regional consortium meetings to discuss goals toward meeting performance accountability standards and to assess the progress of participants who are exiting from core programs in entering, persisting in, and completing postsecondary education or entering or remaining in employment.
Consortium meetings bring together partners, including Workforce Development Boards, WorkOnes, training providers, and adult educators, to establish goals, review progress, and follow-up. The state is required to report employment at the second and fourth quarter after exit for all providers, as well as postsecondary credential and/or degree attainment. In addition to local program reports, the state data match employment from wage records from DWD and postsecondary attainment from the Commission for Higher Education to determine and evaluate success.
Beginning in program year 2020, the state will require that adult education applicants employ one or more academic and career coaches who hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Adults often enter programs with multiple barriers and student persistence can be erratic. Academic and career coaches will help students overcome their barriers by offering a greater chance their experience in adult education and beyond is successful. While career pathways should offer multiple on and off ramps, students have greater opportunities within this framework to improve skills in reading, mathematics, and language; attain a high school or equivalency diploma; earn an occupational certificate for employment; and prepare for college and further training.
In adult education, Integrated Education and Training provides opportunities for short-term training and certifications in in-demand industries for employment. Indiana reviews and approves each application separately to ensure its meets these priorities. Integrated Education and Training is defined as a service approach which provides adult education and literacy activities simultaneously and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupational cluster. Additionally, Indiana will require adult education providers applying for funds to address whether and to what extent a program plans to provide access to pre-apprenticeship programs and how the program plans to connect students exiting adult education with access to apprenticeship programs.
Meanwhile, the Workforce Education Initiative targets employers with workers who possess basic skill deficiencies and desire to maintain their jobs or improve performance. Indiana and local adult education programs will continue to frame a coordinated workforce basic skills system that is worker-centered, customized, and provided at the workplace or off-site. This project continues to support employers in hiring and retaining workers who will be able to meet demands for productivity, safety, and advancement, as well as will serve as an additional assessment of participants’ post-program success.
Youth Program Follow Up: All youth program participants receive follow-up services for a minimum duration of 12 months after exit, as follow-up services may continue to be provided beyond that time at the state or local Board’s discretion. Follow-up allows staff to continue the relationship with the youth by offering additional services and collecting valuable information related to the participant’s progress after exiting the program, including employment status, educational progress, need for additional services, and problems and challenges occurring and assistance needed to address them.