Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- 6. Program Data
- A. Data Alignment and Integration
Describe the plans of the lead State agencies with responsibility for the administration of the core programs, along with the State Board, to align and integrate available workforce and education data systems for the core programs, unemployment insurance programs, and education through postsecondary education, and to the extent possible, the Combined State Plan partner programs included in this plan. The description of the State’s plan for integrating data systems should include the State’s goals for achieving integration and any progress to date.
- A. Data Alignment and Integration
- 6. Program Data
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 6. A. iv. Describe the State’s plans to develop and produce the reports required under section 116, performance accountability system. (WIOA section 116(d)(2))
Current Narrative:
Pursuant to Indiana Code (IC) 22-4.1-24-2(a), the annual reports include information about state and federally-funded workforce programs administered by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) as well as total workforce expenditures across all state agencies performing workforce services. Utilizing MPH, the state hopes to improve upon these reports to montior progress on the strategies and metrics outlined throughout this plan. See Section (III)(b)(1)(B) for information regarding Indiana’s plans to develop and produce reports required under section 116 regarding the performance accountability system.